All Chapters of The Broken Have Feelings Too : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
70 Chapters
•Chapter 11•
Marcus povThursday 23rd august 2007***********************************Tonight is going to be amazing! I don't have to tend the bar tonight so I've already planned to spend the night with a submissive called Benny. All I've got to do is shower, get dressed and meet him in the playroom to get him ready for the main room. Damian left to set up the club hours ago so I have the whole flat to myself, meaning I make dinner in a pair of boxers and play my music loudly. Damian hates my music taste so I revel in the loud sounds of the Foo Fighters without him shouting at me. I sing along as I stir the vegetables in the pan on the hob. They're nearly done so it won't be long before I can eat the fish and vegetables I'm making. Damian has been teaching me to cook proper meals unlike what I was eating before I moved in with him. And I'm quite a good cook if I say so myself. He was adamant he wanted me to be able to cook for myself so I "don't end up living off crap".I put the fish and vegetab
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Chapter 12
Marcus pov Saturday 26th October 2019**********************************I groan as I open my eyes slowly, the curtains open and the sunlight blinding me. "Rise and shine daddy! Damian made lunch!" Cole says enthusiastically. I hide my head under the covers and sigh loudly. I was stuck at the club until 7am last night because a toilet broke and I had to stay while a plumber fixed it. "What time is it?" I ask as I peek my eyes over to look at him. "It's half 12. Damian made sandwiches and then you promised you'd come with me to hang out with Lacey and Thomas," he says with a pout. "Okay I'm up," I say and slide out of bed. I pull on a pair of boxers and kiss Cole quickly before I go and brush my teeth and have a piss. I should probably shave but that can wait until tomorrow.I spray myself with some deodorant and then go down to the kitchen where everyone else is sat eating. Minnie runs over to me and I stop for a second to play with her and give her a pet. I still find it adorabl
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•Chapter 13•
Marcus' povSaturday 2nd august 2008**********************************Thank god this night is almost over. I've been covering for Damian as his second in command and it's been a difficult night. I've been struggling to get people to respect me like they do with Damian. As soon as he left to his playroom with a submissive, things started to go wrong. I've been second in command for just less than a year now but this is the first time Damian isn't here with me to keep an eye on things. "He won't leave me alone!" A submissive called Daniel says to me angrily. "Who?" I ask and look to the dance floor to see who he's talking about. "The new Dom with black hair, he's very tall," Daniel says and I see who he's talking about. "I'll talk to him, go to the other side of the dance floor for now," I say and walk over to the Dom who I don't recognise. "Excuse me."He turns around with a glare and looks down and me with distain. He's not much taller than me but he still thinks he's being inti
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Chapter 14
Marcus povTuesday 29th October 2019***********************************How can Nathan get up so early? I looked at the clock and it's 5:30am. How he can run this early is beyond me. Even Minnie won't go with him today, and she loves going on runs."Come on Minnie," Nathan says quietly, trying not to wake Cole up who's still fast asleep. She lifts her head from where she's cuddled into my chest and looks at Nathan, but lays back down."I don't think she wants to go," I say and Nathan shrugs. He kisses me and then Cole's temple before he leaves the bedroom to go run. I stroke Minnie's fur and close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep."I'm back, it's time for you both to get up," Nathan says and turns the light on. I blink my eyes open as Cole groans and I realise I fell asleep again. The clock now says 6:30am so I sit up as Minnie jumps off the bed, wagging her tail and running to Nathan. "It's too early daddy! I don't even have to get up today!" Cole protests and hides under the bl
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Chapter 15
THE NEXT PART OF THIS BOOK IS GRAPHIC AND TRIGGERING. It includes:-r*pe -s*icidal thoughts -self h*rm -s*icide attempts -sexual ab*se Please don't read on if any of these bother you, it will get intense and upsetting. I'm warning you now so anyone who may be triggered by these themes doesn't walk into it without knowing beforehand.Marcus povFriday 1st November 2019*********************************I hate winter, it's too cold and it snows. The first snow was today and I had to go out in it to go shopping. Thankfully Nathan, Cole, and Damian came with me and made it fun. Now we're about to take the bags of food inside but Cole is too busy dancing in the light flurry of snow falling from the sky. "Cole! Help us carry some bags inside!" I shout to him. He sighs but comes over and grabs two bags. "Can I come back out when I help put away the shopping?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. "Okay, but make sure you dress warmly," I say. "I'll come out with you and we can build a snowm
