All Chapters of MY EVIL EX-LOVER: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
CARDY'S POVI stood there, lost because the crowd were all afraid that they ain't safe from their murmuring. I looked back, the speaker's eyes met mine, but I can't tell what is in his heart. But I have a feeling that he knows a lot concerning what is happening. Maybe it has been a while since he came here, and they have been planning on how to eliminate him. The slightest opportunity they got, they didn't waste time to grab their copy. "Anyone involved in this must pay." I said in my mind. All these things happening now are going far because I don't want anything that will put my face on social talk more of this present issue. All of a sudden, the light went off and everyone screamed. The noise increased, I was so afraid because some idiots might start doing something very crazy. Running away from trouble and now running into another trouble in a city that I don't even know anyone. "Oh my goodness!"They powered the light again, but this time, it is a different colour. The speaker
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CARDY'S POVAll eyes on me. Even the charming prince that was meant to surprise me is surprised. I know everyone has opened their ears to hear what I want to say and eyes to witness the next action. Am I going to say no to him? Who will actually say no to a beautiful soul like Eric? Maybe I might be different in this case. Possibly it wasn't meant to be, or maybe I found out something.But, rejecting him will be a very big mistake. I held his hand and felt the connection, the genuine love and peace of mind. At least, I ran away from all my worries and now safe in the hands of a great soul that would make me happy forever. "So, the question I have for him is…" I turned towards him. "You lied about coming to this place. So I want to ask if you still have other lies to tell me?" He stood still and didn't say anything. I figured out immediately that he might be misunderstanding me. "You know, whenever I hear your voice, I have goosebumps. And I want you to keep telling me this type of
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ELLIOT'S POVLife has taken its ugly turn at me once again. What offence have I committed that might warrant this punishment from nature. I feel like I am being cheated by nature in all ramifications. I haven't got home for two days now. I am here sustaining pain from the bullet. Not only that, but I nearly lost my life because I made a very stupid move. Now I don't even know what they might have done to the photo. My heart is beating so fast like I ran a marathon. I pulled the trigger on him, and he died at the spot, which I don't regret. All I regret is making them see me and putting me in this condition. As I shot him, they came after me, but I already jumped out through the window. I was shot when I got to the gate, about to open and run away. The bullet flew like an angry bird and perched on my hand, but I didn't stop. They didn't stop, either, they chased after me. I ran till I couldn't see anyone. I was dying in pain until someone saved me. A beauty goddess with a golden he
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ELLIOT'S POV"I warned you about this, but you wouldn't listen. Now see what we are going to face, I can't fathom why you want to put me into trouble." I lamented but looking at her face, she seemed less concerned. What could even be going on in her mind right now?"Mmm… Elliot, this is what we are going to do…..""We? Another disaster? Why would I listen to the crap you are about to utter now?" I questioned, gnashed my teeth, and hit the steering three times. "Remember, we rented the car." "Are you worried about the car or are you worried about our ugly situation?" My voice was getting higher studies every word that was said, but she was calm. All I know is she is going to get us into more trouble. "Can you just keep quiet? You act less like the man you look like." "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" "Figure it out yourself." She said, her facial expression became so bad. Only if she knows what we are going to face, she will start smiling rather than wearing this long face."
