All Chapters of Superstar's Secret Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 Chapters
I retrieved my old laptop, which had been stashed away at the bottom of my drawer, and attempted to power it up. I grinned when it still functioned. Before abandoning it, I had removed the password for quicker access.I immediately opened Gmail and checked my old accounts. I missed the days when I'd spend hours staring at this laptop screen, typing messages to Greel.Using this laptop, I used to enjoy accessing social media more than on my cellphone. Besides, exchanging messages on Gmail was more engaging than using social media accounts, especially during the era of celebrities' account hacking.As I scrolled through, my attention was arrested by a message from Greel. I blinked, placing a hand over my chest due to the sudden intensity of my heartbeat. I even swallowed hard. I couldn't recall ever leaving any unread messages from Greel. I had read and reread them all before storing this laptop away.Despite my racing heart and anxiety, I gathered the courage to open the message and pr
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"D-dead what? Stop lying to me, Grantt! I don't want to know anything but the truth!" I let out a loud bellow as I crumpled to the floor. My heart pounded deafeningly, and the pain was overwhelming.I couldn't believe what he had just said. Greel couldn't be dead. I'd rather see his sibling now and have a conversation than accept that he's really gone.No, Yongsann. He's just lying. He's only trying to hurt you."You're just lying, right?! Don't do this to me, Grantt!" I implored, my voice filled with desperation. He averted his gaze, his jaw clenched."Just calm down first, Yong," he said with no emotion."Calm down? Screw you, Grantt! How am I supposed to calm down, huh?!""I don't know how you'll calm down either! I don't even know why you're acting this way. We were perfectly fine earlier, and now you're confronting me like this.""But you said Greel is dead, right?!""Yes, and I'm telling you the truth, Yongsann, and it's not my fault if you can't accept it," he stressed. This ti
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"You're kind of overreacting, girl. Just because Grantt knows about Greel's disappearance doesn't automatically make him the culprit, tsk," Sab commented after I shared the argument between Grantt and me."If it's not him, then who is it? Aren't these pieces of evidence enough for me to think that he might be the one responsible?""Shhh, slow down, darling. You're acting like an advanced detective, aren't you?""I'm not overthinking, Sabrina. Without these, do you think I'd be paranoid?""Did you base all of this on these clues, right? If so, why did you even bring me here if you already have hard evidence? Why didn't you just report it to the police?""Just to make sure...""See? After venting all your emotions to Grantt, you're still not sure if it's true, right?""Well, I just want to know the truth," I said, full of resentment. I couldn't help but be disappointed with her sarcasm."You're Grant's wife, you have a history with Greel, and he's his brother. What do you think he'll fe
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I reclined on the sofa, allowing my tears to stream freely. It felt as though I had been transported back to the day I discovered Greel had left the country, but this time, the pain was even more profound and burdensome.Why did this have to happen just when things were finally getting better for us? Do I truly not deserve happiness? Is it really over for certain?My thoughts came to a halt as I heard the door open. I slowly sat up, and my jaw dropped when I spotted Wendy with Grantt.I blinked a few times, desperately hoping it was a mirage, but it was all too real. The woman was indeed in our home.Wendy and I locked eyes, but she remained silent. My gaze drifted to her hand resting on Grantt's arm. I swallowed hard, discreetly trying to fix my disheveled hair.Meanwhile, Grantt acted as if he couldn't see me. In an instant, he reverted to the same old Grantt I knew, seemingly indifferent to my presence as long as he was with his singing partner.Wendy and I were undoubtedly experie
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"Breathe in, breathe out," Sab commanded, and I followed her lead. I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Do you want me to come to you?""No," I replied without hesitation.I'm well aware of the complexities of this woman's psyche. When she discovers that Wendy is here at our place, that woman won't leave without some emotional scars. She detests the GraWen love team, claiming it's just a byproduct of our seemingly pointless married life with Grantt."What's the good news you're referring to?" I inquired, attempting to shift the conversation.I remained in my car because I lacked the strength to drive myself. In this state of physical and emotional frailty, it's best not to let my feelings get the best of me, as the results might not be favorable."They simply used voice samples of Grantt and Greel to enhance the recording's authenticity. As for the pictures, they were taken in Gomez's Practice Room. They also utilized tools to make the altercation between the two appear more serious and
