All Chapters of A Bride For The Don: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 Chapters
11. I am sorry
LUCIANO I could not concentrate on a single thing after Jade told me to leave her alone. A day had completely passed since we had that brief outburst of anger and all I just wanted to do was to grab her towards me at that moment and kiss her so passionately so she could understand that my emotions were intertwined with hers.I could never leave her alone. Not even if she begged for it or a gun was pointed at my head.I will not say I love her because love is a foreign word to me. I do not think I will be able to love anyone. My mother loved my father dearly but it did not fix their broken marraige. Her love was just not enough to do it.But I do care for Jade alot. I cared for her more than I cared for myself. I cared for her the moment I was told that I would be her husband. It was initially going to be Raffaele who would marry her but the man could not just keep his dick within his pants. He had gotten Aurora pregnant out of wedlock then so my father on his deathbed instructed
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12. A storm is coming
JADE When we arrived at Luciano's step mother's quarter, it felt like we had been walking for a millennium. I never realised this estate was this huge and also confusing. Every house seemed to look alike. A huge banquet had been arrayed before us and to my surprise, I saw that Luciano step brothers and their wives coupled with some men who looked like they were of Luciano's age and their own wives were in attendance. Probably they were his cousins. He did say his cousins resided here too.Mrs Gabriela welcomed us all as we greeted her in return before taking our seat. I watched as Luciano's brothers, cousins and wives exchanged pleasantries among themselves but Luciano did not move an inch after sitting down.And not much of his cousins came to welcome us either. Just two were bold enough to offer us a kind smile and to talk with Luciano. The disunity among the Greco brothers was alarming. Oh heavens please help me.Soon enough, everyone sat down in their assigned places; each
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13. Punishments
Nothing mattered to Luciano at that point other than beating the living day light out of his step brother.If possible he wanted to kill him while he was at it.How dare he say such rubbish against his wife! His own wife!There was no way Luciano was keeping silent!"Separate them!" One of their cousins, Petro, yelled the moment they both began their heated combat.Punches, kicks, the awful sound of bones cracking filled the air with blood dripping on the ground from both brothers. Luciano was too angered at the moment. "Restrain Luciano!" Matteo growled, as few of the brothers tried to hold Luciano down and stop him from delivering fatal punches to Raffaele."Fucking let go of me!" Luciano growled with such a blood thirsty rage, knocking them all off and punching some of them in the groins before continuing with his hard blows and punches at Raffaele who was already battered up and bleeding badly.His entire features screamed of pain which oozed all over him. Luciano had blood spl
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14. I said leave!
JADE I walked alongside Luciano and his guards as we slowly trudged to our home.I could not stop sobbing. Staring at Luciano's bloody shirt was traumatizing and disturbing.Because that was also his blood tainted with Raffaele's. He was badly injured. I could feel a gag hauling up to my throat but I had to suppress the urge to throw up and keep on walking.My maids stood close to me, none of them having the guts to walk ahead of us. The multiple stares of the staffs and family members we passed by felt so uncomfortable. I could hear them whispering, it felt like they were throwing derogatory remarks at us. But I did not let that affect me. I held my head high and put up a stoic expression on my face. Once we got into the mansion, I signalled to the maids to walk ahead of us so that they could prepare a warm bath for Luciano in our matrimonial room before quickly calling on another nearby staff."Bring me warm water, a clean towel and a first aid box in my husband's private bed c
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15. Just let me have you
LUCIANO I was nervous, more nervous than I had ever been in my life. My heart was beating so loudly against my rib cages. A part of me told me to take the big step and knock on her door while another part of me urged me to leave her doorway and go back to my room because I know she probably hates me now.God! Fuck! Ever since Jade had helped me tend to my injuries, I had not seen her again throughout the entire day. It seems like she just locked herself in her room.Even for dinner, her maids took her food to her room. She has not stepped her feet outside and it is getting me so worried.I have messed up. I know I have. I just did not want Jade to see me and feel pity for me or see me as weak or defenceless because of my injuries. I did not want her to think her husband was weak and he demanded pity. I doubt she would understand me. Even watching her cry yesterday as I was getting whipped filled me with a greater rage than before for Raffaele. I also did not want her to cry in fr
