Semua Bab The Princess And The Bear: Bab 11 - Bab 20
45 Bab
11. Love Bite
Ben "I do have an idea." I smirked as she leaned in with interest and intrigue on her face. "I may have promised I wouldn't mark you until you were eighteen, but I am eighteen, and you made no such promise." I told her. "You want me to mark you?" She asked, surprised as she processed the loop hole i was suggesting. "Sure, why not that way, we are bonded and will feel each other, and we will complete the bond when I get back." I told her, cupping her face as I placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "You're an Alpha, and you would wear my mark without me wearing yours?" She asked, and I nodded. "I know weird right goes against all the toxic Alpha possessive behaviours of old. But it doesn't bother me. In fact, in my head, it's very logical." I replied. "Except for one problem." she responded as I pulled her to stradle me. My body's reaction to her was instant, and I loved it. "And what is that, Princess?" I murmured, tracing my hands under her top and up the silky smooth skin on the s
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12. Accelerate, Brake and Clutch
Rori. My mother knocked on my bedroom door"Rise and shine, Princess," she called as she opened it. "School today, Rori. I can't swing another heart broken mental health day for you." she added as she walked over to sit next to me on the bed. I wiped sleep from my eyes and groaned as I stretched "I don't want to, Mom. I am so tired." I sighed sadly."I know, sweetheart, but as a Luna, a Princess or a Queen mated to an Alpha, you have to keep going even when they are away. It's hard the mate bond makes you want them, and whilst I am surprised without marking each other, you feel it so strongly that i can only tell you one thing, Princess. " she smiled as I sat up. "Whats that?" I asked. "Suck it up and get your ass out of bed." she added. "You need to be strong and do what needs to be done whilst Ben is away. So school, family, and friends are your priority now." she said, standing up. "Get showered and dressed your Father expects you at breakfast." she told me as she left, closing
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13. A Dead Wolf
BenI raced toward where the pop of the gunshot had rung out, and my bike bounced down the dirt trail. As the trees became dense, I parked the bike and shook off my leather jacket. I ran into the thick trees and foliage. "Ben?" My dad's voice linked in my head. "Hunters to the west of the high school, a gunshot just went off. I am nearly on site, " I responded to the link. "Ben, be careful. The royal wolves are also patrolling in that area." he added. "Got it." I replied as I pushed Kane forward, and he sniffed the air. We could smell blood, and I followed my nose to a thick bushy area parting the bush. I saw an injured wolf blood gushed from its chest area. In the distance, I could smell and hear the footfall of humans as they drew near, clearly searching the undergrowth. I grabbed the large wolf and took off back the way I came as I linked my father and told him to have someone intercept me I wanted to stay and fight the hunters but it was clear the wolf was badly injured. This
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14. Busted.
Rori. I looked myself over in the mirror in my bedroom. I really needed this night out dancing with the girls I just wanted to blow off some steam missing Ben was harder then I ever imagined it to be and it may have been the major down side to marking Ben. I was definitely beginning to feel my wolf Tara a lot more since I marked Ben and the connection to Kane had become stronger. I ran my hands over my pink body con minidress that I'm sure would have Ben growling at any male nearby. My hair was curled and loose around my face, and I opted for make-up with a bright pink lip stick. Sage looked just as cute in a bright yellow dress , Kayda had on a purple sparkling crop top and a skin-tight black jeans. She looked way older than her years. I had applied a light purple smoky eye, and she looked amazing with her shiny chesnut brown hair styled to fall in a side pony tail over left shoulder. I threw back a second shot of tequila as Sage hummed over if she should allow Kayda another shot.
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15. My Princess
Ben. My mother's revelation rang in my ears as I pushed my bike to go faster. Max was on my tail as I raced towards the Palace. Rori, my mate, was in heat, and Kane's need and fury to get to her was unbearable. The only thing stopping him from shifting was his realisation that my bike was faster than he could ever run. Max had worked out pretty quickly that me allowing Rori mark me, but her not being mated to complete the bond had encouraged nature to force the matter, and my mate was now in heat. My mother had spoken to Queen Charlie, and they were using herbs and ice to keep her heat symptoms at bay, but only her mates touch would elevate it completely. I didn't want our first time having sex to be like this. She wolves in heat weren't really themselves drunk on hormones they tended to act with only one goal in mind and often forgot what had happened as their wolves usually took over. "Slow down, Ben." Max's voice came over mind link. He also liked to ride a motorbike and was right
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16. If You Can't Say It You Shouldn't Be Doing It.
