Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
CHAP 21:{ meeting Don ermes}
{Mac Allister} The car moved along the winding roads. Abebi broke the silence, her voice filled with a sense of relief. "Meeting Clementine was easier than I expected," she remarked, her eyes fixed on the passing scenery. I glanced at her, a small smile playing on my lips. "Sometimes, things fall into place unexpectedly," I replied, my gaze focused on the road ahead.Abebi rested her head against the car window, her thoughts lost in the distance. I could sense a mix of emotions swirling within her. Clementine's demeanour had surprised her, perhaps challenging the preconceived notions she held about powerful mafia leaders."He's a good man and a valuable alliance," I said, breaking the silence. Abebi turned her attention towards me, her eyes reflecting curiosity. "His family has been loyal to mine for years," I continued, emphasizing the deep-rooted connection between our families. Loyalty and trust were rare commodities in our world, and the bond between our families carried immen
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CHAP 22:{ Ermes of ragusa}
{Mac Allister}"Feel free to do anything,"" Tomorrow morning, we shall start business talks." Ermes led us to our room. He graciously offered us the freedom to explore and enjoy our surroundings. His words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the hospitality extended to us by the Ermes family. Tomorrow held the promise of important business talks that would solidify our alliance and set the stage for a prosperous future.The room we entered was a testament to the Ermes family's love for art. Sculptures adorned every corner, their intricate details capturing the essence of human emotions. I couldn't help but be captivated by the creativity and craft skills on display."The Ermes family truly appreciates the beauty of art," I remarked to Abebi, drawing the curtain aside to let the evening sun bathe the room in its warm glow. The interplay of light and shadow brought the sculptures to life, adding another layer of enchantment to the space.Abebi's question about the artworks brought me b
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CHAP 23:{ Tripani}
{Mac Allister}As the plane soared through the sky, I couldn't help but notice the contrasting attire between Abebi and myself. Her elegance in the black gown complemented my black coat, creating an intriguing visual juxtaposition. It was a moment of lightheartedness, and I teased her a little."Your girls are lucky," I playfully remarked, raising an eyebrow. Abebi's eyes widened, and a slight blush crept across her cheeks. I could sense her nervousness, causing me to chuckle softly."What girls?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of anxiety. I grinned mischievously, enjoying her reaction."I mean your strippers," I clarified, emphasizing the word with a light-hearted tone. The mention of the word "strippers" seemed to catch her off guard, and I could see her mind racing to make sense of my words.Abebi let out a small laugh, realizing my playful banter. "Oh, those girls," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "They have been fortunate so far on this trip, un
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CHAP 24: { Return}
{Mac Allister}I settled into my seat inside the plane, ready for departure. Fico's voice echoed through the air, reaching my ears. He stood on the tarmac, his hand raised in a farewell gesture, bidding me goodbye."We shall see again!" his voice carried across the distance, a mix of enthusiasm and anticipation. I watched through the window as he waved, his vibrant energy creating a lasting image in my mind.Fico's presence was both intriguing and influential during my time in Trapani. His unique personality and wisdom had left an indelible mark on me, reminding me of the complexities of this clandestine world we inhabited.As the plane prepared for takeoff, I reflected on the experiences I had gained and the connections I had forged during my visit. Trapani presented me with opportunities, challenges, and unexpected alliances.The memories of our conversations and encounters danced in my mind. Fico's guidance, cautionary words, and genuine interest in my endeavours left an impression
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CHAP 25: { false evidence}
{ Mac Allister}The tension in the room escalated as my mother and I engaged in a heated exchange. Every word spoken carried the weight of our conflicting desires and the inherent danger that surrounded us. I paced the room, frustration fueling my movements, while Madame Beatrice maintained her composed demeanour, using a toothpick to punctuate her words."Why have you brought back the two women I rejected back into my life?" I questioned, my voice filled with a mix of anger and exasperation. The memories of past betrayals and the repercussions they had brought upon our family resurfaced, intensifying my emotions.Madame Beatrice, still calm and collected, responded matter-of-factly, "You know that the rejection of a girl from the Tommy family is a death trap for us." Her words hung in the air, a reminder of the dangerous game we played, where alliances and loyalties could determine life or death."I don't care," I retorted, my tone defiant. The weight of tradition and the fear of re
