All Chapters of Ultimate Sorcerers: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
I made my way to the healer’s chambers, a sense of urgency in my steps. I needed to find Cain and share the latest developments with him. As I entered the cozy chamber filled with the soothing scent of herbs, I found the healer, a wise woman named Isolde, tending to her collection of potions and remedies.“Isolde,” I greeted her with a warm smile. “Have you seen Cain?”Isolde turned to me, her eyes crinkling with kindness. “Ah, dear Agnes,” she said in her gentle voice, “your husband left moments ago.”A soft chuckle escaped my lips at the assumption that Cain and I were married. “He is not my husband” I remarked. “We are just cool.”As I turned to leave, Isolde called out to me, her voice laced with amusement. “You know, my dear, if someone fought a boar for me, I’d surely marry them.”I paused in my tracks, my cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. “Oh, Isolde,” I said, trying to hide my amusement, “Cain and I are not… well, we’re not married… and I don’t thin
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As I waited anxiously at our meeting point, Cain finally emerged from the woods. Relief washed over me, but it quickly turned to irritation as I rushed over to him.“Cain!” I exclaimed, my voice a mixture of concern and frustration. “Where have you been? You had me worried sick!”Cain grinned, seemingly unperturbed by my worry. “Worried, were you?” he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You know, if you’re going to be my mummy, you might as well breastfeed me.”I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his playful comment. “Cain, you’re impossible,” I muttered, but a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Chasing after him as though I wanted to hurt him. He chuckled and took a step back, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “Catch me if you can!” he declared before turning and sprinting away.I let out an exasperated laugh and chased after him. We ran through the woods, our laughter filling the air as we darted between trees and leaped over fallen branches. The thrill of the chase was
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I was in the garden, my attention fixed on a small pebble at my feet. With a furrowed brow, I concentrated on making it move with the power of my mind. It was a basic exercise in elemental magic, one I had been practicing since childhood.As I focused my thoughts, the pebble trembled but remained stubbornly in place. Frustration welled up within me, and I clenched my fists. I had made progress over the years, but my abilities still felt limited.That’s when I noticed Cain standing at a distance, his gaze fixed on me. He had a curious expression on his face, as though he were studying my every move. It made me self-conscious, and I let out an exasperated sigh.Cain, sensing my frustration, approached me with a friendly smile. “You know,” he began, “it’s not often one gets to witness magic in action. You have a gift, Agnes.”I looked up at him, surprised by his words. “A gift?” I repeated, skepticism lacing my voice. “Sometimes it feels more like a curse.”Cain shook his head, his eyes
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The garden seemed to brighten as Constantine finally graced us with her presence. She was a vision of youthful beauty, with flowing ebony hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of darkness. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of sapphire, sparkling with curiosity and intelligence. Her skin was flawless, kissed by the sun’s gentle warmth, and her smile was enchanting, with dimples that added a touch of sweetness to her already beguiling charm.As she approached, I couldn’t help but be struck by how appealing she had become, a striking blend of innocence and blossoming maturity. “Constantine,” I greeted her with genuine warmth, “it’s so good to see you.”Constantine returned my smile, her eyes brimming with curiosity. “Sister, I heard you almost got executed by King Crowel’s men,” she said, her voice tinged with concern.I nodded, my gaze locked onto her. “Yes, it’s true. But I managed to escape.”Her sapphire eyes widened with astonishment, and she turned to Cain, who had been
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Isolde, the healer, made her way to Constantine’s chambers, a basket of fresh herbs and cleaning supplies in hand. She had been Constantine’s caretaker for as long as she could remember and took her duties seriously. As she began tidying up the room, she couldn’t help but notice Constantine’s inquisitive gaze fixed on her.Constantine, sitting at her vanity, swung her legs playfully and finally decided to break the silence. “Isolde,” she began, “have you noticed anything strange about the man, Cain?”Isolde paused in her work, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Strange, my dear? What do you mean?”Constantine’s curiosity seemed insatiable. “Well, he’s not like the others, is he? I mean, he’s not a part of our coven, and he doesn’t have any magic.”Isolde nodded in agreement. “That’s true. He’s quite the enigma, that one.”Constantine leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with interest. “So, do you know anything about his past? Where he comes from?”Isolde couldn’t help but smile at Co