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DEREK TATE"You don't talk while I am talking. Bastard." I scolded him. He stood like a watered evening flower, his head bent on the floor. Do I care about his facial expressions? Absolutely no. Get your damn job done and stop complaining. This is a plan that we have been on for weeks, and he is yet to come up with a good strategy. I already know what to do, but I can't tell you what to do, and you will expect me to still pay you, you better die than be alive. "Boss! I know what to do." Hr fearfully said, his voice isn't even loud enough, because he knows what I do to people that doesn't go with my rules. I smirked, looking at him snobbishly. What does he have to offer? What is inside his dirty head if not how to arrange women for me all the time, he can never fail on that. "Come." I signalled him. As he approached me, I gave him a slap that would rearrange his brain so that he would be wise. I am not the type that has the time to say too many words because of something. I prefer
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DEREK TATE"You bastard, you have the guts to shoot me?" I screamed in pain as the bullet scratched my ear. I held my bleeding ear as I hid at a corner. He saw that I was in pain, so he decided to use the opportunity and run away, little did he know that his doom was waiting for him. The sound of the gun highlighted, I stood up from the floor. Stone stood there, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Ava lying lifeless on the floor. I thought she shot Stone, but the reverse was the case. I got pissed, groaning in pain and anger. Stone laughed at me, his voice echoed as everywhere was quiet. He ran into the car to leave, I shot the two tires but he still tried to drive the car away. I couldn't hold myself back, I didn't want to kill him at first, because if I kill him, I might not know where he kept the man who is so precious to me. He will definitely pay for what he did. I let him go.I carried Ava's dead body. It is a huge list because she is one the smartest amongst all. I
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ELLIOT'S POV"Sometimes, this whole situation looks like an illusion." I thought to myself. I am getting tired of everything, because I am so frustrated. What is the assurance that I'm going to right my wrongs? What if I fail? What could Violetta's game put me into? All stuck in my head, processing them was so difficult that I couldn't concentrate. I already had my plans, but how would I carry them out without involving a second party? What can I do in this situation, hmm!!!"Hey man!" Violetta tapped me from the back as she came outside in the cold night."You have been so cold since we came back from your boss's place. What is the problem?" She inquired, shifting closer to me with her half naked dress. I kept quiet for some moment without saying anything. I turned to her, our eyes met, I sighed and looked away. "I have got myself into what I will consume." I said, and she let out a deep breath, "hmm!!!""You are in already, we shouldn't be talking about that. We should be talking
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CARDY'S POV"Eric, you have done a lot for me. You have changed a lot about me. I can boldly say, loving you is the best decision I have ever made. I want to love you, I want to be by your side, I want to hold your hands even in the darkest moments." I confessed to him, he got choked and started coughing all of a sudden. I hurriedly jumped out of the bed to get him water. As I came back with the water, I heard him on the phone saying; "everything is under control, it won't take long." As I opened the door, he stopped. "Who was that?" I inquired with a soft voice."Business partner.""Business partner?" I asked confusingly, because I have never heard him making any call concerning his business. He was always telling me that his ex took everything from him. I gave him the water, he refused and told me that he was okay. I became worried at that point. What could be going on? What is happening to him that he doesn't want to share with me?I slowly rubbed his back and asked; "Are you hi
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ELLIOT'S POVFor days we arrived in the city where the driver told me he dropped Cardy. We have Searched everywhere that we could, but no sign of her. Is she really alive? What has happened to her? I couldn't get my mind to hold on to something, but my instinct kept on telling me that she wasn't fine. "If anything should happen to her, I will blame myself." I softly said, not knowing that Violetta heard me. "I have said this so many times, you better fight for your life rather than fighting for someone that might wake up and leave one day." She sighed after her statement. I felt her words, but is not enough reason to stop fighting to get back whom I have put in so much pain. I have to make it up to her, the fact that I have developed this undying love for her, would even make me go the extra mile. Either good or bad, I will make sure she will return to me safely. After a lot of searching with some security agents who started putting out her photo as missing. We later received in
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CARDY'S POVI didn't know where they brought me, because my eyes and mouth were tied. Struggling to breathe at the same thinking if I will make it alive. This was a moment I never wished to experience. My dad was kidnapped, and the kidnapper still didn't leave me, what do they actually want, because there was no one left to pay the ransom. Could it be my father's mistress? She once threatened to take everything that belongs to my father when my father ended their relationship. I wasn't only worried about myself and my father, my greatest concern was my lover, my joy giver, the only one I feel so safe around, Eric! Where could he be? Where have they taken him to? "Hey you! Untie her eyes." The voice said and I heard the step approaching me. That is very familiar, is that not Derek? Where am I? That can't be anyone else except him. As I thought about that, the moment unfolded before me, my eyes were untied. What my eyes saw was more than I can comprehend. The first person my eyes wen
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