All Chapters of MIDNIGHT: Whispers from the Dark Sea: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
There was chaos in the palace. Dante had gone wild, attacking everyone and destroying everything he came in contact with. The soldiers quickly sent words to the King, informing him of the situation. "Why do you have to inform me of everything the monster lets loose? Do I have to repeat the same instructions a thousand times over before it sticks in my memory? Throw him in the damn well and cover it up until he lets go of those demons!" King Edwardo snapped. The soldiers flinched and scurried away.Queen Adora held her chest with a gasp. "Throw him in the well?" "It's the only way he'll get back his senses. I don't know why I put up with that nuisance for this long. I give him food, and put a roof on his hideous head, what does he do in return? He injures my workers and destroys my property. How can he be any more worthless?" Edwardo bawled. "Do not speak of him like that, he is our son! He was unfortunate to be born that way. He didn't ask for it. I feel so ashamed of
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Trouble maker
"I was thinking of a tour around the kingdom," Kitanna said, gently massaging Almira's feet. "A tour around the kingdom, you are yet to finish touring the palace" Almira replied. Kitanna pouted. "Whose fault is it?" "Well, it isn't mine" Almira shrugged, then sighted Prince Xander from afar. When she let out a groan, Kitanna followed her line of sight. "Why does he have to be so clingy?" "You were the one who disrupted his wedding. There were better options than that. You gave him hope, now he wants to be by your side," Kitanna chuckled. Almira stared at the man approaching them. "I never promised him love or marriage. I told him plainly that he had something that belonged to me". "You said he couldn't get married while he has your heart. There are many interpretations to that sentence, princess". "Greetings, beautiful ladies," Xander said with his usual charm, bowing slightly. Almira rolled her eyes while Kitanna grinned. "How are you doing today, princess?
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Beautiful eyes
Almira watched as Kitanna struggled to pull off the lid. Dante's cries were deafening to their sensitive ears. "Can you tone it down? I get that you're suffering but you do not have to be so loud about it", Almira said in a voice loud enough for Dante to hear.Kitanna stopped trying to push it open, "How about you help me with the lid so we can get him out faster? Do you think he enjoys screaming? He is clearly in agony, you don't expect him to laugh about it". "He doesn't have to be so weak. It's irritating!" Almira retorted. "Are you sure you have a heart? Every minute, you make me believe that this journey was in vain," Kitanna seethed. Almira ignored her and crushed the lock. She pushed the lid open, mentally noting it was unusually hot. Kitanna felt a little stupid for not noticing there was a lock, but she was glad it was open anyway. "L-Let me o-out p-please…." Dante sobbed. "I'll be good, I promise…"It was evident from his voice that he was in severe pain. K
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Dante forgot to breathe for a second. "They are so blue…"Dante blinked, snapping out of the initial trance. He searched her eyes thoroughly. It couldn't be right. "What are you searching for, Dante?" Almira asked, softly. His eyes widened and he looked away. His heart pounded as the sleek fingers caressed his face. "Is this why you wear the mask and gloves?" She asked. Dante was surprised at the question. The way it casually rolled from her lips like it was no big deal. His appearance made people uncomfortable. It made them despise and ridicule him. Why was she giving the opposite reaction?Her eyes held his in a way that made his heart flutter, which was a very bad sign. "Why do you look at me differently? Are you not afraid of being infected?" He asked timidly. Almira laughed. "Infected?" Dante bit his lip. How can she find his situation funny? "Is that what the books say? That you infect others by eye contact?" Almira asked. He chewed on his nails nerv
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The words left him. He took a step back, fearing the outcome of the encounter. The soldier advances toward him. "What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be down in the well?". The question hit his panic button. Dante stepped back, mouth closing and opening without forming any words. He couldn't think of anything to defend himself. The man would never believe him if he said he had no idea how he got there. "Are you stealing?"It was more of an accusation than a question. Dane felt like he was soaked in ice. His emotions were all over the place, jumbling his mind in a frenzy. The soldier matched towards him, ready to throw him out, but Dante was faster. Slipping away from his hold, he dashed out of the room without looking back.The cold morning breeze slapped his skin. Though the hair provided some form of warmth, the cold was still enough to make Dante grit his teeth.On arriving at his barn, he unwrapped the duvet and emptied his bag of clothes. He skimmed through