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Cain and I strolled through the lush garden, the air rich with the scent of blooming flowers. He was quiet, his steps measured, as if he were contemplating something. Suddenly, he plucked a stunning crimson rose from a bush and extended it toward me with a warm smile.I accepted the flower, a soft blush coloring my cheeks as I admired its beauty. “Thank you, Cain. It’s exquisite.”Cain’s gaze locked onto mine, his eyes filled with a mixture of earnestness and vulnerability. “Agnes,” he began, his voice gentle, “there’s something I need to tell you.”I furrowed my brows, my heart beating a little faster. “What is it, Cain?”He took a deep breath, his hand brushing against mine as he reached for words. “I have feelings for you, Agnes. Strong feelings, more than I’ve ever felt for anyone.”His confession caught me completely off guard, and my eyes widened in shock. “Cain,” I stammered, “do you realize what you’re saying? I’m a witch. I carry powers that can be dangerous.”Cain’s expressi
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Isolde approached Constantine with a conspiratorial look in her eyes, her voice lowered to a hushed tone. “Constantine, I have something to tell you, but it must remain a secret between us, sworn by the gods.”Constantine nodded, her curiosity piqued. “Of course, Isolde. You have my word. What is it?”Isolde leaned in closer, ensuring no prying ears could hear. “I overheard something last night, something I believe you should know. It involves Agnes and Cain.”Constantine’s eyes widened with intrigue. “Agnes and Cain? What were they talking about?”Isolde glanced around to confirm their privacy before continuing. “Agnes was trying to… force herself on Cain.”Constantine’s shock was palpable, her voice barely above a whisper. “What? Agnes would never do something like that. Are you sure?”Isolde nodded solemnly. “I heard it with my own ears. But that’s not all, Constantine. Cain, he—he confessed that he has feelings for you and that he can’t have anything to do with Agnes.”Constantine’
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The soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow in Cain’s chamber. He stirred in his bed, his body heavy with fatigue from the passionate night before. A sly smile played on his lips as he recalled the intense moments he had shared with Constantine.Constantine, already dressed, stood at the side of his bed, a teasing grin on her face. “Well, aren’t you the monster in bed,” she teased, her voice laced with amusement.Cain blinked sleepily, his memories of the night slowly returning. He chuckled hoarsely. “I could say the same about you.”She leaned closer, her lips hovering dangerously close to his. “I guess we bring out the best in each other.”Cain couldn’t help but smirk, despite the exhaustion. “That we do.”With a mischievous glint in her eye, Constantine leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. It was a brief, tantalizing kiss, filled with a promise of more to come. “I have to go,” she whispered, pulling away.Cain’s hand reached out
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Elder Elara's chamber was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls. The air was heavy with the scent of ancient tomes and dried herbs. We sat across from each other, a wooden table laden with scrolls and parchments between us. "Agnes," Elder Elara began, her voice low and grave, "I've received a troubling report. It speaks of a significant increase in the killings of our kind by King Crowel's men."I leaned forward, my brows furrowing in concern. "How significant, Elder?"Elara's eyes, wise and weathered, bore into mine. "Too significant to ignore. Our brethren are being hunted down with increased fervor. They are being accused of witchcraft and dealt with mercilessly."A shiver ran down my spine as I processed the gravity of her words. The safety of our coven was at stake, and we couldn't afford to underestimate the threat. "Have there been any specific incidents reported?"Elara nodded, her expression grim. "Several. The most recent one involved a grou
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Isolde watched from the shadows, a sly smile playing on her lips as she witnessed the growing rift between Agnes and Constantine. She had orchestrated this divide, and it was unfolding exactly as she had planned.Perfect, she thought, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. The coven will weaken from within, and they’ll be too busy fighting each other to notice the real threat.Her heart danced with malicious glee as she saw the tension in their conversations and the mistrust in their glances. It was a masterful manipulation, and Isolde reveled in her ability to sow discord among them.Soon, she thought, the witches will be torn apart, and their power will crumble. And I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.Constantine and Cain found themselves in a secluded corner of their sanctuary. The air was thick with anticipation as Constantine hesitated, her gaze locked onto Cain's."Cain," she began, her voice soft but resolute, "there's something I want to confide in you. Something big."Cain rai
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