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He chuckled slightly and averted his gaze. "You said 'love' and not 'loved.' Present tense, right?" He met my gaze. "Where do I stand in all of this, Yongsann? I've repeatedly asked if you still love him, and now I understand how you truly feel."The tone of his speech matched mine, heavy with pain and resentment. In this moment, we both act selfishly. He's considering his feelings, and I am too. We're feeling the same emotions but struggling to comprehend each other."Do you understand the pain I'm feeling right now? No, right? You'll never understand it!" I retorted, filled with bitterness as tears continued to flow down my cheeks. It felt like I was dying over and over again."And do you think you'll understand what I am feeling right now as well? You really love him, don't you? I can't ever replace him in your heart. I understand the pain you're going through, Yong. Believe me or not, our pain is no different right now. You hurt because of Greel, and I'm hurt because of you."Befo
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With nothing else to do, I decided to read Sab's books. She's a bookworm, so her mini-library was brimming with books.Now, I grasp the profound love that readers have for books. It's one of the ways to escape from reality.It's been almost a week, and I'm still at my friend's hideout. I have no immediate plans to return home, but the desire to resolve things with that guy lingers.However, it's not the right time, not yet. I'm not prepared to completely forget Greel. I still want to hold myself accountable for the wrong choices I made in the past. I'm determined not to repeat the same mistakes.My phone startled me when it rang. I reflexively glanced at the screen and saw Olga's caller ID. I hesitated briefly, contemplating whether to answer or not, but ultimately, I pressed the answer button. After all, she's not the one causing me pain."Hi, Yongsann! How are you?" she greeted me cheerfully. Based on her tone, it seemed she was oblivious to what transpired between Grantt and me.Th
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"Get it together, Yongsann."That cold, commanding voice shattered my attempt to drift off to sleep. He forcefully closed the bedroom door.I had only been away for a week, but it felt like so much had changed, even though nothing had."Mind your own business, Grantt," I muttered weakly, pulling the blanket closer.I had been lying here for hours, and it had been about an hour since his friends left.I thought he'd deny everything about us, but he didn't. I saw the shock on his friends' faces when they learned the truth about us."Is this your usual way of dealing with things? Sulking when there's a problem and blaming everyone for what's happening?" he reprimanded, sounding incredibly stressed.The roles had reversed. In the past, I used to be the one scolding him, but now it was my turn to be in his shoes. He'd soon discover how frustrating it was to lecture someone who had no intention of listening.I tried to dismiss what he said. He had no idea how I felt, and I didn't even know
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"Turns out there's a party at Olga's. It's a welcome party for Tristan's sibling," he informed me as I left our room.He shot me a quick glance, clearly raising an eyebrow, most likely due to my outfit. I had deliberately chosen short shorts and a form-fitting v-line crop top, fully aware that he disapproved of such revealing attire.Judging by the emotions written on his face, I had successfully gotten on his nerves. I knew he wanted to tell me to change, but he was restraining himself."Okay, let's go," I said casually and headed out.We both stayed silent as we got into my car. I took the driver's seat since it was my car.I noticed him looking at my wrist. I was wearing the watch that Kenth had given me, not the bracelet from him. He knew that this watch was a gift from my best friend. I had purposely left his bracelet on our bed, hoping he would notice it when we returned.I drove swiftly but carefully. I couldn't bear the silence between us, so I turned on my music player. Their
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"Turns out there's a party at Olga's. It's a welcome party for Tristan's sibling," he informed me as I left our room.He shot me a quick glance, clearly raising an eyebrow, most likely due to my outfit. I had deliberately chosen short shorts and a form-fitting v-line crop top, fully aware that he disapproved of such revealing attire.Judging by the emotions written on his face, I had successfully gotten on his nerves. I knew he wanted to tell me to change, but he was restraining himself."Okay, let's go," I said casually and headed out.We both stayed silent as we got into my car. I took the driver's seat since it was my car.I noticed him looking at my wrist. I was wearing the watch that Kenth had given me, not the bracelet from him. He knew that this watch was a gift from my best friend. I had purposely left his bracelet on our bed, hoping he would notice it when we returned.I drove swiftly but carefully. I couldn't bear the silence between us, so I turned on my music player. Their
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