All Chapters of Curse Of The Reborn Luna.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
82 Chapters
Chapter 41
Jennifer took her hand in hers and held them gently. Leaning forward in her seat she looked into Maggie's eyes.“Keep looking at me until I say not to," Jennifer instructed. Maggie nodded.The green irises sparked twice before swirling in slow motion. From the depths of her dark pupil, a yellow flare began to unwind.“Legh eym irna. Eyss legh iht eym irna.”Fog like a cool breath hit Maggie softly in the face and her eyes grew dull.“Let me into your mind, Maggie.”Jennifer’s hand came to rest on either side of her face. “Legh eym irna. Eyss legh iht eym irna. Show me what you really are.”The room suddenly turned cold so cold that the glass windows frosted and Jennifer’s breaths turned to vapor. Maggie’s skin began to get even colder, her lashes frosted as if she had been out in the snow. Jennifer’s fingers were cold and turning blue but she kept them on Maggie’s face and continued to chant.“Show me who you really are,” her voice was slower this time.“What do you want with me?”Th
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Chapter 42
“I’m okay, Trevor. I’m okay,” Jennifer assured him. He was holding her too tight. She suspected his overprotection had something to do with the finger imprints on her flesh. Her throat was still very sore and her voice was a little croaky but otherwise she was unscathed.“She almost killed you.”“You came in just in time, my love,” she told him as she raised her hand to wipe the blood beneath his nose with her fingers.Trevor wasn’t satisfied with her answer. He had a huge frown on his face as he pulled her to her feet. But Jennifer didn’t budge. She slipped her hand out of his.“What are you doing? Let us go, you've put yourself in too much danger.”“Not yet.”“What do you mean not yet? She almost killed you.”“The same way you almost killed her a few days ago. You are the reason she went rogue that time do you remember?”He blushed but he remained protectively by her side. Noah came running to the door and took in the sight of everything, a dazed expression causing his brows to mar.
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Chapter 43
Maggie shared a glance with Asher and Lance. “A blood oath?”“It’s actually quite simple. You need a new knife which you’ll use to make a cut right in the middle of your emblem, the boys must do the same and when you’re done you will touch your emblems with each other and seal your souls as mates.”“Is it safe?” Asher asked concerned.“I am alive aren’t I?” Trevor responded. “It’s just the mating ritual.”Maggie nodded. “It sounds simple…” Her gaze went to Lance. “But it’s not that simple. Lance, after everything you did to me.”He drew back. Over the top of his head, Trevor gave Asher a direct look which Asher ignored. He was not going to leave the both of them alone. Maggie looked up at him and then at Lance.“I need to know why you betrayed me. Jennifer if you are absolutely sure that I need both of them to manage my powers then I need to clear the air between me and Lance.” Her message was direct.Jennifer shrugged. “I don’t see any problem with that.”“I can’t leave the both of y
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Chapter 44
Trigger warning ~~~Threesome!!!Asher kicked the door shut and turned the key in the lock and raised an amused brow when Lance suddenly put his arms possessively around Maggie’s waist.“I’m joining in. You can’t monopolize her.”Maggie bit her lip to keep her smile in check. They weren’t even started and both men were already competitive. She slowly stepped away from Lance. “He’s right. It’s the three of us.”“You just couldn’t stay away for a minute,” Lance growled.“One minute? Is that how long this is going to last? I was thinking half a day.” The atmosphere in the room changed.Her eyes turned sultry as she backed away from him with a small smile hanging at the corners of her mouth while her hands reached up to pull her dark curls into a high ponytail. This is it. The moment of truth.Both men were handsome and their eyes watched her in a way that made her suddenly horny. All thoughts of betrayal and love gone sour were temporarily pushed aside to be dealt with later.“Leave your
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Chapter 45
Lance held his hand out to her. “We will try to make it not to.”She took his hand biting her lip nervously but once she was on her knees she suddenly wasn’t feeling too shy anymore. She reached forward and kissed him then looked back over her shoulder at Asher.“You already did a lot of kissing today, I’m trying to be fair.”He tried to shrug like he understood her need for fairness but failed when he threw a dark glance at Lance’s way. Lance was beaming smugly as he made Maggie kneel between them with her back against him. Maggie sighed inwardly at their childishness. Was it always going to be like this between them, the jealousy?She stopped short as she realized what she just thought.‘Always?’After today there was no going back, their souls would be locked together for all of eternity and nothing would ever separate them. Nothing but death.Asher who was in front of her saw the gloom that darkened her face and bent to look in her face, tipping her chin up so that she was looking
