All Chapters of Rejected But Unbroken :Fated For The Cruel Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
144 Chapters
One sunny afternoon, as we found ourselves alone at the edge of the forest, I mustered the courage to break the ice. "Margot," I said, a smile playing on my lips, "how about we play a game of Twenty Questions?"I had been thinking about it for a long time, and I had been watching her interactions with other members of the pack, feeling foolish for keeping away from the one person from the same place I was. She looked at me curiously, her guard slightly up. "Twenty Questions? What's that?""It's a game where we each take turns asking each other a question, and we have to answer truthfully," I explained. "It's a fun way to get to know each other better."Margot hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'm in," she said, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.I started with a light-hearted question to ease the tension. "What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?"A smile crept onto Margot's face as she replied, "I love spending time with my family and friends, especially m
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Don't Apologize
As the night settled in, our pack gathered around the campfire, basking in its warm glow. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as we shared stories and relished the company of our newfound family. Margot's presence among us had become more natural, and she seemed to be slowly finding her place. Suddenly, the jovial atmosphere was shattered by a haunting sound that pierced the night. Margot's face contorted in pain as she let out a gut-wrenching howl. We all turned towards her, concern etched on our faces. "Margot, what's wrong?" I asked, rushing to her side. She clutched her chest, gasping for breath between the anguished cries. "It hurts," she managed to choke out, her eyes filled with tears. Kimora, ever the healer, quickly assessed the situation. "Lie down, Margot," she instructed gently. "Let me take a look." Margot complied, and Kimora carefully examined her, checking for any visible injuries. "I don't see any external wounds," Kimora said, furrowing her brows in concern.
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Oh Shut Up
We had become fast friends with Alpha Dan and his pack, and relations between both packs were not few and very interlinked. Which was why I accepted the invitation extended by Alpha Dan on a full moon lit night. Excitement was palpable in the air as we prepared to visit our allies. We had all decided to arrive in our finest attire, adorning ourselves with natural ornaments and feathers. Kimora, in her usual manner, had decided to wear her regular clothes, while muttering, “I'm not going there to impress anyone.” I found that fair. As we approached the neighboring pack's territory, the atmosphere was practically heavy with anticipation. We had not had so much fun in a while, and our gatherings had lost the novelty that this gathering seemed to have.Their pack leader, Dan, greeted us with a warm smile, extending a hand of friendship. "Welcome," he said, "We're thrilled to have you here.""We're honored to be invited," I replied, conveying our gratitude.Dan's eyes lingered on Kimora
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Moon Goddess
A few days later, I found myself growing increasingly fatigued and unwell. A lingering sickness took hold of me, weakening my body and clouding my mind. My packmates expressed concern, their eyes filled with worry as they saw my condition worsen.One night, as I lay feverish and restless in my makeshift bed, the moon shone brightly through the trees, casting a silvery glow upon the wilderness. In my delirium, the moonlight seemed to dance and swirl, taking on a mesmerizing form.I had refused to stay inside my hot, as the was making me even more delirious with pain.Suddenly, the moon appeared to grow larger and closer, until it enveloped me in its radiant embrace. I felt as if I were floating amidst the stars, weightless and untethered.Then, a soft and ethereal voice resonated within my mind, like a gentle breeze whispering ancient secrets. "Child of the wilderness," the voice spoke, "I am the Moon Goddess, guardian of the night and protector of all that roams beneath my light."Sta
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Just A Dream
The next day, I went in search of Margot and sat down right next to her, noticing that she was in a somber mood. I leaned closer to her, offering a gentle touch on her arm. "Is everything alright, Margot?" I asked, concerned.She hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "I had a dream," she began, her voice tinged with anxiety. "A vivid, unsettling dream about this pack."Curiosity and apprehension mingled within me as I encouraged her to share. "What was the dream about?" I inquired, giving her the space to confide in me.Margot looked into the flames of the campfire, her eyes distant as she recounted the dream. "I saw our pack, our home, set ablaze," she said, her voice trembling. "The fire raged uncontrollably, engulfing everything in its path."My heart sank at her words, and a chill ran down my spine. The thought of our sanctuary, the place we called home, succumbing to such devastation was almost unbearable to fathom."In my dream," Margot continued, "I tried to reach ou
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The Pack Is Ok.
