All Chapters of The White Wolf's Curse: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 30
Chapter 30PLANNING FOR A WAR FABIANS POINT OF VIEWI couldn't understand why Selena didn't want us to enter with her, but for whatever reason, she didn't want us there. Everyone was preventing me from entering by reassuring me that Selena was skilled in what she was doing. Since nobody was assisting her in whatever she was doing, how could they know what she was doing? Selena emerged from the room when I was finally able to escape, walked over to Beatris, and turned to face her while grinning widely.Selena assured her, "He'll be fine." Yes, does he want to meet us all and see us all? Beatris questioned. Selena said.We quickly followed Beatris as she dashed into the room, and once there, we spotted her hugging her partner. I noticed Selena when I turned around, and she was grinning broadly. I assume she was glad to see her sister delighted to have her partner back.He hasn't looked this healthy since he was brought here, Selena, What do you do? The question from Beatris was, "Just
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Chapter 31
Chapter 31WAR PART 1SELENAS POINT OF VIEW Since we haven't taken any time off from our workouts in the past month, Alfredo is currently performing significantly better. As soon as he was given clearance to leave the medical facility, he immediately resumed his training alongside his pack. My mother and father have been instructing me, Beatris, and Sebastian in various skills. My son is four months old now, and I can already see resemblances to his father in him that I didn't see in him before. I have also found out that I am pregnant for the second time, but I haven't informed Fabian yet since I am aware that he will try to prevent me from fighting, and this is a fight that I am not going to miss for anything in the world. While we were eating breakfast, we were aware that there were movements at the perimeter of the pack line. This prompted all of us to stand up, and my parents, Beatris, and Sebastian all looked at me and encouraged me not to go; however, I shook my head at them.
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Chapter, 32
Chapter 32THE WAR, PART TWOSELENAS POINT OF VIEW"NO, SELENA, IT WILL HARM THE BABY" I heard my mother yell.I turned out my mother's voice and began to concentrate on my targets, concentrating on each one as I started to let my power take control of my entire body. Even though my parents were yelling at me to stop, I didn't do it; instead, I continued concentrating on my targets before I released them. When I opened my eyes, everyone was in a state of shock. I felt the power begin to grow stronger and stronger as I closed my eyes. My entire body was engulfed in flames, and I was prepared to give up. I grabbed Michael by the throat, looked him in the eyes, and then before he could react, I pushed him to the two guys holding Sebastian, forcing them to loosen their hold on him.Every one of the rogues began to attack me one by one; I hit a few and threw others into the tree trunks. I continued to move, and one by one they fell to my feet. When I had had enough of fighting, I turned to
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33THE SURPRISE FABIANS POVWhen I heard Selena's mother remark that she shouldn't do anything because it might injure the baby, I was taken aback. However, I didn't know if it was because of what Selena was going to do or because she was pregnant and whatever she was going to do could hurt the baby. I couldn't tell which reason was the real reason. We watched as she began to give in, and before we knew it, she was engulfed in flames. As the flames engulfed her, she began to let the fire spread to all of the rogues, and in an instant, all of the rogues that were in the area around her were reduced to dust. She turned to face me and saw how astonished I was, but she remained silent during the entire exchange.Before I could do anything, she was already on her knees, still engulfed in fire, and crying as though she was in pain. This prompted me to start running in her direction; but, before I could reach her, Sebastian, Manuel, George, and Esteban grabbed hold of me. I stared a
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34COMA FABIANS POVWe all whirled around to look at Selena, who was laboriously attempting to take a breath at the time one of the devices started making a noise. As soon as I was pushed out of the way and the doctor started doing her job and attempting to save Selena, we were all instructed to leave the room as soon as possible. I didn't want to go, since I wanted to be with her where she was. However, I was pulled out of the room while having both of my arms held behind my back. After that, I was brought to the waiting area, where everyone did their utmost to keep me from going back into the room by holding on to me as tightly as possible. Once again, we were going to be required to wait, but this time, I didn't want to; I wanted to be there with Selena.My response to Selena's mother was, "I can't do anything; I told her what could happen if she used her powers," and she seemed to understand what I meant. "Then you take action," she retorts in response. I respond to Lucif
