All Chapters of Open Marriage: It Takes Two To Tango : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
93 Chapters
Four years later. An important meeting was going on in the boardroom of Hall Corporations. Several directors spoke up one by one, arguing about the new expansion. Zara watched in silence. "I don't think it's a good idea! Keystone Group and our company are the ones doing well in the stock market right now. For this reason, we should focus on our current services instead of branching out." Hearing that argument, another director hit the table and sprang to his feet. "Business is about risk-taking. How can we make profits if we don't spread our wings for once?" "What if our wings get clipped off before we even reach our destination? Have you forgotten that we only just regained the company's glory a couple of years ago?" the first director fired back. "This isn't the Hall Corporations of yesterday. Our CEO has made sure we won't be worrying about going back to square one ever again." The second director argued and then turned to the woman sitting at the head of the table. "Ms. Hall,
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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: His Greatest Nightmare
Scott stared at her for what seemed like eternity. The last thing he expected was for Zara to show up now. She had been avoiding him for the past few years. Even after she gave birth, she spared him no chance to see her child, let alone answered his biggest question. What in God's name brought her here today? With Herculean effort, Scott snapped back to reality and said calmly, "This is a closed-door meeting, Zara. I don't think you should be here!""How are you so sure about that, Mr. Brown? Don't you wanna know what happened to two of the shareholders?" Zara asked with a mischievous smile. A look of dread appeared on Scott's face as soon as he heard that. What was this woman up to now?Zara dropped her bag on the table and took her seat. "Well, the men you are waiting for won't be showing up again. I'm taking their place.""What?" Came the exclamations from the shareholders at the table. They looked at each other in confusion and then back at Zara, who relished their astonishment.
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Zara burst into tears the second she got into her car. She could feel her heart breaking yet again. No words hurt her more than the ones Scott said to her just now.Although she had always suspected that he blamed her for what happened to their parents, he never said it to her face. As tears streamed down her cheeks, her sinuses were triggered. Zara sniffed hard as phlegm almost found its way to her mouth.She rested her head on the steering wheel and stayed there for an indeterminate amount of time. She had come here to show Scott that she meant business. Little did she know she would be leaving in tears.By the time her eyes were sore, Zara finally wiped the tears on her face and cleaned her snot with a handkerchief. She started the ignition of her car. Just as she was about to drive out of the parking lot, she saw someone familiar.Dressed in a pair of jeans and a shiny blouse, Cora stepped out of a black Maybach. She then helped someone else out of the car. It was a little boy—a t
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It had been a busy weekend for Zara. While her son's birthday party was going to be held next Saturday, she made all the major preparations at home before Monday came along. Although she was kind of tired this morning, she didn't fail to drive her son to school as always. She wanted to meet his friend and also invite him officially to Jayden's birthday."Pooh bear, you said that Tommy comes to school early too because his father drops him off, right?" Zara asked, glancing at the baby car monitor to see her son who was in his car seat.The little boy nodded with bright eyes. "Sometimes, we play before classes start.""You like playing, huh?" Zara couldn't help laughing. She could still remember how unwilling Jayden had been after his first day at school. "Mommy, I don't want to go back there. Can't I stay with you every day?" he had said with a pout.For a second, she had considered homeschooling him. But when she remembered that she couldn't shield him from the outside world forever,
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CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Like Father, Like Daughter 
"Dad, I just need you to play along. That shouldn't be hard, right?" Courtney pouted at her father.Looking at his daughter, Ray shook his head and said, "Why did you have to lie that I don't know about your pregnancy? And you also said I would throw a fit if I found out. Am I such a bad father?""No, no, you are not." Courtney immediately shifted to the edge of the sofa. "I just said that so Mabel could have pity on me. You know, Liam has refused to accept me despite the pregnancy. I want him to marry me, so telling his mother that you would kick against my pregnancy because I am not married, was the only way to make her hasten up the process."Ray let out an exasperated breath. "But still, you should have given me a heads-up before now. You didn't even tell me that you were going to see Mabel yesterday."Seeing that his daughter slowly lowered her head, he took a deep breath and softened his tone. "Anyway, I'll go with the flow when Mabel sends for me. It shouldn't be any longer now