There was something to be said for being in alliance with so many packs, and a lot of that was stress. Many of them did not have an army that was used to victory on the battlefield, which was where we then came in. We had been victorious with every single fight that we had ever bothered with, so we supplied additional manpower to the packs we were allies with. “Lee, David, Josh, Alan and Carter, the Blue Fang pack needs your help. They wanted three of our members to help them with the war, as back up, but I need you guys back, and fast. So you will go there, stay in the front lines, defend their pack and cut short the amount of hours that you would have to be gone.” The rest of the outcasts, already used to my style of giving commands, looked away, diverging from the meeting point I had chosen to make the announcement. I had noted that almost everyone who was in the pack had started to develop a toned form, and I was secretly more than pleased with myself. Eric ran over to me and g
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Forces From Other Pack In A Combat
As the sun began to descent behind the jagged peaks of the distant mountains, Lee and the others trudged wearily back to the pack's den from the fighting grounds. The air was heavy with a mix of exhaustion and apprehension, and their usual vibrant spirits were noticeably dimmed. As the pack's beta, I awaited their return, anxious to hear the outcome of their expedition.As they approached, I could see the weariness etched on Lee's face, and the drooping shoulders of the others spoke of the intensity of their journey. Despite the evident exhaustion, they seemed to carry an added burden, an invisible weight that hung heavily upon them.As soon as they reached the den, I beckoned them to a more secluded spot, away from the watchful eyes and ears of the rest of the pack. Something in their demeanor told me that this was not news to be shared openly."What happened out there?" I asked, my voice low and concerned.Lee, the pack's fierce and respected leader, exchanged a somber look with the
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Before we even saw the battlegrounds, we could smell the blood that had been spilled, coppery and pungent. The scent took me back, and I thought of Luke, and how his blood had been spilled for nothing. I could taste the copper on my tongue, and with a nod, Margot fell back to begin healing, while the rest of us ran forward. Before we launched into the middle of the battle, I paused and looked at the women warriors I had chosen to bring with me. “Eleanor, Jax, Kimora. Ready?” “Ready!” they yelled, the sound of their voices standing out even over the war cries. “Good.” Taking the lead, I ran headfirst into the battle, my sword slashing heads as I went. The chaos of the battleground enveloped us as we charged forward. The enemy forces clashed with ours, and the clash of metal against metal reverberated in the air. With each swing of my sword, I felt the weight of my anger driving me onward. I couldn't let all this chaos and death be in vain.Eleanor, Jax, Kimora, and I moved as a coh
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To Our Alpha
The next morning, my eyes startled open, and I looked around me, defensive. It was only when I saw my sword resting against a wall that I remembered the events of the previous day and calmed down. In the distance, I could hear a child crying, but none of that had anything to do with me. Waking Kimora, Jax, Eleanor and Margot up, I gestured with my thumb in a general direction. While they yawned, my eyes searched for the door that would get us out of the room. Zeroing in on it, I looked back at them, pleased to see that all of them had gotten their things together. “Are we set to return back to our pack? We're done here, right?”The last part was directed at Margot, who, perhaps, had the most work to do the night before. Her eyes were puffy, but proud when she responded, “Yeah. Let's go.” With half-awake nods, the rest of the team got out of my way, ready to follow me back to our pack. When I stepped out, the moon was still lurking behind a few clouds, dawn still far away. Followi
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By The Edge Of The Forest
Weeks went by with no more mentions of war, and our pack had become a hot commodity for all of our allies, and visits were coming from far and wide.It was a fun time, all of us riddled with the task of hosting our allies, and we enjoyed the experience, all of them becoming present members of the packs. Weeks went by with no more mentions of war, and our pack had become a hot commodity for all of our allies, and visits were coming from far and wide. The news of our victorious battle had spread like wildfire, drawing other packs and groups seeking alliances and protection.The once remote location of our pack now bustled with life and activity. Visitors from neighboring packs and distant territories arrived, bringing gifts, trade offers, and a desire to forge strong bonds. It was an exciting time for our pack, but it also meant added responsibility for me as the Alpha.Each day, I greeted visiting Alphas, diplomats, and representatives from various groups. We held meetings in the gran
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