RoriI was exhausted, but at least the burning was now a distant memory. I pulled on my white jean shorts and a pink t-shirt before brushing my hair up into a messy bun. Feeling hungry, I wandered out of my room for food and soon came face to face with my mother and Daphne, having located them in Casey's Beta apartment. "Victoria, not here?" I asked my mother, noting the absence of my little sister, with a little disappointment as her innocence would have meant any awkward heat or mating conversations would have been avoided. "She is with Miss Potter, so I was thinking we could talk." she said as I picked at an invisible hang nail. "Sure, but I am starving." I replied, hoping to prolong the delay the conversation another way. "Tacos are here." Casey called as she stepped off the lift and beamed as I gave a defeated sigh. However, I was so hungry that I was willing to bear the inevitable talk for tacos. I happily munched on the Tacos as the women served themselves and sat down. My
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17. The Real Sir Anthony.
BenWith all that had been on my mind with Rori, then the hunters, her heat, and relocation discussions, it was easy to forget about Sir Anthony sitting in the Palace cells. The council had done its investigation, and under their insights, Anthony had admitted what he had tried to do to the Crowned Princess. A forced mating was unforgivable in our world, one of the worst crimes and sadly more commonly inflicted on vulnerable women than the community cared to admit. I knew things with him were in motion when King Emmett summoned me to his office. "Come in, Ben." he called once I knocked, and I entered. Adam sat in the office with Danny. All three looked comfortable, yet a serious tension hung in the air. Paper littered the Kings desk, and his window was thrown open, shining the morning light on King Emmetts' deep maghony furniture. The room had pale blue walls and was decorated with the dark wood shelves that held books. A leather sofa stood to the side of the room, and above it was f
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18. A Lost Friend
Rori. I was sitting with Sage, who was happily playing with Victoria on the floor with me. We were busy watching her for my mother, and we now found ourselves busy helping her to build a Disney Princess jig saw. "I am a real Princess, not just a cartoon." Victoria told Sage, who smiled."I know, Princess." she laughed."Are you a princess?" Victoria asked. "Because Rori is just a bigger Princess, and Ash and Eoin are Princes, but they're not like in the stories either. Eoin will be King." She whispered as if she was telling Sage a secret. "I know." Sage whispered back. "But I am not a Princess. I am a Royal Gamma and a witch." Sage responded as Victoria nodded thoughtfully. "Guess someone has been learning about pack politics." I laughed but stopped suddenly when I felt over whelming rage and anger rush through me. I knew instantly it wasn't mine it was Ben's, and its force was doubling me over. "Rori?" Sage asked as I took deep breaths to compose myself through the forgein emoti
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19. Explosion
BenThe past couple of days had been unsettling, and something had Kane on edge. I couldn't quite place what was happening, but watching my mate face off with that Idiot Alpha Sir Anthony had really set my nerves on high alert. I was happy that Rori had decided to allow her father to order the punishment because I didn't want her living with the outcome for the rest of her life. Rori was safely at the academy. I had dropped her there along with Sage this morning to complete some exams she had and then had doubled back with Eoin. Our Alpha training had taken a more realistic turn in recent times. There was nothing we could learn in a classroom right now that we weren't learning being active in the pack. I now sat in her father's office with Danny, Adam, and Eoin going over what Anthony had revealed in his confrontation of Rori. "She did well in getting more information from the piece of shit then we tortured from him." Danny sighed. "Confirming there are groups out there still agains
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20. Gone.
Rori. I sat in the pack dining room that was now doubling as a military style temporary field hospital for minor injuries. With the clinic damaged in the attack, everyone who wasn't in need of or on serious medical machinery had been placed here. A kind young nurse fussed over my cuts and bruises, and it annoyed me. I pulled away from her and pleadingly asked her. "Please don't. I'm fine. Go tend to someone who needs your help." She looked at me with timid eyes, and I could see her thorn expression. "The King has ordered you be cared for." she sighed as I numbly nodded. "My wounds are minor, and I shall worry about my father he will understand. I will be healed before he even sees me." I assured her as she nodded and scurried off to help someone else. "You should have let her check you over." Ben scowled. "Don't start, Ben." I snapped, rolling my eyes. "I'm fine, besides its Sage I am worried about." I muttered."I know." he muttered as he pulled me close. I allowed his warmth to
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