All Chapters of My Scared Mate : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Chapter 21: Skye
"Jayleen," I began, my voice trembling slightly, "I need to do this." I looked into his anguished eyes, my heart aching at the sight. He was always so strong, so unshakeable, but now, he looked as if he was on the brink of collapse. I reached out, gently touching his arm, wanting to reassure him."Skye, you don't know Kain. He's not to be trusted," he warned, his gaze piercing through mine. I could see the worry etched onto his face, the fear glinting in his eyes."I know," I responded softly. "But this... this is about family, Jayleen. It's about getting to know where I came from. I need this." I pleaded with my eyes, hoping he would understand.Jayleen clenched his jaw, his hands balling into fists at his side. He looked like he wanted to argue, to reason me out of it, but I shook my head, firm in my decision."I promise, I'll be careful," I told him, my words just above a whisper. "I'm not blindly trusting Kain, I'm not naïve, Jayleen. I just... I
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Chapter 22: Jayleen
From the edge of the Silver Pack territory, I watched as Skye moved further away from me, and closer to the very danger we had been protecting her from. Kain. My wolf was in turmoil within me, its frantic howls echoing my own panic, begging me to stop her, to bring her back. But I couldn't. She had made her choice, and despite everything in me wanting to drag her back, to protect her from what I knew was coming, I respected her decision.Each step she took felt like a dagger to my heart. My mate, moving further away from me, closer to my worst enemy. Kain. The sight of him, grinning, victorious, filled my vision with red. My fists clenched at my sides, every fiber of my being urging me to charge at him, to rip his grin off his face. But it was Skye's safety that mattered most to me. And for now, at least, it seemed that staying with Kain was what she believed was safe.Even so, as Skye's figure shrunk into the distance, a promise formed within me. If Kain so much as laid a finger on S
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Chapter 23: Kain
I watched Skye as she explored our old home, touching the surfaces as if trying to connect with her past, her roots. The questions she had were relentless, each one an arrow piercing my already wounded heart. But I steeled myself. This was the least I could do. Share the past, share her mother, with her. "She was beautiful, intelligent, fiery," I began, my gaze distant as I let myself get lost in the memories. "She had a temper, she didn't back down from a challenge and she was the best thing that ever happened to me. Your mother... she was the type of woman that, once met, could never be forgotten." Skye paused in her exploration, turning to face me. Her eyes held a guarded curiosity, a cautious hope. And why wouldn't they? All her life, she'd been without a family, devoid of the warmth that came from knowing your roots. I felt a surge of guilt. I had stolen that from her. I took a deep breath and continued, my voice barely above a whisper, "Your mother had a gift. She could see gl
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Chapter 24: Skye
The room I was in felt strangely foreign yet hauntingly familiar. Its grandeur was overwhelming, and the framed photos scattered throughout seemed to narrate a story that was part of my own heritage. Images of my mother and father, happy and in love, stared back at me. The resemblance I shared with my mother was uncanny. Her strawberry-blonde hair, her blue eyes, the curve of her smile - they all echoed in my own features. One particular photo drew me in, and I felt an uncontrollable urge to pick it up. This was more than just a picture; it was a connection to a past I'd never known. I hid it in my bag, a precious memento I would keep close to my heart. As I strolled towards the window, I couldn't help but be consumed by my own thoughts. Why had I chosen to come here, to be with the man who was accused of taking my mother's life? Was it the pull of a shared lineage, or something deeper? Was it curiosity or a longing for understanding? I couldn't quite put my finger o
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Chapter 25: Skye
I sat there, drumming my fingers on my knee, waiting for Elijah to reply. What was taking him so long? I couldn't help but berate myself for the situation I'd landed myself in. "Good going, Skye," I muttered under my breath. "Real genius move, deciding to run off with a guy you know nothing about, who might have murdered your mom. Brilliant!" Yep, now I was definitely talking to myself. Fantastic. I felt like a caged animal, pacing back and forth in the room, anxious and waiting. Suddenly, it hit me that I hadn't considered the two werewolf guards stationed outside my door. So much for being smart and stealthy. I found myself eyeing the door nervously, half expecting someone to barge in and drag me out. Man, all I wanted was a bit more insight into my past. But, looking back, it wasn't the brightest idea. Maybe it was the years of unanswered questions that led me to Kain, or maybe just a lapse in judgment. Whatever it was, my chest felt heavy ever since I left with him. Why did deci
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Chapter 26: Kain
She still had that wary look in her eyes. Man, I was at a loss for how to make her relax a bit. "You good?" I asked. She glanced up, those big blue eyes, mirror images of her mother's, knocking the wind out of me every time. The resemblance was uncanny, and it tugged at my heartstrings. We ambled through the garden, the same one where her mom and I used to take our evening strolls.Skye kept her cards close, not peppering me with questions like I'd expected. If I wanted to come out on top in this impending war, I needed her trust."Ask me anything, sweetheart. I'll be honest with you," I assured her. She met my gaze, pausing briefly. "Why did you kill my mother?" Her eyes held mine, unwavering. Damn. The one question I wasn't ready for. Even I struggle to answer that for myself."It's a complex tale. I'm struggling with where to begin," I admitted, my voice faltering in a way it rarely did. She settled on the same bench I had crafted for my mate. "You said you'd be honest," Skye remin
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Chapter 27: Jayleen
My gaze was fixed intently on the phone, anticipating a message from Skye. The stillness outside was palpable, and I found myself missing the familiar hustle and bustle of the Silver pack beyond my office window. A knock rapped on the door, interrupting my thoughts. Without shifting my gaze from the phone, I called out, "Come in." The door creaked open, and Michael strode in, his posture a blend of urgency and concern. He scanned the room briefly before settling his eyes on me. "Any word from her?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of hope and apprehension. "I've heard nothing," I murmured, eyes locked onto the phone, a sense of unease growing in the pit of my stomach. "Did I make a mistake letting her go?" Michael ambled over and settled into the chair across from me. His tone was business-like, but I could detect the worry beneath. "The warriors are prepped and waiting on your word, Jay." My mind raced, thoughts of Skye consuming every corner. "She's stepping into a worl
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