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16. A night in the pond
JADEI stared at my figure in the mirror, my eyes settled upon the hikeys and my scarlet red neck. My hands would momentarily graze against them once in a while, still unable to believe the fact on how close I and Luciano were earlier in the morning today.And whenever my mind did run through the moments we shared which could have led up to intimacy, a shade of pink would permeate my cheeks, causing me to giggle to myself.Why was I feeling like a teenage girl in love? I do not love Lucaino. Atleast not yet. I am not even sure of what I feel for him. But I do know I feel something for him.The way his hands held me, his lips trailing around my neck especially when it settled in between my breasts...Fuck!I could feel my thighs beginning to clench. I need to stop thinking of Luciano before I get myself horny. "Signora.." Jane walked into my reverie so suddenly catching me off guard."Hmmm" I nervously buttoned up my shirt and faced her. "Your husband is back signora" she informed m
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17. Please stay
JADE I limped along the grassy floors of the pond, kicking stones with my one good leg and pushing off twigs and branches from my way.One time I am happy and the next time, I go extremely angry. I am honestly fed up with this bumpy emotional ride between I and Luciano.We can never stay happy for a minute together.Something must definitely try to get us apart."Urgh fuck! He just can never understand me. I do not want him to touch me. It is my body for christsakes. Why is he flaring up! I am not doing this to get payback or to get at him for what happened between us yesterday!" I angrily scowled to no one in particular as I kept on walking into the stark black darkness that enveloped my entire surroundings. I was boiling on the inside, exasperation almost making me to forget to breathe."Calm down Jade. Do not get too mad. Just calm down" I halted in my uncoordinated steps and inhaled deeply.Maybe I was just overreacting. I need to go back to Luciano. We need to learn how to sett
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18. A maid, a wife and jealousy
JADE The bright rays of the sun filtered in through the curtains of my room, reflecting against my face as I laid on the bed. Twitching, I slowly flew my eyes open and yawned lazily on the bed. I gradually sat up and straightened my spine. It took quite a while for my vision to adjust fully as it was still a lot blurry.When it did, it landed on the peculiar sight of Luciano who sat facing the vanity table in my bedchamber as a maid stood behind him.They both were oblivious of the fact that I had woken up. Maybe Luciano was aware. I watched as the maid combed his hairs, purposely running her hands softly through his black hairs and all around his facial features.I am a woman and I could tell she was touching him that much on purpose.She was fucking making attempts at my husband! "Shall I style it for you?" She timidly asked with a sensual tone.And Luciano just sat there like a dummy enjoying her fingers playing all around his face. "If you wish to"I let out a gasp and cleare
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19. A sudden trip
JADE Was I too harsh on him? Oh God. I suddenly had this extreme pang of guilt gnawing at me. Even the warm shower which I had did nothing in calming down what had become of my nerves.The hurt Luciano felt by my actions was seen through his choice of words. I did not mean to get him that much upset. I just wanted him to realise I did not like seeing the maid sensually rub her fingers around him like that.Fuck. That stupid maid! I think I really need to learn how to communicate very well in this marriage and not keep distance with Luciano. Now he wants to go meet one of his mistresses. This is the second time he is speaking of meeting his mistress for affection and not me.Oh my God!I placed a hand on my temples and exhaled deeply. I need to go talk to him.I quickened my steps across the halls and stumbled upon one of his guard. "Have you seen Luciano?" I asked him with anxiety written all over my face."Yes but he does not want to be disturbed" the guard stated."Why? Take me t
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20. A kiss
JADE I sat by myself in the garden, my facial expression ladened with sadness at Luciano's sudden trip before we even had the chance to make up.A full day had passed and true to the guards words, he did not come back. I do not even understand anything. It was just a little discord. It was not even a huge fall out. But he just ordered his men not to let me see him.How could he do this to me?I pressed my hands against my chest, trying to calm down my palpitating heart which was beating so fiercely against my ribcages. I felt so heartbroken. He really did go meet with his mistresses and he probably even went out with one of them on his so called trip.Was he that mad at me? I am tired of all these meaningless bickerings and arguments. "Luciano please just come back so we can talk please" I spoke out loud."Well I am already here Jade" Luciano's husky voice replied from behind me causing me to pivot in an instant.And there he stood, my infamous husband with his hands behind
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