All Chapters of Our Surface: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
78 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One
Caden’s POV“Are you always this quiet or you'd rather go home than sit here with me?” She hadn't said a word since we got here, she was either smiling at something the children were doing or just not talking.“What?” She squeaked like a mouse, her eyes widened in fear, what was she always so afraid of? It didn't make any sense why a normal human being would be jumpy. It reminded me of Taylor's party when I yelled at her.“Why are you so scared?” “I am not scared!” She said it too quickly, raising her voice and I knew she was lying. “I mean I am not scared” she mumbled quietly.How many more sides did she have?“Your little brother… He seemed sweet” she said randomly, out of nowhere. I guess she attempted to engage me in a conversation, but it was a sorry one.I kept my face void of any emotion. “I guess… I don’t know much about siblings”“Come on, they can't be so bad. I always wished I had one” “You shouldn't, at least you get all of your parent's love for yourself” I hated how bi
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Chapter Thirty-Two
Anna's POV“Anna Noel Mackenzie!” Erica was back the next day and I couldn’t understand why she was yelling.“Keep your voice down” I whispered to them and was surprised that this time she made an effort to keep her voice down. “You're a betrayer” I couldn't understand what she meant by that.Why would I betray her? Was she referring to me or someone else? Was there another girl who did? “I trusted you,” She said and I felt a cold chill run up my spine. Who was she talking about? Had I done something wrong?“Chill Anna, you should see your face now” She suddenly laughed in between gasping breaths. “It is hilarious to watch your whole face turn into one big question mark” That comment sent a wave of confusion throughout my head, but I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. I was confused. Confused beyond belief. “You are scaring me was all I could manage to say” I managed to choke out before taking another step back, trying to get away from her.My legs gave way under my
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Chapter Thirty-Three
Anna's POVI met Erica when life had pushed me to the edge when I didn't have any reason to live anymore. I had no money, no friends, no prospects for my future, no nothing. The world had ended and left behind a young child and I was left in a dead end. No one wanted me anywhere. I was stuck in a place I didn't know existed, a dark place in my head, where I lived alone and didn't exist. It was lonely, frightening, but most importantly empty. All the hope and happiness drained out of me and my life was turning into an endless nightmare. Scar had kicked me out of his house. I remember how much I pleaded for him to take me back, I begged to stay with a monster because I had no clue what my next step was supposed to be. He had told me that if I stayed any longer he'd kill me and I was convinced that he was right. So I decided to leave. There wasn't anything I could do anymore. I had lost all chances of finding something better. Something real.I begged on the streets,
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Chapters Thirty-Four
Caden’s POVI met Sean in my living room when I had gone back home. I don't know how he got in, I don't think I left a key, so how did he get in?He wasn't even acting as if he just broke into my house - yes he broke in.“Stop looking at me like that,” Sean told me. “I took one of your keys, it's not a big deal” It was typical of Sean to say something like that.I ignored him and started moving to my room but he sprang off the creamed-coloured couch and ran after me.“Caden are you not going to tell me what you have been up to?” He was looking at me and trying not to smirk and it wasn't hard to tell that he had also seen the pictures of me and Anna that were going around.But that didn’t mean that I should talk about it to him, don’t get me wrong, there was just nothing to talk about.“You don’t need to know,” I told him. “Not everything is your business” I added quickly.“Ouch” he feigned hurt placing his hand over his heart but he let out a chuckle.He was used to me and my blunt w
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Anna's POVI hated the week that followed. I could see the stares my colleagues were giving me at work, I could tell they were suspicious.Trevor was still not talking to me. He didn't even look my way, he just went on as if I was invincible and unimportant. The others too. They avoided looking at me when I was close in a way that felt like I was a disease.But from afar I would feel their gaze that followed me like a cloud or shadow.It was worse when Erica started her three months professional course.It simply meant bye-bye to my free rides to work and back, bye-bye to her company, and a whole lot of other things.I missed her already. I didn't expect to feel this way once the job was done and she was leaving. But I did. And so I was feeling miserable.Even though I didn't want to admit it, something seemed to have changed between me and Trevor during the week.It was like a weird tension between us.He treated me differently than he usually did and I tried not to read too much i
