All Chapters of The choices we make: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
101 Chapters
The lady signed for Mary to sit down in one of the chairs at the table. Mary sat down and soon she was joined by the Lady and the two aari. After a while, Kopa and Nihal also joined them. As they sat talking, people came in with plates full of food and placed them in front of them. Mugs with water and cups with hot tea were also served to them. The conversation around the table revolved mainly around the journey back to Salmis. Mary ate and listened; she learned a lot by listening to the others. Apparently, it would take three days before they left Domne. That was the part of the trip that Kopa and Nihal worried about the most. Mary discovered that although the two men each had their area of responsibility and command of different groups, their responsibilities overlapped on a lot of the time. She thought it was something which could lead to problems. But it seemed the two men were able to cooperate without any problems for the most part, and they had very similar views. Mary was stru
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When Mary looked at everyone who worked to set up camp, she once again felt guilty for not helping. She just stood there next to Tariana talking to Kopa and Nihal. Mary turned to Mildy. "Is there anything I can do? "I feel like I’m just in the way" she said. Mildy smiled at her and nodded because she knew what Mary meant. Then she seemed to think for a moment before speaking to one of the grey-clad women. "Mary this is Sinhera, she'd appreciate it if you could help her with the distribution of the packs" Mildy said. Mary greeted the unknown woman, she looked to be a couple of years older than Mary. Like most people, she was dressed in dark grey riding pants, a lighter grey tunic, and a grey cloak. Her hair was dark and lay in a long braid along her back. Her eyes were brown and full of energy. Mary followed her towards the storage carts. "We are responsible for organizing, packing and then distributing all personal equipment" Sinhera explained as they walked. "Every company has a wa
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The morning came quickly and Mary hurried to eat her porridge and after telling Tariana where she was going, she hurried away to the yellow wagon. Sinhera seemed to have just gotten there."Do you need help?" Mary asked."If you have the time to spare, I would be grateful," Sinhera said. Mary nodded and climbed onto the wagon."The procedure is reversed from yesterday. We usually put the stars separately from the lines for the sake of simplicity. Make sure all the packs are steady and below the top edge of the wagon" Sinhera said."Okay," Mary said, getting ready. Soon the packs were handed in, Sinhera lifted them up to Mary, who put them in place. Mary quickly worked out a system she thought would do. The wagon filled quickly and soon all the packs was in place."Thank you" Sinhera said. "If you have time, please give me a hand this afternoon." Mary promised to come and help unload. She was happy to be useful and she took it as a good sign Sinhera had asked her to help.In the days t
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As Mary sat in the carriage and listened to the other women talking, she realized she missed Kopa. Which was strange because she really didn’t see him during the days. He spent his days on the coach box. But just knowing he wasn’t there, filled her with unease. When Mary pondered her feelings for a while, she got to thinking maybe she needed to get used to not having Kopa around. She had started to take it for granted that he was always nearby. But in three days they would be arriving in Salmis, and she really didn’t know what was waiting for her there. She didn’t know where she would be staying, she doubted it would be with Kopa or Tariana. Mary actually didn’t know where either of them lived. She reasoned Tariana was like a king, so she probably lived in a castle and spend her days ruling, whatever that included. Kopa as her bodyguard, would be close by her, Mary thought, so he would probably have his own place in the castle. Like Zerden’s father. Mary on the other hand didn’t know
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Kopa led Mary to the horse and grabbed her around her waist and lifted her so she was seated on the horse. Mary let out a surprised squeak and franticly tried to find something to grab hold of. She didn’t sit like the rest of the riders, that had one leg on each side of their horses. Instead, she sat with both legs on one side. She was also sitting further forward on the horse, almost so she was sitting on its neck. “Take hold of its mane, you won’t hurt her” Kopa instructed, and Mary turned her upper body so she could grab hold of the horse’s mane with both hands. “Good, now turn a little so your right leg comes a bit more on top of her” Kopa said. Mary turned her lower part and let her right leg glide up a bit and she realised she was more stable in that position. “Very good, you’re a natural” Kopa reassured her. “I’m going to mount now. I’ll be sitting right behind you. She might sway a bit, but that is okay” he continued, and Mary nodded. She focused on keeping her balance as Kopa