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Almira returned to the palace with only thing in mind. Stay away from Dante.She had come too far to jeopardize everything she shared with Jephthah. It might be an overreaction avoiding him, but she had to be extra careful. It was scary how effortlessly he made her break a promise she had kept for years.A guard met her halfway. Almira raised a brow when he blocked her path. ‘The King summons you, your highness,” he informed her. Almira felt unsettled. She had no business with the king. In fact, their only interaction had been during dinner, where they had definitely concluded she was mannerless in their heads. “Why? I have no business with the King. What does he summon me for,” Almira asked. His surprise was evident on his face, but Almira needed an answer to her questions. “It concerns Dante, your highness,” he answered. Her blood ran cold. Several thoughts crossed her mind. Dante was in trouble for sure and somehow, he had included her in his mess. The king couldn’t ha
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Hideous masks
"Student? And they just let him go?” Kitanna chuckled. Almira shrugged. "The ancestors are wise”.Kitanna blew up with laughter. She'd never thought the princess would go out of her way to help someone. Making up lies just to save them. "Where is he?” Kitanna asked. "Avoiding me,” Almira replied with an eye roll. The first he did the minute he was released was run. “He's an ingrate.” "You said he was going to be punished. The poor boy was too terrified to wait for another second. He was probably scared you would change your mind,” Kitanna defended. "I'd be traumatized if you didn't defend him. Dante does not look like a boy to me…” Almira paused, her mind creating a detailed picture of his face. "I think he only has an abundance of hair. Everything else is perfectly human. I was shocked at first, but after a closer look, I didn't mind,” Kitanna shrugged. Almira gave her a look. "I am not talking about his hair, Anna. I meant his face. He doesn't look like a boy. He may be sk
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The outside world
Dante walked away from her quickly, his cheeks burning like a pan taken out of the oven. It was unfair of her to say things like that. She didn't know the effect they had on him. No one enjoyed looking at him. They were rather disgusted by his appearance. “Why are you walking so fast? Are you flustered?” Almira asked, lips curling into a smirk. Kitanna nudged her. “Since when did you start flirting?” Almira was taken aback by the question. She never counted her actions as flirting. The words just seemed right to her and she did enjoy looking at him.Dante walked stiffly, pretending he wasn't listening to the conversation. Almira noticed his body language and smirked. “So what if I was flirting with him? Do you have a problem with that, Dante?” She called out to him. Dante nearly tripped. He didn’t expect her to call him right out. “You like it, don’t you?”He didn’t dare look back. His flaming face would expose him more than Almira already did. Deep down, he knew she wa
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“Where did you say she went to?” Xander asked the guard. “The market, your highness,” he replied with a bow. “Without a guard?” Xander’s tone conveyed his disapproval. He couldn’t understand the woman. First, she disrupted his wedding, professing love to him. Then, she gave him cold shoulders, addressing him rudely and disrespecting him before others. The woman was a living illustration of mixed signals. “She went with her friend and Dante, your highness,” the reply snapped him out of his thoughts. Dante? Almira always rejected his offer to keep her company, yet she felt comfortable going into town with a spineless ugly slave. He felt insulted.Xander stood, ready to go in search of them. With Dante in her company, things were likely to go wrong. The people couldn’t stand him, so definitely, they would try to pull a stunt. If he got there on time, he might just be her knight in shining armor.He felt elated at the thought. Almira was not the king to cling to him
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When Princess Almira summoned him, Dante found himself in a pool of tears again. He had lost the only gift he had ever received. He was both angry and sad. Angry at himself for being such a weakling, and sad that Prince Xander seized every opportunity to remind him of that. He approached her room with uncertainty. Would she notice that the bracelet was gone? He hoped not. It might not be a cheap gift, but there was a prospect that it wasn’t that significant. Kitanna opened the door, greeting him with a smile. He forced on a smile and proceeded in. The shopping bags caught his eye instantly. What time did they get all this? He was with them the entire time and didn’t see any purchase take place. Except for the bracelet, of course. The princess lost her cool after the attack and requested they return home. Dante felt guilty for ruining a potentially great day. The princess graciously rejected his apology with her kind words. Note the sarcasm. “ Over here” Almira ordered. It was d
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