Semua Bab THE APPLE'S OF HIS EYE: Bab 31 - Bab 40
79 Bab
CHAPTER 31{ The deal}
{Mac Allister }I sat in my room, engrossed in the TV show playing on the screen. It provided a brief escape from the tangled web of emotions that had taken hold of my life. But my solitude was short-lived as my mother, Madame Beatrice, stormed into the room, her frustration evident in her demeanour."She told me everything," she declared, her voice tinged with disappointment and disapproval. She moved around the room, her words piercing through the air. "Why haven't you slept with her?" Her question hit me like a wave, demanding an answer I wasn't ready to give.I sighed, feeling the weight of her disappointment pressing down on me. "Mother, it meant nothing," I replied, my voice laced with frustration. I wished she could understand that my actions resulted from my confusion and turmoil.Unfazed by my response, she seemed determined to make her point. Madame Beatrice grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, effectively interrupting the show that had momentarily distracted me. "Hey
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CHAPTER 32:{ about to happen}
{Abebi}I entered the bar, I couldn't help but notice the peculiar behaviour of the workers. They all bowed their heads as I walked by, leaving me puzzled. "What have I done?" I wondered silently, my mind racing to find an explanation for their strange demeanour. Ignoring their unusual gestures, I made my way towards Venesa, who was stationed behind the bartender's counter."You never told me you and Felix were engaged," venesa remarked, attempting to sound casual while inwardly feeling a mixture of surprise and confusion. To my surprise, Venesa reached under the counter and pulled out a beautiful purple engagement card, presenting it to me with a smile. My eyes widened as I saw my name displayed on the card. It was as if reality and disbelief clashed within me."Boss gave it to all of us this morning," Venesa explained, her voice filled with excitement. Just then, Camelia emerged from her office, entering the bar through the connecting door. Her warm greeting of "Congratulations, Ab
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CHAPTER 33: {Davic family}
{Abebi}The next morning, I rushed into the bathroom and have a warm bath. Memories of Felix keep reflecting in my mind.Dressed in an elegant ash-coloured gown, I couldn't wait to embark on this new journey with him. His presence by my side brought a sense of comfort and reassurance."Good morning, dear," Felix greeted me warmly, his voice filled with affection. "Good morning," I replied, a smile playing at the corners of my lips. The anticipation of the day ahead filled the air, and I couldn't contain my excitement.We made our way to the car, and as Felix opened the door for me, I couldn't help but notice the intensity in his green eyes. His gaze met mine, and for a moment, time stood still. The unspoken words between us conveyed a profound understanding and connection.As we settled into the car, Felix's strong and confident demeanour reassured me. The engine roared to life, and at high speed, we embarked on our journey. The wind whispered through the open windows, tousling my ha
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CHAPTER 34: { Ain't loyal}
{Mac Allister}I stepped out of the refreshing pool, feeling the cool water trickle down my body as I walked towards Angelica, who stood by the poolside. Her expression was serious, alerting me of unexpected visitors."Sir, you have visitors," Angelica informed me, her posture showing her attentiveness. I furrowed my brows in curiosity, wondering who could call on me at that moment."Who is it?" I inquired, my voice laced with intrigue as I reached for the towel she handed me."Tommy and his son," Angelica replied, her words catching me off guard. Tommy's unexpected presence sparked my curiosity and raised a mix of emotions within me."They're waiting for you in the living room," she added, her voice steady.I wrapped the towel around my waist, feeling a sense of urgency to meet with them. Tommy's visit held a certain weight, as our history was intertwined with both loyalty and conflict. It was time to face whatever he discussed."Thank you, Angelica," I said, acknowledging her help a
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CHAP 35:{ Introduction}
{Abebi}I could feel the nerves coursing through my veins as Felix's words echoed in my mind. "You look nervous," he remarked, his gaze fixed on my face. I tried to muster a reassuring smile, hoping to mask the anxiety that threatened to consume me. "No, no," I replied, my voice quivering slightly.Memories of the painful past resurfaced, replaying the scene in my mind when my brother and his wife had cast me out of their house, rejecting me for my choices. The wounds were still fresh, and the fear of facing them again sent shivers down my spine.Felix parked the car in front of my brother's house, and I found myself frozen in place, staring at the familiar facade. "Are you sure you're fine with this?" Felix asked, concern etched on his face. I longed for his reassurance, for the strength that emanated from him, to envelop me and ease my fears.Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to respond. "It's going to be okay," I whispered, trying to convince myself as much as Felix
