All Chapters of House of Lycans (After Dark): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
Love and pawn
As she walked into the doorstep, her eyes immediately locked onto him. He stood by the entrance, tall and lean, with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to catch the light and reflect it in a thousand different shades. "My God!" Skylar couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat as she took in his handsome features. He was more deliciously looking than Alexa had described. Honestly, word couldn't even describe the perfection of the specimen before her.She had seen attractive men before, but there was something about him that made her go weak in the knees. It was like he had an aura of unearthly beauty that drew her in and left her feeling breathless.She tried to avert her gaze, not wanting to be caught staring, but she couldn't tear her eyes away. "What can I help you with beautiful?," Lucifer noticed gaze drooling gaze on him, and he bit his lips with a small, knowing smile. He trailed his sight to her chest and instinctively licked his lips. He would make a good f
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I want you Alexa
Warning this chapter contains strong sexual scenes, readers discretion is strongly advisedLeading Alexa back into his room, Lucian maintained a calm facade, but she could sense that he was battling a tumult of emotions."Lucian?" She called out softly, perplexed by his unexpected change in demeanor. Was he jealous? It was a side of him she had never seen before. He had always personified the words "cool, calm, and collected," yet now he seemed visibly disturbed and troubled by Lucifer's advances."I love you, Alexa," He paused, "Watching someone else vying for your affection is...difficult,""Lucifer doesn't love me and vice versa, he's just being a flirt," She clasped her hands with his, "I'm sorry you have such an asshole for a brother,"Lucian chuckled, "I'm sorry too," Without a word, Lucian gently cupped her face in his hands, the touch of his fingers sending tingles down her spine. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers, a soft and tender kiss that spoke volumes without a sing
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Shift (1)
Hours LaterAlexa slowly stirred from her sleep, feeling disoriented for a moment. As she blinks her eyes open, she is met with the warm, dusky glow of the setting sun filtering through the bedroom window. The room was bathed in a soft, golden light, casting long shadows across the floor.She stretched her arms above her head and let out a contented sigh, feeling the day's fatigue leaving her body. The world outside is painted in shades of orange and pink as the sun begins its descent below the horizon. The peaceful silence of the evening fills the room, broken only by the distant sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.She sat up, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over her. The setting sun's rays cast a warm glow on her face, offering a quiet moment of reflection and gratitude. Taking a moment to breathe in the serenity, she feels a rush of peaceful energy within her."Lucian?," She called out with no response. She could tell she was in the upper p
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Shift (2)
Alexa raced through the dense forest, the thudding of her feet against the underbrush echoing in the darkness. Her heart pounded in her chest, and fear propelled her forward, driving her to push her body beyond its normal limits. She could hear the heavy footfalls of the pursuing black lycan that was hot on her heels. Its growls and snarls were unnervingly close, spurring terror through her veins.She couldn't understand or comprehend what had happened, one minute Lucian was a beautiful man with golden locks and golden irises, and the next he was a black-furred wolflike beast. It seemed Tommy and Sheriff Byod were right. The Klaus brothers were involved with the murders.The murders weren't done by humans or wild wolfs as they suggested, but in fact whatever the fuck Lucian had transformed too. She felt her heart break and shatter into a billion pieces, the man she loved was a monster.Waves of panic washed over Alexa as she desperately tried to put distance between herself and the r
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Battle of Heaven and Hell (1)
Alexa sat on the chair, the blanket wrapped tightly around her, her body shivering in fright. Her eyes were wide with fear as the memories of the attack of Lucian plagued her thoughts. She pulled the blanket closer, trying to find comfort in its warmth.Just then, a man walked in, his black hair and blue eyes glistening like jewels holding a steaming cup of coffee. He approached her, his eyes filled with concern as he saw her trembling figure. It was a relief she had agreed to come back home with him. Without a word, he held out the cup of coffee to her. "Here, this might help," he said gently.Alexa took the cup, her hands still shaking. She took a sip, feeling the warmth of the coffee spreading through her, chasing away the cold fear that had gripped her. Lucifer sat down beside her, offering her a reassuring smile as she took another sip of the comforting drink."Where is he? Lucian?" She managed to speak unable to meet his gaze "Locked In a prison underground, he should be back
