All Chapters of My Crush, My Boss: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
99 Chapters
21. A Terrific Partner
Chapter 21. Shock Therapy"Don't just say you're close to my grandma; you can do whatever you want here. Get on with your work!" Gery reprimanded Eve, who was chatting briefly with a friend in the office corridor.Eve was wide-eyed with embarrassment at being reprimanded in front of other employees. She was just asking about a file she needed to support her work. However, when she denied that, he could not because after reprimanding Eve arbitrarily earlier, Gery immediately walked away, leaving Eve with a red face that was half embarrassed and half angry."I want to beat him up!" Eve cursed.Her coworker giggled, "Do you dare Mr. Gery?" she sneered."Why be afraid of such an arrogant man like that! I'm not afraid as long as I don't do anything wrong," Eve replied firmly."Well, I also know you're close to Mrs. Daphne. Of course, you're brave. Your protector is amazing, haha." Again, her companion sneered.Eve then rolled her eyes and chose not to continue arguing with her coworker. Sh
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22. The Gossip Spreads
The news of Eve's closeness to Mrs. Daphne and her appointment as Gery's assistant certainly did not escape the whole company's attention. News began to spread that something was going on between Eve and Gery. And unpleasant gossip was inevitable.Eve was now facing a bad atmosphere because whenever she was in the cafeteria, she would hear the other staff whispering and glancing at her. It was obvious that they must be talking about her. Eve initially tried to ignore them, but she got fed up. Finally, she never went to the cafeteria anymore. She deliberately asked her mother to prepare a lunch box for her every day because she didn't have time to queue for food in the canteen."Eve, did you hear about the rumors circulating about you among the employees?" Dave asked one day when they decided to have lunch together at a spot in Vinestra Park."I don't know; it must not be far from the gossip about my closeness with Mr. Gery and Mrs. Daphne, right? I've heard it many times but ignored i
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23. Dave's Confessions
The next day, when she went to work, Eve was surprised to see Dave, who had confronted her in the basement parking area of the office where she usually put her car."Why didn't you phone me, Eve? I've been waiting all night to hear from you." Dave asked after Eve closed and locked her car."Hmm? Phoned you, but for what?" Eve was confused because she didn't understand why Dave was waiting for her call. He is waiting for what news?"Oh my! Did you forget to open the box I gave you yesterday?" Dave asked again. The man looked a little frustrated. Eve suddenly remembered"Geez, sorry, Dave. I opened it yesterday in the car, and because it contained an agenda with a lot of writing, I intended to read it when I got home. Still, I was busy and forgot, hehe. I'm so sorry," Eve tried apologizing because she forgot about Dave's agenda last night.Dave tapped his forehead hard with an increasingly frustrated face."Is it very crucial? Or should I just read it now? One second!" Eve felt guilty a
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24. Burned with Jealousy
hem24. Burned with JealousyDave, still waiting for Eve's answer, was even more disappointed when he saw that girl hurriedly walking with Gery, dressed officially and carrying their briefcases. It was predictable that they were going out for some event, whether professional or not. That left Dave with all his evil thoughts."Damn! She hasn't even given me an answer yet, but to go off with another guy so casually! Damn it!" cursed Dave as his eyes watched the two figures walk further away towards the parking area reserved for the higher-ups at Vinestra.Dave was burning with jealousy. Especially since he once overheard the conversation between Madam Daphne and Sofia that the two women wanted Gery to be close to Eve, and they would deliberately find many opportunities for them to be together."I must act before it's too late," he resolved as he clenched his fists until his knuckles looked white. An evil plan to keep Gery and Eve apart from each other is now fulfilled in his head. Yes, t
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25. Cruel Accusation
25. Cruel AccusationsThe news was getting out that Eve was now too close to Gery. The whispers from other staff were also becoming more and more frequent. Although Eve didn't care, her ears were gradually pricked as some of the female staff, perhaps jealous, made the most vicious accusations against her."You must have seduced Mr. Gery with your body to get such an important position here so quickly, right?" One of the accusations pierced Eve's heart so much that she became so angry."What did you say? Please watch out your mouth! You're a fellow woman, yet you're quick to make such low accusations against other women!" Eve accused as her eyes bulged. She accepted being gossiped usually because she couldn't prevent the news from spreading throughout the office. But if she was accused of flirting with men for the sake of her position, it was too much. She could not keep quiet again anymore.The horde of women who had called her out earlier were the manager's secretaries. They were pro