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“Are you okay?” Kopa asked, Mary smiled at him and nodded. She took a tentative step forward and although her legs felt stiff, she had no problems walking. The three aari came up to Mary and Kopa and Tariana smiled at them.“Everything sorted?” she asked Kopa.“Yes, Mary will come home with me” he said with a smile. The three white-clad women smiled as well. Mary saw several people looked at Kopa in astonishment. To see him smile was a rare occasion.“I’m so happy the hear that,” Tariana said smiling at Mary, that returned the smile. “Take a couple of days to get settled, my friend, then come to me and we will have a talk about the future” she said to Mary and Mary nodded. “Good, know it is time for us to go our separate ways for a while. Kopa, I expect you to take at least two days off from your duties. Make sure Mary is settled before you return, take more time if you need” she said sternly.“Yes, my Lady” Kopa said. They all said goodbye before Kopa placed a hand on Mary’s shoulder
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“That’s komqer melon” Bettina said, standing from the table and getting a round vegetable, the size of Mary’s hand. She handed it to Mary. It felt soft and squishy, and Mary smelled it. It didn’t smell of anything in particular, it reminded her of cucumber.“It almost smells like cucumber, just a bit sweeter” Mary said. Bettina nodded.“Yes, it consists mostly of water and the inside is a thin layer of pulp that is sounding an almost liquid centre. We use the centre to drink or in soups. The pulp is usually placed in salt to firm up and then either eaten as is or pickled” Bettina explained.“Children use them to throw at each other. They are soft and if you get hit with one, it explodes and covers you in juice.” Kopa said and Mary saw Bettina rolling her eyes. Mary smiled and placed the melon on the table before finishing her food.“Thank you, Bettina, it was delicious. And don’t worry about the food. I like trying new things. I expected that much when I decided to come here” Mary smi
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When Mary woke the next day, the sun was up, and it looked to be a beautiful spring day outside. Mary stayed in bed for a while just trying to wrap her mind around everything that had happened yesterday. She finally decided she needed to get up. She dressed in the same dress as she had been wearing the day before and quickly braided her hair and let the braid hang free down her back. She had gotten used to the hairstyle during her time on the road. She went downstairs and felt a little out of place. She found both Kopa and Bettina in the kitchen. They were talking in Salamis, and both turned towards Mary as she entered the room and switched to Common.“Good morning,” Mary said.“Morning my dear,” Bettina said.“More like afternoon,” Kopa chuckled.“Oh hush with you. The poor girl needed her sleep.” Bettina looked angerly in his direction.“I slept all day?” Mary asked horrified.“Don’t pay attention to him. It’s almost lunch. I would have come to wake you in a bit if you hadn’t come d
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Kopa returned a short while later, announcing they had plenty of firewood in all rooms. He started to question Mary on Salamis, and she repeated the word and phrases she knew. She was pleased to remember them all and Kopa only had to correct her pronunciation on two of them. “You sound like a native,” Bettina said, sounding surprised.“Thank you.”“Do you want new words?” Kopa asked and Mary nodded. He started giving her new word but was stopped by Bettina after the second one.“I love you dearly husband, but you are teaching her the wrong words. When will she be using all this military words?” she laughed at him.“I use them almost every day,” Kopa pouted.“I’m sure you do love, but I don’t see Mary taking over as head of the Lady’s private guard any time soon. So maybe start with words she will use moving around the city or at home,” Bettina continued while giving him a knowing look. Kopa huffed but the next word he gave Mary was the word for street. Mary smiled and started memori
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Mary thought about it for a while. She had always taken for granted there only was one type of relationship. A man and a woman meet, agreed to court, and then marry. If God blessed them, they would have a family and a long life together. There were of course instances when a husband or wife died, and the other one was remarried. But in the end that new marriage would look like the original one. But when she thought about it, it would make sense that relationships could look different if it made the couple happy. Mary was naïve and romantic enough to believe that should be the goal of all relationships, to make the participants happy.“And the church doesn’t get mad if your relationship looks different?” Mary asked.“Well, we don’t have a church in the same way that Domne have. But the common rule is; if everyone is happy in a relationship, then everyone else respects it. No one would interfere in the way people choose to express their love.”“You don’t have a church?” Mary said in sur
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