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35 THE DECISION FABIANS POV Today, Jr. is turning six months old, and Selena has been in a coma for almost two months. At the time, Selena was also almost three months pregnant, and she was due any day now. The doctor informed me that she was going to come in and talk to me about doing a c-section to deliver the puppies safely. Selena and the puppies have been doing well, and so has Selena. Her vitals have been extremely steady, and so have the ones of the puppies. I was keeping Jr. entertained as we waited for the doctor to come in and talk to me. Gaby has been a lot of help by coming in every day to play with Jr. and by allowing me to take a nap every once in a while even though Jr. is still keeping me up during the night. The physician arrived, and while Gaby took Jr. to get him something to eat, I was left alone with the physician. Although I asked if we could wait until Selena's parents came here since I didn't want to decide without them there with me, we waited unti
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Chapter 36
Chapter 36 SHE IS GONE  FABIANS POV We all turned to look at Selena as the doctor came in and began to examine her, and before we knew it, she was being rushed back to the operating room without being told what was going on or anything else other than the fact that she needed to be rushed back to the operating room to be able to save her life. We mind-linked everyone to let them know what had happened, and they responded that they would be here with us in a few minutes. Three nurses entered the room and asked if we wanted them to take the babies, to which we all said yes, as we wanted them to be away from the feelings of worry that we were all experiencing.It's been an hour, and we still don't know what's going on, and ever
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Chapter 37
Chapter 37THE FUNERALFABIANS POVAs we arrived at our pack home, I could see other members of our pack already waiting for us; when the vehicle that carried Selena's body passed in front of them, they bowed their heads in respect. They were unable to recover their lost prospects. When the cars came to a halt, everyone got out, and when we reached the car that was carrying Selena's body, we walked over to it. Luna and I had both lost our mates. As soon as the door was unlocked, Esteban, Sebastian, Alfredo, and I each took a corner of the casket and carried it to the casket stand, which was positioned near the garden where Selena spent the majority of her time staring up at the stars at night. Once we had set the casket on the stand, I headed up to our room to change."We brought the pups, Fabian," Gaby said as she entered the room. "Thank you, Gaby," I said. Have you thought about what you're going to call them yet? Her question was "Yes." "Yeah, she replied, "I am going to name them
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38ANOTHER BODY/LIFE SELENA/AIDA POVI found myself in a hospital when I came to, and when I looked about but didn't see anyone, I just went ahead and lay back down on the bed. My entire body, including my head, was in excruciating pain, and I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. It felt as if I had been struck by a truck. I wanted some pain relievers and I needed them like I needed them yesterday. I clutched my head with both of my hands to alleviate the pain in my head in some way."Oh you awake, Aida," a doctor said as she went up to me. "Yeah," I responded while still clutching my head. "How are you feeling?" she asked. " I felt as though my head was going to burst open, and I remarked on it. She said, "Let me check your vitals first, and in a moment I will get you something to help with the pain."Okay, that sounds swell," was the response that I gave you. Oh, you're awake, Aida, the attending physician exclaimed as she approached the bed. I had just finis
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39YEARS AFTER FABIANS POVIt has been close to two years since Selena passed away, and in that time, Jr., Gaby, Beatris, and Esteban have all been doing exceptionally well. We were getting ready to throw a party in honor of their second birthdays. Everything was coming together nicely, and we were just about to take care of the last few arrangements before letting the females know that they may bring the children back to the house. Everyone has been incredibly helpful with the children, and Gaby and Beatris have offered to take the children to the zoo while we set up the rest of the things. They do ask about Selena, and when they do, we explain to them that she chose to sacrifice her life for them and that they were the primary motivation for her to fight for what is right. We also make sure to inform them that each of their bedrooms contains a photo of Selena.After we were finished, I mentally connected the girls so that I could tell them that they could return to the hous
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