All Chapters of My Unfortunate Loving Wife: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 Chapters
Episode 41 - The Missing Groom
"Zari, from what I heard, he got a call on his phone and is heading to the hospital." But the impact of those words hit me. Something inside me snapped, like an elastic band reaching its breaking point. My first reaction was intense sadness, followed closely by anger! My bouquet begins to quiver in my hand. I began to shudder as my limbs shook with rage. I screamed out. "How dare Devon humiliate me like this! How could he tell me he loves me and is abandoning me to go to her? How could he put her before our wedding day?" As I uttered those words, I became lightheaded and dizzy. I swallowed, closing my eyes. Then, only a moment later, I must have fainted. ~~~~~ Slowly blinking, I saw people standing over me, shocked and worried. Olivia was fanning me, trying to give me air. Then, finally, my father went out to all the guests and announced. "Family and friends and honored guests. The wedding vow recital has been postponed until a later date. Thank you all for coming." Everyone ins
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Episode 42 - He's Never Gone To Be Yours
The door opens to her elegant private hospital room filled with vases of beautiful, unique flowers placed here and there. "Dear God, you are awake! Good afternoon Susie. It's good to see you're finally awake." Susie realized she wasn't dreaming. "What am I doing here?" Devon stared at her long and hard for a minute. "Susie, you gotta stop this. I heard you overdosed on sleeping pills." Susie looked at the vase of flowers instead of him as her hand reached out to touch the pearls wrapped around the vase. "Those are so lovely, Devon. Where is my doctor?" "I talked to your doctor extensively, and he told me that you are not terminally ill, Susie; why did you lie to me? I hate liars! I may have been unfaithful in my marriage, but I have always been honest! I can't and don't love you that way, Susie. And doing insane things like this isn't stopping me from loving Zari." Susie's face frowned grimly as if the pain had taken over. She turned her head away from Devon's questions and harsh
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Episode 43 - Dinner With Mr. Mike
After berating himself. What was there left for Devon to do? He laid back against the sofa, thinking about his part in the demise of his relationship with Zari. All he could do was hope and wait that his true love didn't fall apart or be ruined by Mike. Devon finally fell asleep. About thirty minutes later, he woke suddenly in a cold sweat. Not only was the image vivid in his dream, but he felt it was very plausible what could transpire between Zari and Mike. Devon sat up, and every hour for the next three hours, he went to the window to see if she had made it home. It was driving him crazy! He paced back and forth, trying to determine Zari's decision. Had they been in contact all these years, and I didn't know it? How long had she been seeing this guy without telling me a word? "I can't believe I'm waiting for her to return just to tell me. "Hey Devon, we're through?" Zari was silent the whole ride to the restaurant and club. She was very deep in thought. She hadn't gotten over the
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Episode 44 - The Chaos Out Of Our Marriage
"I've asked you this once and will ask you again. Are you pregnant or something for Devon? I don't understand why you can't let a man who has disrespected you this way go?" "No, I'm not pregnant, for my husband and I take my marriage vows seriously. However, Mike, I believe we make mistakes, and if we are repented, then they deserve a second chance," she said honestly. "So you're going back to him? I thought when you left with me tonight. You have made your decision." Mike's emotions caught in his throat slightly. "I don't know the full workings of the human heart… maybe I'll understand one day. But I do know how I feel about him, and I still get angry at him, but I know how I feel about my husband." "I'm still not following," Mike said quietly. "Even though our relationship is in question, I knew I loved him before I married him. We've been together off and on for three years. And what I have for you is love, but falling in love with you that hasn't happened. There's an attractio
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Episode 45 - It's Just Us Two
She stormed out of the living room. Zari was determined to let him speak first. No more filling in the silences for him. No more assuming his quiet meant, "I love you, let's stay married even though I'm indebted to Susie." So she left him standing there as she slammed the door to her room. Devon plopped down on the sofa. He had to consider long and hard all that was said. Devon was shocked. He had thought all was well between the two of them now. "How did I not realize how bad this had hurt her? I must figure out how to return to Zari's good graces and life and tell her I'm not going anywhere. I thought the planning of the vow recital showed I was serious." Devon had been so distracted with trying to please Susie and keep his sanity, thinking only of the promise he had made to Susie, but sadly he never managed to keep in mind the vows he had made to Zari and how she must have felt all this time. Until recently, he'd finally dared to start doing it another way around. From now on, Za
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Episode 46 - Devon and My Past
Instead of moving on and forgetting the past, he was trying to help her gain her memory even now after all this time. He seemed absorbed with the past and what had happened to the woman she was before. Zari has constantly questioned why her brain has chosen to erase or lock away her memory of her past life with Devon and their excellent beginning. She couldn't understand why something so good, so precious, she couldn't recall it. It was so aggravating. All she wants to clearly remember and cherish is the things they have experienced in the past six months. And to add, she is finally going to the Hightowers for dinner for the first time in their three-year marriage. ***** According to the Doctor, Zari's memory of time and events was returning. Sometimes when a patient's memory returns to them, they feel like they are reliving that moment. Devon was encouraged to give her time to go through the episode; once she has calmed down, she may be ready to reveal where she's in her memories.