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CHAP 36:{ unfamiliar}
{Abebi}I walked into the bar, and a sense of warmth enveloped me. The familiar faces of the employees and customers greeted me, creating a sense of belonging. I couldn't help but notice Felix's gesture towards the old man, presenting him with a suit. It was a touching moment, witnessing the care and respect Felix had for his employees.Vanesa, with her contagious enthusiasm, exclaimed, "Here comes our fiancée!" Her joy was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. The presence of the old man with the package caught my attention, and I wondered what it contained. It was heartwarming to see Felix's generosity towards someone who had dedicated their time and effort to the company for so long.Suddenly, Felix's voice rang out, capturing the attention of everyone in the bar. All eyes turned towards him as he announced his wedding and a special gift for all those present. The news of free entry to his wedding day brought forth a wave of applause and appreciation. I f
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CHAP 37:{ His family
{Abebi} Still suspended in the air for several hours, with my hope washing away like faded clothes. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of footsteps echoing through the corridors. The noise grew closer, and my heart skipped a beat. I strained my ears, listening intently to decipher who approached. Was it my captor? Or perhaps someone is coming to rescue me?The door to the room swung open, revealing a figure standing on the threshold. My heart leapt with hope, but that hope quickly dissipated as I recognized the person before me. It was Felix, his face contorted with a mixture of surprise and concern."Felix!" I called out, relief flooding my voice. "Please, help me down from here."Confusion and disbelief washed over me as Felix manipulated the buttons, causing me to fall onto the mattress and then reveal a hidden chair and table. My mind raced to comprehend what was happening. Was this all part of a twisted game? A test?I cautiously approached the chair, my eye
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CHAP 38:{red wedding}
{ Abebi}The gentle rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my sleep, gradually realizing Felix's presence beside me. His excited voice reached my ears as he placed a tender kiss on my forehead, urging me to wake up. With a groggy smile, I opened my eyes, my gaze meeting his eager expression."Today is the big day," Felix declared, his smile infectious and filled with anticipation. I could feel his love and excitement radiating from him, filling the room with palpable energy. I reciprocated his affectionate gesture, returning the kiss with a sense of joy and readiness.Just then, a knock on the door interrupted our intimate moment. As if on cue, Venesa, Camelia, and a group of ladies entered the room, their presence filling the space with vibrant energy. "Good morning, Queen," they greeted me in unison, their voices brimming with warmth and excitement.Their arrival signalled the beginning of the wedding preparations, and I couldn't help but feel a mi
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CHAP 39:{ Bargaining chip}
{Abebi}Lorenzo forcibly lifted me onto his shoulder. Panic and desperation consumed me. Felix fought against Lorenzo, desperately trying to save me from this grim fate. The struggle between the two men intensified, each grappling for control over my life."Let her go!" Felix cried out, his voice trembling with fear and anguish. But my pleas fell on deaf ears as the struggle between them escalated. At the moment's chaos, a shot rang out, shattering the air with a deafening sound.Time seemed to stand still as I watched in horror. Felix, my beloved, crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished in an instant. Blood stained his chest, a chilling reminder of the tragedy that had befallen us. The congregation erupted into screams and gasps, their voices blending with my own cries of despair.Lorenzo, cold and unyielding, continued his ruthless mission. With me still held captive, he carried me toward the church's exit, leaving behind a scene of devastation and grief. The echoes of the
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CHAP 40:{ Demands declined}
{ Mac Allister}About 4 hours left since I came across stranger who claimed to be my brother. I feel betrayed by my late dad and mum, who did not tell me this truth. Eventually, I asked if what he was saying was true. I wouldn't forgive my mum and my late dad.I needed to ask my mum some questions, so I got off of my bed and put on a Hawaiian T-shirt before exiting my room. I adjusted the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Bruno's reflection standing beside my car. The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on my mind as I prepared to face yet another threat to my empire. Bruno, my trusted confidant, stood at the ready, awaiting my command."No, Bruno, your service won't be needed right now," I informed him, my voice conveying a mix of concern and determination. Starting the car, I felt its engine roar to life, and I firmly gripped the steering wheel. Time was of the essence; there was no room for delay.As I pulled out of the car park, the familiar sights of my estate faded
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