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Battle of Heaven and Hell (2)
She levitated effortlessly above the ground, her voice carrying across the tumultuous air, as she sang a hauntingly beautiful war song.Her melodious voice resonated through the hearts of the Witches, lifting their spirits and infusing them with power and magic."SHIFT!" The king commanded and on cue, his soldiers shifted screaming through the pain of breaking and amending bones into wolflike creatures unknown to the witches."What....what the hell are those fucking creatures," A witch yelled in shock"My divine what is this? I can't tell if they are men or wolves," Another told the Angel through a mind link"Fear not my subjects, for I am with you," She echoed her rhythmic voice into the battlefield.As the King let out a rallying cry that echoed through the valley, the ground shook beneath the charging hooves of his Lycans, the sound of the approaching army thundering like a tempest on the horizon.As the King let out a rallying cry that echoed through the valley, the ground shook b
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Mates (1)
"My father sold his soul to the devil for power and vengeance for the death of his wife and unborn son Dante, killed by the witches," Lucifer said with a bitter smile, "But a few decades later, Dante would return to the kingdom all grown up,""But you just said he was killed by the witches before he was born," Alexa said with a look of intrigue. The doubt crept into her expression as she considered whether she would believe his story, had she not already witnessed Lucian shift into a towering eight-foot, wolf-like humanoid beast."He was, but for some unexplainable reason, he returned from hell and started killing and hunting down every Lycan," Lucifer paused, "My father was eventually defeated and sealed by Dante and buried in the deepest parts of the ocean, but thousands of years later, he was released by a powerful witch who fell in love with him and bore him two children, Lucian and I," "Their love enraged the most powerful of witches, who loathed their union, particularly the m
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Mates (2)
Growing up, she had devoured romance novels, immersing herself in the fantasy worlds where love was powerful and destiny brought two people together. She understood the concept of being "mated" with someone, but never in her wildest dreams did she think it could happen to her.As she looked at Lucifer, a million thoughts raced through her mind. Could it be possible that she was fated to be mated with not just one, but two men? And the fact that they were brothers only made the situation more complicated and bewildering. She struggled to wrap her head around the idea, feeling a mixture of disbelief and curiosity.She couldn't shake the doubt that crept into her mind. Was Lucifer just trying to rationalize his feelings for her by using the concept of being mated? Was this just a ploy to make her believe something that might not be true? The uncertainty gnawed at her, making her question everything she thought she knew about love and destiny."How can this be possible, being mated to tw
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The Murder Mystery (1)
Near the small town of Hallow Groove, Her hauntingly beautiful green eyes scanned the scene, taking in the gruesome aftermath of the murder. The victim lay crumpled on the ground, a look of terror frozen on her lifeless face. The huntress could sense the lingering presence of the killer, a dark and malevolent energy that sent shivers down her spine."Tsk..another lycan murder," She hissed It had been some time since Dante Helsing had inspected a murder scene, and he relished the opportunity. As he removed his black gloves to inspect the body, a tingle ran down his spine. The scene looked all too familiar.The victim's body was situated near a tree, tucked away from any trails or passing eyes."Our killer wanted to make it difficult to identify the victim, but not to find her," Raven walked up to him, crossing her arms over her chest."Do you think it's them? the Klaus's bothers?" She asked, they had been informed of the Klaus brothers' arrival at the town up ahead. She couldn't rule
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The Murder Mystery(2)
The Lycan's breath came out in ragged gasps as he circled the Lycan Huntress, Raven each step heavy with the weight of his fury. His claws extended from his fingers, ready to rend flesh and bone as he prepared to launch another attack. She had chased the Lycan into the forest alive with the sounds of their battle, the leaves rustling, the wind howling like a chorus urging them to continue their dance of death."You look hideous as ever," Raven remained composed, her eyes never leaving the Lycan as she matched his movements, her blade held steady and unwavering. She was a study in precision and determination, her every move calculated, every step deliberate. She knew that defeating the Lycan would not be easy, but she was prepared to face the challenge.With a primal roar, the Lycan charged at the Huntress, his claws slashing through the air with a deadly grace. Raven leaped away, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. She countered with a swift series of slashes, her blade dancing in
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