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Chapter 46
Hours later Lance fell asleep too. Asher on the other hand rose from the bed and went to the bathroom. When he came back he put his clothes back on and with one last look at Maggie he left the room.The mansion was an extremely large house, the hallways were quiet but the noise from the TV where an afternoon cartoon show was playing drifted up to him. The children were settling here nicely and he couldn’t blame them. Mason and Steph, Jayden and Edna’s children shouldn’t have to grow wildly as they did. They were still young, if they remained in the city among modern society, they probably wouldn’t have a recollection of being born in the woods with little or no medical supplies.And the others, they were settling nicely. So far Carl seemed to be interested in helping Stephanie in taking care of Caleb who was still showing no signs of healing but was still alive. Ginny, Leo, and the other adolescents were happier, they had gone out to the pool earlier to cool off and no doubt were prob
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Chapter 47
Maggie rolled on her side and opened her eyes coming face to face with Lance with his eyes closed. A sudden rush of gentle emotions rushed through her, and she frowned. Strangely, she didn’t feel the need to be so angry at him anymore. She was mad at herself for not seeing Vivian for the monster she was. How could a friend she knew for so long turn around and stab her in the back like that?Vivian had been like a sister to her especially since she had grown up as an only child. To think the person she trusted with her secret would turn around to be a monster.And Lance, he shared a fraction of the blame but he was also a victim in Vivian’s machinations.Maggie released a slow breath, careful not to alert him to the fact that she was awake. She started to raise her hand to his face to touch him gently when she stopped and a slow smile spread on her face.He was awake.His thoughts were invading her head. They were thoughts of regret over what happened and he was also thinking about the
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Chapter 48
“Are you sure they are the ones?”“They smell like Ptakallis.”“There are many Ptakallis in the city Teddy, did you get the right ones?”“You guys I’m trying to take a nap here.”The men turned to find Ginny glaring at them with one open eye. She had her head tilted back against the wall. Her hands were tired in front of her on her lap and her tired legs were bare. Cathy was quiet beside her still dizzy from the tranquilizer she was shot with. Those were no ordinary tranquilizers.The men grinned menacingly. Ginny had only felt slightly dizzy when they abducted her. For some reason, the tranquilizer was having next to zero effect on her and the men had to tie her up earlier than Cathy. From then on she had given them nothing but trouble.“You have quite the mouth on you, don’t you?”She shrugged. “I guess. Wanna try it?”The smaller one of the men, the one called Teddy, shot a mean grin her way.“You won’t be so cocky when we are done with you, kid.”She gave him a mock salute with he
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Chapter 49
“How much longer do I have to do this?” Maggie asked. She sucked in a breath in under Jennifer’s command.“As long as it takes for you to get used to commanding your wolf. The last time you transformed you lost so much blood that you almost died. How were you able to come out of your coma?”“I saw my father. He told me I have unfinished business here.”Jennifer lifted her hand away from Maggie’s chest. “Breath out. How do you feel now?”Maggie shook her head with a shrug as she slowly let her breath out. “Not much different. How is breathing supposed to help?”“It helps you feel your wolf better. We will keep practicing until we connect with her. I can’t promise it will be easy but with time you will be strong enough to achieve it.”“How much longer?”Trevor butt in. He had been leaning against the wall refusing to sit down while he worriedly watched Jennifer work with Maggie. She was standing for too long and he was worried it was putting a strain on her and their baby.“It’s too lat
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Chapter 50
Teddy and the other man were waiting outside for the boss when he arrived. Under the midnight sky, he stepped out of the car and walked briskly toward them. “How many of them?” “Two, sir.” “And you haven’t harmed them?” The man asked. His voice carried a warning that made the men frown. “No, sir.” “Good. Keep them here until you get a call.” He went off a little distance and brought a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. As he puffed on it Teddy exchanged a quizzical glance with his partner before making his way to his boss. The man’s tall, lean figure towered over him. “Sir, are we not killing them? They are wolves. Ptakallis.” “What were my orders Teddy?” the man calmly asked. “To keep them here…” “Until you get a call. Separating them from Dark Storm’s heir was the deal.” He puffed his cigarette again. “Have you fed them?” Teddy shook his head. “We are hunters, sir, they are wolves. Our job is to…” “Don’t teach me my job, Ted. Several generations of hunting r
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