All Chapters of The Forgotten Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
98 Chapters
My New Home
In my new pack, everything felt unfamiliar yet strangely comforting at the same time. The people here were kind, treating me with a warmth I hadn't experienced before. They didn't see me as just a slave; they saw me as a person, with feelings and dreams. It was a stark contrast from my previous life.As the days turned into weeks, I found myself settling into a routine. I helped with various tasks around the pack, working alongside the other members. They were patient with me, teaching me their ways and showing me that I was a part of their community. I could feel their genuine care for me, and it was overwhelming in the best possible way.One person, in particular, stood out. A young woman named Eliza. She was vibrant and full of life, and we quickly became friends. She took me under her wing, showing me the ins and outs of the pack and introducing me to others. Her laughter was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile whenever I was around her.But no matter how welcoming this new
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The Mind Link
I sat in my new room, gazing out of the window as the gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside. The memories of the past months had been a mix of healing and heartache. Despite the kindness and warmth of my new pack, there was a part of me that still longed for the familiarity of the old palace.As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the room, I suddenly felt a strange sensation, as if someone was trying to reach out to me. Confused, I closed my eyes and concentrated, and that's when I heard it – a voice in my mind, a voice I thought I would never hear again."Bloom, please... come back."My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a rush of emotions flood through me. It was Liam's voice, his plea echoing in my mind. I sat frozen for a moment, unable to believe what I was experiencing. Could it be real? Was he really trying to contact me?Tears welled up in my eyes as I whispered, "Liam?" My voice was barely audible, a fragile thread of hope."Bloom, I'm so sorry. I've been a foo
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Move on
In the aftermath of his bold declaration to the council, Liam found himself grappling with the absence of Bloom. Each passing day seemed to stretch into an eternity, and the weight of her absence bore down on him like an unrelenting burden. The palace felt emptier, and even the sounds of laughter and camaraderie that once filled the halls seemed to be muted in her absence.Liam stood by the window in his chamber, his gaze fixed on the moonlit landscape outside. His thoughts were consumed by memories of Bloom – her smiles, her determination, and the way she had touched his heart in ways he had never expected. He clenched his fists, feeling a surge of frustration at the circumstances that had driven her away.The door to his chamber creaked open, and Liam turned to see his council members entering, their expressions a mix of concern and impatience."Alpha Liam," one of them began, his tone measured. "We understand that you have been facing difficulties since Bloom's departure."Liam nod
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The New Bond
I was out with my new friends, trying to immerse myself in their company and distract my thoughts from the ache in my heart. Ever since I left the palace, life had taken an unexpected turn. The pack I now called home had welcomed me with open arms, offering kindness and friendship that I hadn't anticipated.But as I laughed and chatted with my newfound companions, a strange sensation prickled at the back of my mind. It was a sensation I had never experienced before – a deep, resonating pulse that seemed to echo within me. My heart quickened as I realized what it could be – a mate bond.My eyes widened in shock, and I turned my head slightly, trying to locate the source of this newfound connection. And then, to my astonishment, I saw them – Liam and Austin. They were standing not far from me, engaged in a conversation of their own.I felt my breath catch in my throat as the reality of the situation hit me. Liam, the alpha who had captured my heart, was here, and his presence was the so
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Maybe just Maybe
Liam paced restlessly in his private chamber, his thoughts consumed by the recent turn of events. A man had approached him with a promise – a promise to reveal the whereabouts of Bloom, the woman who had stolen his heart. The alpha had been both anxious and hopeful when the man told him that he had information about her. However, the stranger had also demanded patience, stating that he would reveal the information in two days' time.Two days had felt like an eternity as Liam counted down the hours, each moment dragging on as he yearned to know more about Bloom's current location. He had offered the man a handsome reward, an expression of his eagerness to find her. Now, he was waiting, his anticipation mixed with anxiety.As the awaited day arrived, Liam's heart raced with a mixture of hope and apprehension. He had gathered his council, informing them of the situation, and they all shared in his anticipation. The alpha tried to occupy his mind with other matters, attempting to distract
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It's Time To Go Home
As I sat alone in my room, my thoughts swirled like a storm. Running away had seemed like a good idea at the time, a way to escape the pain and confusion. But now, in the quiet of my solitude, doubts gnawed at me.I gazed at the small bag I had hastily packed, containing my few belongings. It wasn't much – just a few clothes, some mementos, and the memories of the time I had spent here. The pack had taken me in when I needed it the most, offering me a home, friendship, and a sense of belonging.With a heavy sigh, I stood up and slung the bag over my shoulder. I needed to make things right, to face the situation I had run from. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of my room and made my way to the pack leader's house.The compound was bustling with activity, as everyone prepared for the upcoming festival. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I was doing the right thing. But then I saw the familiar faces, the people who had shown me kindness, and I knew I couldn't turn back now.I approac
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Narrator's POV.