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Chapter 16
Marcus' povFriday 1st November 2019*********************************Why does my head hurt so much? It feels like I've been hit by a bus. I try to move my hand to rub my head but they are bound behind my back to the chair I'm sitting on. What the fuck?"Finally awake!" I hear Adrian say. My temporary amnesia suddenly leaves me and I realise I've made a big mistake. I lift my throbbing head and see the man I hate more than anyone in the world stood with a smug grin. He has a bandage on his arm which he definitely deserves. "Fuck you," I sneer and his smile drops. "You always were a rude little bitch weren't you," he says with a glare. I look around the room I'm in and am shocked to see it's a large bedroom. It's fucking massive, it fits three king size beds plus several bdsm equipments. The dark red walls are tall and wide to make room for all the furniture. "What do you want with me?" I ask as the fogginess in my head dissipates. "I want you to suffer for stealing my life," he s
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Chapter 17
Damian's pov Saturday 2nd November 2019***********************************I can't sit here doing nothing. Marcus has been gone almost 24 hours now. If I go to the address then Marcus will be okay. I hate to see him suffer like that in those pictures. There was blood down his face and his chest was covered in dark streaks that looked like they were from a whip, I can't just let that happen!Thankfully, Thomas and Lacey said we could stay with them until the police have finished the investigation at the house and the club. All we've been doing now is waiting for the police to call and say we can go back. They said they would clean up the blood for us but we would have to consult the insurance of the club to get everything fixed. I called Andrew to say what happened and he's been dealing with the business side for me. "I'm going to see Adrian," I say when I finally get sick of doing nothing. "You can't go Damian, there's no guarantee Adrian will let Marcus go," Nathan says from the
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Chapter 18
Marcus' pov Saturday 2nd November 2019********************************I didn't sleep much last night. The chain around my neck was too short to reach if I lay down properly so I had to have my neck bent so I didn't get strangled. My throat is also very sore, it burns and scratches and I kept coughing throughout the night. The taste is also there, it made me throw up at some point. Thankfully I did it on the floor and not on the bed I have to sleep on. I can hear Damian snoring quietly. His chain is long enough to rest his head on the pillows without strain so he managed to fall asleep pretty quickly. There's no windows in the room so I'm not sure if it's still night or if it's day yet. Damian wants me to play nice and be a good slave for Adrian so I don't get hurt but I can't do it. I can't submit to him and just wait for someone to come help me. I've already tried to unlock the collar, but it's a strong lock and all I did was make my fingers sore from prying at the metal links.
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Chapter 19
Damian's pov Saturday 9th November 2019***********************************I'm very worried about Marcus. The deep lashes through his skin have scabbed over but are looking infected and are causing him so much pain but Adrian won't do anything about it. I've begged him but he just tells me to shut up because Marcus needs to learn a lesson. He's also lost weight, his muscles are looking less defined and he has bags under his eyes. I'm also scared for Marcus' mental health, he doesn't fight back anymore, he just seems lost in his own world. Adrian has raped him everyday this past week but Marcus doesn't utter a sound, he just stays still with tears falling down his face. "Good morning slaves!" I hear Adrian say before the lights turn on for another day of hell. I look over to Marcus and sit up quickly when I see the state he's in. His skin is deathly pale and coated in a sheen of sweat. His breathing is shallow as he lays on his front, his eyes squeezed shut tightly. He looks like h
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Chapter 20
Marcus' pov Saturday 16th November 2019*************************************Everything hurts. It feels like I've been hit by a bus. There's so many dark bruises on my body from Adrian's beatings. He gets so angry when I don't react to him raping me and beats me either with his hands or with a wooden paddle. The pain is excruciating every time he touches my back but I can't do anything but whimper. Damian keeps begging him to leave me alone but it never works, Adrian just replies with he needs to learn his lesson. He's broken me down to nothing, I feel violated and dirty even when I've showered and scrubbed his touch off me. He's got total control over my body and I hate it. Yesterday Adrian was annoyed that my pubes had grown longer so he tied me on my back and shaved them himself. So I had terrible pain from the pressure on my back and the humiliation of him shaving me.Right now he's tied me to the punishment bench on my hands and knees so he can use me again. I didn't protest
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