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26. Dave's Revenge
25. Dave's Revenge"Hmm ... already being that close to the boss, hm?" sneered Dave when he deliberately paralleled Eve's steps on the way to her car in the parking lot at workout time."Uh, Dave? What do you mean?" asked Eve, not understanding what Dave meant."You had lunch outside with Mr. Gery earlier? And you're still acting like you two are enemies. Tsk, how dramatic!" Dave continued to sneer while snorting in annoyance.His face, which looked very insulting to Eve, made Eve annoyed. "What's wrong with you? We had a meeting at lunchtime with a potential investor. I was invited because they made an appointment suddenly without any prior plans," Eve replied as her eyes narrowed to scrutinize Dave, whose attitude was getting stranger by the day."Oh, but even the attitude of the two of you is like partners who have been working together for a long time. Not like two humans who are hostile to each other," commented Dave again,"Oh, God, Dave, we're two adults and professionals. We
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27. The Violence
An angry Dave was still causing trouble the next day. When he saw Eve eating lunch in her room alone because she was working on an assignment given by Gery, Dave deliberately entered without permission and closed the door behind him.Eve, who was munching on her food, stopped what she was doing for a moment and gave him a disapproving look."Can't you use some manners, please? Knock on the door first if you want to come in!" she scolded sarcastically."I want to talk to you, Eve," Dave snapped, sitting down in front of Eve's table without prompting."Can't you see I'm eating?" Still sarcastic, Eve's voice sounded even more annoyed."I'll wait for you," Dave said irresistibly.Eve snorted and continued eating without caring about the man who had been irritating her so much lately. Dave waited for a while because Eve didn't even want to speed up her eating. The girl burned him even more because while eating, she still took the time to flip through her cell phone."You don't appreciate m
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28. Cheryl Andrews
On the other hand, far away in Paris, a girl with a perfect body and extremely beautiful eyes was looking at the screen that was showing the results of the shoot they had just done. Her shoulders were a little tired from having to wear a fancy dress costume with lots of over-the-shoulder attributes for most of the day, but she couldn't resist the urge to check out the results of her hard work."Well done, Cher. You always succeed in getting a soul every time you play a character. Look at that dismissive look in your eyes, hm? It really suits your character. You're my smart princess," praises the famous photographer who has worked with Cheryl for a long time and already considers the New York model as his daughter because she's always willing to go everywhere."But there's a bit of a miss in the part where I'm running. Should it be ripe? A woman with a broken heart should not be running with a stiff look on her face. There should be a sad look that--""No need, Cher. That was good. Mad
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29. Persuading Gery
"Can you bear to see me getting older and more uneasy?" Mrs. Daphne asked Gery."What's wrong with it, Grandma? Do you have any problems? Vinestra is fine, and so am I," said Gery, confused and starting to get annoyed with his grandmother."Gery... you know very well that I won't be able to calm down until you have a good wife who is able to temper your emotions." Mrs. Daphne finally spoke her mind, which should have been in Gery's expectation."Oh my! I'll get married in due time, Grandma. Don't push me, or the first bad experiences might happen again--""GERY!" Mrs Daphne almost screamed as she was shocked to hear her grandson mention the failure of his first marriage in such a calm tone. As if it wasn't a big, bad thing that left a traumatic impact on Gery, as well as a high level of embarrassment on Mrs. Daphne's face."I'm sorry, Grandma. But why don't you learn from that experience? If you force me, then the result will definitely be bad. Isn't it? Because that time you forced m
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30. Dave's Dexterity
For several days, Dave kept the heartache inside. He, who used to be a calm man and never did anything unusual, is now in transition. Sometimes, love can change a person's personality. His love and obsession with Eve made Dave want her for himself."Eve has to be mine," he mutters to himself.After work that afternoon, Dave deliberately waited for Eve's car to drive past him in the parking lot. From there, he followed Eve's car closely and waited for the right moment to pull over to stop in the middle of the road.The opportunity came when he was at the turn of the alley to enter Eve's house. Dave overtook Eve's car before it turned and blocked the access road until Eve inevitably stopped and got out of her car."What else do you want, Dave? Are you crazy?" Eve exclaimed as she got out of the car and approached Dave's car. Eve wanted to scold Dave for breaking so suddenly that she almost hit her head on the steering wheel."We need to talk, Eve," Dave said as he exited the car and loo
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