The palace courtyard buzzed with an air of excitement and anticipation. The maids had gathered, their faces adorned with smiles as they exchanged whispered conversations. The news of Bloom's return had spread like wildfire, filling the air with a sense of joy that had been absent for far too long.Ana, standing among the maids, couldn't hide her happiness. Her eyes darted towards the palace gates every few moments, awaiting Bloom's arrival. Her heart fluttered with a mixture of relief and anticipation. It had been a challenging time in Liam's absence, with the weight of his responsibilities and the uncertainty of the war hanging over them."Bloom should be here any moment now," one of the maids exclaimed, her eyes dancing with excitement."I can't wait to see her!" another added, her grin infectious.Ana's gaze remained fixed on the gates, her heart pounding. Bloom's absence had left a void, and Ana had missed her like a sister. They had shared laughter, secrets, and even tears. The
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The Battle Field
The battlefield was a chaotic symphony of clashing steel, shouts, and the thud of pounding hooves. Liam stood at the forefront of his warriors, his face a mask of determination as he surveyed the enemy forces before him. The war had been raging for days, a relentless dance of death and survival that had pushed both sides to their limits.Liam's chest heaved with each breath as he wielded his sword with precision and strength. His movements were fluid, a deadly dance of offense and defense as he parried blows and struck down adversaries. Around him, his pack members fought with unwavering loyalty, their eyes fixed on their alpha as they battled against a formidable foe."Push forward!" Liam's voice rang out, a rallying cry that echoed through the chaos. His warriors surged forward, their determination fueled by their alpha's presence. The enemy ranks were thick, but Liam's forces were unyielding, their desire to protect their pack and their lands driving them forward.Sweat trickled do
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Friends Reunite
The sun had begun its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the palace grounds. As the day's activities wound down, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation and hope. Bloom had returned, and her presence had breathed new life into the palace that had felt somewhat empty in her absence.Amidst this atmosphere of renewed energy, Austin's chariot rolled to a stop near the palace entrance. He jumped off the chariot with a bright smile on his face, his excitement palpable. His heart raced with the prospect of seeing his friend once more, and he couldn't wait to catch up with Bloom after all that had transpired.Entering the palace, Austin's eyes scanned the familiar surroundings. It felt good to be back, to return to a place that held so many memories. As he made his way down the corridors, he couldn't shake off the feeling that this reunion was long overdue.And then, there she was. Bloom stood by a window, the soft light casting a gentle glow on her featur
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The Worried Heart.
The sun hung low in the sky as I walked briskly through the palace grounds, a sense of restlessness gnawing at my chest. Liam's absence was beginning to worry me. I had expected his return by now, and his prolonged absence stirred a mix of emotions within me—concern, impatience, and a longing to see him once again.As I neared Austin's quarters, I hoped that he might have some information about Liam's whereabouts. Maybe he had returned while I was away and was now occupied with pack matters. But as I approached the entrance, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I hesitated, wondering if I should go in or wait for Austin to return.Curiosity got the better of me, and I gently pushed the door open. To my surprise, Austin wasn't there. Instead, I found myself face to face with Leah, Liam's sister. My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't deny the unease that washed over me."Leah," I greeted cautiously, my voice soft.She looked at me with a cold, calculated gaze, her lips curling i
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