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CHAP 26:{ innocent}
{ Abebi}I packed my belongings into the blue box. Chiara entered the room, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. I could sense the weight of her words before she even spoke them. "What have you done, Abebi?" she asked, her eyes searching mine for answers. I took a deep breath, knowing that my response would shape the perception she had of me."I would never betray Mac, Chiara. Believe me," I said, my voice filled with sincerity. I continued gathering my things, folding clothes and placing them neatly in the box, trying to maintain a sense of composure amidst the turmoil within.Chiara's gaze intensified, and she pressed further. "Then who was that guy you were talking to?" she inquired, her tone a mix of concern and confusion. I paused for a moment, meeting her eyes directly. "It was my brother," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness.The revelation seemed to catch Chiara off guard. "You never mentioned having a brother," she said, a note of surprise clear in h
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CHAP 27:{reunion}
{Abebi}I continued my journey, my steps growing weary with each passing kilometre, a voice suddenly called out to me from a nearby car. I glanced in the direction of the voice and saw a man with striking green eyes and a bony jaw gesturing for me to approach. Uncertain of his intentions, I initially ignored the call, my guard still up from my recent experiences.Undeterred, the man drove his car closer to me, persistent in his attempt to get my attention. "Hey, want a lift?" he offered, opening the door invitingly. A mix of caution and weariness filled my mind, but the thought of a respite from the long journey enticed me. I cautiously accepted his offer, stepping into the car with my trusty blue box.As I settled into the passenger seat, the man lowered the volume of the music that had been playing in his car. "Heading to where?" he inquired, his eyes flickering with curiosity."Cerami District," I replied, stating my destination. The man nodded in acknowledgement and closed the d
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CHAP 28:{ Felixco Bar}
{Abebi}The room was shrouded in darkness, save for the dim moonlight streaming through the curtains. The heated exchange between Tony and me broke the silence of the late hour. Emotions ran high as we confronted the wounds of our past, our voices echoing in the night's stillness."How could you say such things?" I yelled, my voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt.."You left me," Tony replied, his words laced with bitterness. The weight of his own pain and resentment hung in the air, intensifying the tension between us."Don't talk to me like that," I fired back, my voice trembling with raw emotion. "You never knew what I went through."Tony's eyes locked with mine, and for a moment, a flicker of understanding passed between us. We both carried scars hidden beneath the surface, etched into our souls by the circumstances that tore us apart."But what about me?" Tony countered, his voice filled with frustration and longing. "You left without a trace."The hurt in his words struck a
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CHAP 29:{chase out and a contract marriage}
{Abebi}I rummaged through my bag, panic rose within me. I realized I didn't have enough money to take a taxi home. With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to trek my way back. The thought of the long journey ahead weighed on my tired shoulders.As I walked, the realization slowly dawned on me I was the last person to leave the company. The deserted streets amplified the sense of solitude, and the sight of Felix's car still parked in the lot caught my attention. A fleeting thought crossed my mind, suggesting that I wait by his car in the hope that he might notice me and offer me a ride. However, I quickly dismissed the idea, reminding myself that I didn't want to inconvenience him.With determination, I continued my trek through the darkness. The night enveloped me, and the streetlights provided the only source of illumination. It felt like an eternity had passed, even though it hadn't been over thirty minutes since I had left the company.Suddenly, a car's
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CHAP 30:{first date}
{Abebi}Alone in the cold street, I continued walking. Only being passed through occasionally by the trailer in the high."Hey you, head to where? " A female voice calls out from one of the trailers. "Felixco bar," I replied with a dim voice that barely came out of my throat because of the cold I was exposed to.I quickly lend my hand to her as he drags me up on board."I am Jane". She took her hand out, and I slid mine in." I am Abebi. "I gazed out of the window, the passing streetlights casting fleeting glimpses of the world beyond. The road stretched out ahead, seemingly endless, disappearing into the distance like an uncertain path in the night. My mind drifted, torn between revealing my true purpose and maintaining the facade I had crafted."No, he didn't dump me on the highway," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. I chose my words carefully, careful not to reveal too much of my vulnerability. "I just need to get to' Felixco bar. There's something important I n
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