Semua Bab The Princess And The Bear: Bab 41 - Bab 45
45 Bab
41. Two Lines
Rori. I smelled like him but more like him. What was he on about. I was slightly annoyed when he stopped kissing me and started sniffing me like he was on a mission. When he pressed his nose to the soft skin above my belly button, he looked up at me his eyes wide, and I stared back awkwardly. "No." I said aloud in my head, but conveniently, my wolf Tara was silent. I looked into Ben's face and I knew what he was thinking as I did the math on my last period and well it didn't work out in a number that allowed me to reasure him convincingly, with everything that had gone on in the past month and after my heat I hadn't kept track. He pressed his nose again to my stomach and breathed in my scent. "Well?" I asked him as he pulled away slightly. "Well, what?" he asked as I noticed his face was a little pale. "Well, we go get you your ice cream, wait and see at an appointment with Dr Teller, or we go to the drug store and get a test?" he responded. I pondered his options. "Drug store." I
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42. The new Beta of Pheasant Falls.
BenSo there it was my whole life changed in the space of an afternoon. I had a secret feeling my mate wanted this more than I realised, and now two lines on a white stick had confirmed what we suspected. I was destined to be a young everything , I was a young shifter shifting at three years old in response to the presence of my mate and the issues in the royal pack at the time, I was a young mate, a young warrior and now it would seem I was to be a young father. I was really happy if all be it a little nervous. I hadn't even worked out how the bear pack would protect Rori, never mind a pregnant Rori. I also wondered when I should tell Aiden so he was aware of the added complications, but Rori had sworn me to silence while we were skinny dipping in our lake spot last night. She wanted it to be just our secret for now, but I did remind her wolves would smell it, and high-ranking wolves had a very good sense of smell. She hoped it would just come across as my scent, so I didn't disagree.
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43. Surprise.
Rori. Since it was confirmed I was pregnant a few mere hours ago, I now felt it was so obvious. I was suddenly always starving it had to be psychological, right? I grumbled to myself. I was looking in my parents' fridge as I dug around, moving all her cheese. It would have been so simple if I shared my mother's pregnancy obsession with cheese, but sadly, I did not. I looked up with an excited expression when I scented Sage enter. "Sage." I called as I launched myself into her open arms. She giggled under my weight as she hugged me back. "Doughnuts?" She asked as I gasped. "Yes, thank god you're a life saver." I sighed as I grabbed some mugs and poured the freshly brewed coffee. "So what's been going on with you?" I asked through a mouthful of sugar glazed doughnuts icing that was now smeared across my lips. "A lot." Sage sighed. I paused my chewing. "Oh?" I said, encouraging her. "There's a guy." she sighed. "Oh, a guy?" I concealed my smile. "Anyone I know?" I asked. "No, h
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44. A new life.
Ben"Isn't it perfect?" my mate cooed as she showed me the finishing touches on our cubs nursery. The pack was alive and buzzing with the news. We had spent the last few months getting our own house in Big Paw Pack ready, and this was the last room my mate had completed. She had taken extra care in picking every item that went into this room. She had pondered over every detail with amazement and happiness. "It's amazing." I agreed, but I was looking at her and not the room before me. I know it's a cliche, but my mate glowed, her red hair shone as it fell loose over her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of soft leggings and a soft off the shoulder beige jumper. Her rounded bump was now in full bloom, and I now fully understood the words I had heard her very own father say that he himself never loved his mate more than when she was carrying his pups. It all made sense to me now and despite the initial shock at our news, my now long since healed black eye from her twin brother when he fo
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45. A real fairytale
Rori.(One Year Later) I watched as Teddy wobbled towards my laughing parents as they bent down to greet him. His chubby little hands out stretched to be picked up. He had only begun walking a few days prior right in time for his first birthday. My father was holding my now nearly one and half year old brother David, who was just as eager to see his little cousin. He reached for me as I scooped David up, and Ben and I note fussed over him as my parents did the same over their first grandchild. Eoin and Amira were next through the door with Amira carrying a large blue paper wrapped gift with a large silver bow. I greeted and embraced them warmly. Ash, my younger brother, arrived with my sister Victoria perched on his shoulders along with his best friend Kayda. James barreled in moments later with some random girlfriend he was passing the current week with. My aunt Daphne, Uncle Max, came next with their kids along with Danny and Dottie and their youngest Scarlet in Danny's arms. Once A
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