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Chapter Thirty-Six
Anna’s POVI woke up to blinding lights and plain white walls as my eyes adjusted. It looked like someone had painted a picture of a hospital room. It was hard not to think about how I’d died when I just woke up in one for the first time.It was a whole dèjá vu feeling. As if my body remembered every moment I’d gone through. My eyes took in my surroundings again, this time with more depth. A couple of empty chairs sat next to my bed with a small window. There were IV poles on each of them but they didn’t seem connected to anything except for me.I tried to adjust but the door swung open and there stood Erica who looked like she was shocked to see me awake.She rushed to my side with different emotions flashing on her face and I could tell she was trying not to cry. “Oh, my god. You’re awake,” she breathed as she reached to touch my head.The contact felt odd. I couldn’t feel any warmth or pressure from her hand so it made me feel weirdly numb. I tried to pull myself up to a seated p
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Anna's POV“What if it was him?” Erica's voice echoed in my mind, causing me to look up and lock eyes with her.I shivered involuntarily.I didn't understand where that question even came from. The last thing I saw was my attacker. I was pretty sure he was not the same guy who had been following me but I honestly didn't know what to believe anymore.“Anna, are you even listening to me?” She snapped her fingers in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts.“Who?”, I asked, confused. I knew who she asked for, and I knew what she was talking about but trust me when I say no one wanted their fears to be confirmed.“That’s what I was wondering” she sighed. “What if it was Scar” she repeated her question as she crossed her arms. She was looking at me, her warm amber eyes piercing through the bottom of my soul and trying to figure me out but I looked away immediately.The hair in my arms stood involuntarily at the mention of his name, causing my whole body to tense up.Scar? I said
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
Caden’s POVAunt Marie had an asthma attack, and Sean called to inform me. His voice sounded as if he was trying to be brave or something, but that didn't make any sense at all because I could tell he was upset. He was still breathing heavily into the phone like he wanted to cry, but he was trying not to let it show how bad things were for him. I abandoned work immediately, it wasn't like I had anything to do at the moment.I noticed that Anna still hadn't resumed. Her strawberry-blonde friend had told me about her accident without details but she didn't give me the details.I hurried into my Audi and drove to the address Sean had given me.“Saints Hospital” was written in large letters across the building's white façade. It looked rather modern, with lots of glass windows.It felt odd being here, I couldn't remember the last time I had been to a hospital, it sent weird chills down my spine.I parked my car outside the front entrance and then entered. There was no one else waiting
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
Caden’s POVFor once, I thought Erica looked uncomfortable. I wondered why though, I had spoken to her several times at various meetings and she seemed nice enough- dedicated and passionate too. I remembered when she wrote the paper on the importance of healthy relationships within the workplace. She talked about working closely with colleagues and helping them to get to know each other and learn from each other. “I wasn't expecting to see you here,” she said to me this time, gone was the trace of fear.“My aunt is just in that room“ I pointed to Aunt Marie’s room and I saw Erica's eyes widen in remorse. Pity? I couldn't tell.“I am sorry about that,” she told me.I nodded.“How is Anna?” I asked her instead.I saw the sober look return to her eyes again and she looked down, rubbing her arm “They told me she is fine” she responded softly.Something in my gut twisted at the tone she used. It was too quiet.“But?” I pressed.She looked up, tears threatening to spill over again. “She
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Chapter Forty
Anna's POVI groaned when I woke up again, trying to understand what was happening. This time I was more aware I had passed out, I tried to sit up and it was only then my eyes met those sapphire blue ones.It made me question my sanity, was I dreaming or not? I was certain I was dreaming, I was dreaming. I wasn’t sure about passing out anymore.Maybe the impact of the alley on my head was making me imagine things. But why was Caden Gallagher the first person my mind had to imagine?I wasn’t joking, I imagined sitting where Erica had sat, his blue eyes boring into my soul like he was seeing something no one else could see.Seeing things I didn’t want him to see.“You are awake” It wasn't a question so I wasn't sure of how to respond to that.His gaze was still unwavering and I couldn't bear to look at him, afraid of what my face might give away so I looked at the door instead.“How are you feeling?” his rich musical voice with a hint of that slight accent asked me after a hundred hours
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