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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: Striking Resemblance
A sense of dread coursed through Scott when he heard the sober tone of the doctor. He sat up on the couch as his palm suddenly became sweaty. "What is it, doc?""I carried out some tests yesterday. Cora said that Tommy had been stooling yesterday morning, so I had to take some of the fecal matter alongside his blood sample. I carried out some tests yesterday and..." the doctor paused."And what?" Scott's patience ran out. "What did you find?""It seems that Tommy has a kidney infection.""I beg your pardon? What the hell did you just say?" Scott felt he had heard wrong. But after the doctor repeated his words, his phone fell from his hand. He crashed back on the couch as tears stung his eyes.He turned his head to look at Tommy's sleeping face. How could this be? Why the hell was this happening? His precious boy was suffering from a kidney infection? This has got to be some kind of a mistake!With great doubt, Scott picked up the phone again and pressed it to his ear. The doctor was y
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A strange gust of wind blew into the reception hall after that angry voice. Scott froze when he saw his ex-wife scowling at him as if she was going to rip him apart any moment from now.Still oblivious, he uttered, "Zara, what are you doing here?"Zara tilted her head back in disgusted confusion. "What am I doing here? Did you seriously ask me that? You are holding my son's hand and you are asking me such a silly question!""What?" Scott looked down at Jayden and then back at his ex-wife. "This is your son?""Hey, Mommy!" Jayden squealed and ran to his mother before Scott could get an answer.Zara picked him up and held him tightly. She looked at him all over. "Did he hurt you, baby? I thought I told you not to talk to strangers. What were you doing with him?""He's not a stranger, Mommy. That's Tommy's father. You wanted to meet him on Monday, remember?"It wasn't until then that Zara realized what was going on here. The Tommy her son had spoken about with so much excitement was actu
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CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Intentional Accident
The grimace Cora had caused visible cracks in her heavy makeup. Her forehead had wrinkles as if she was some old hag. Oblivious to this, she stepped into the room while shooting Zara a hard glare. "Are you deaf? What are you doing here? And who the hell let you in?""I did!" A male voice came from the door before Zara could respond.Cora turned around and saw Scott holding two ice cream cones in his hands. He frowned at her as he walked in. "Have you forgotten that this is a hospital? Keep your voice down, will you?"In a fit of pique, Cora turned to Scott. "You knew about this? How could you allow her to come in? What business does she have with my son? With us!""Hold your horses, Cora." Scott shot her a searing glare. "How can I explain if you can't even keep calm for a second? Don't you know how to behave even in front of kids?"Hearing this, Cora's face flushed with embarrassment. She glanced at the bed and saw that Tommy and Jayden were looking at her with disappointed eyes."I'
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Half an hour later, Jayden reached out to hold his mother's hand as he lay on a hospital bed in a private ward. "Don't look so sad, Mommy. It doesn't hurt anymore. I am fine."Zara sniffed hard and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She had been crying since she saw blood oozing out of her son's mouth. While the doctor tried to stop the bleeding, she had cried with Jayden. Anyone who heard their wails from outside would have thought it was two people that got hurt.Now, Jayden was admitted on the doctor's orders so the swelling of his gums can be monitored. The little boy currently managed a smile as he stared at his sobbing mother."I'm sorry, dearie. I'll stop crying now," Zara said, sniffing hard.She then leaned forward and looked him in the eye. "I need you to be very honest with me as usual. When you fell, it was because Tommy's mother extended her leg in your way, right?"Jayden looked away briefly, unwilling to speak. But when his mother gave his hand a squeeze, he loo
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Zara suddenly had a splitting headache when she heard that. She froze and sucked in a quick breath as Scott flashed her an even more provocative smile. She watched him walk away. How in God's name did he find out about George's sexuality? Has this man been stalking her and everyone close to her for years now?No matter how hard Zara tried, she couldn't shake off the thought of being spied on. Scott knew things he shouldn't. She feared for George and his career. As a result, she called him. She told him all that Scott said."You don't have to worry about me, Zee. I'm already building a career here. If Scott likes, he can broadcast the news. Chances are that he will be labeled a fool for outing me. I'm just worried that you will be roped into the whole drama."Hearing this, Zara exhaled deeply. She knew what he went through before he decided to go back to the States two years ago. His mother had found out about his sexuality and they had a big fight. He abandoned everything he had here
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