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Episode 47 - She Didn’t Want her Memory
She felt someone grab her from behind. She tried to scream as the white cloth was placed over her mouth. He held it there until she stopped moving and completely collapsed in his arms. He knew he had to avoid the cameras. The only one he saw was the one across the street. He maneuvered around the building getting behind the camera. He opens up his car door and puts her in the back seat. He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Why didn't she just listen?” He got in the car and drove off. As Zari lay there on the backseat, knocked unconscious. He was rambling as if she could hear him. “Why didn't you listen?” He asked as he let out a sigh. “You heard everything I told you, and you know I was right about that punk Devon the first time. He shook his head, his lips trembling. “I don't get you, Zari. After all the abuse you've gone through, I'm here to protect you, and you don't want it.” He was coming in and out of insanity and sanity. “What did you say?” He looked back to the backseat
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Episode 48 - Two Days Of Pure Pain
He stared at those pink panties she wore. His hand lingered over her center as if too excited to touch it. His eyes cascaded down her thighs to her legs. He realized she still had on her shoes. He hurried to the foot of the bed. “I'm sorry, that should have been the first thing I removed. Please forgive me, dear.” He said, looking up at her face and chuckling. Once he removed her shoes from her feet. He climbed back into bed, smiling non-stop. He wanted her; she was almost too precious to touch. But his twisted mind convinces him to make her his bride and wife. And he felt the only way is to have intercourse with her. That way, she will become his, and he would be able to wipe away the grime she's been living with all this time. "She will be all mine," He repeated breathlessly in heat. The sound of labored breathing, the crescendo of gasps and moans escaped his throat as he removed her bra and panties. His right hand cupped her breast while the other rubbed her mound. Zari lay th
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Episode 49 - Cloudy Brain
Zari finally awakened and she wasn't sure about anything. She just wasn't sure of much anymore only that she was unhappy and then suddenly happy. Being that the caretaker dropped the dose of meds, she was giving Zari. She began to cry a lot. She cried when it rained. She cried at the sound of gloomy music on the tv and radio.She cried over the fact that she cried and she cried because things lacked substance. Zari felt as if she was moving in slow motion, swimming through a sea of shadows. Then she said, “What an awful Metaphor,” she thought, and then she laughed asking herself, “What is a metaphor? How did I know that word?”Even though she didn't know what the word meant anymore, she had the feeling she'd known it, once before. She'd known a lot of things. Then again, maybe not. Something was wrong with her. Wrong, she thought.He told her the doctors said she was ill. Not that she recalls seeing a doctor. He told her that she had additional problems. “Your memory was failing her.
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Episode 50 - Letting Go
After telling Devon what happened to her, Zari could see that Devon was beyond angry. “Devon, I don’t want to share anymore. All you need to know, baby, is that I fought and fought to keep him from taking me until he put that towel over my nose and forced me into the back seat of his car. "Do you remember the make and model of the car Zari?" Devon anxiously asks. I think so, but I only remember the color, nothing much else, because before I passed out, he covered me with a blanket, and I quickly lost consciousness. Upon waking, I felt drugged and limp; my hands and feet were bound, and once inside his house, I was forced into the shower to shave. "Shave?" "Please don't make me share details." Devon nodded, "Tell me." Zari continued. "The man led me across the hall into a room; I tried to get away many times. That's when he handcuffs and leaves me alone for I don't know how long. Until I was dying of thirst and starving for food, and that was the beginning of my nightmare and
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