All Chapters of A Naughty Mistake: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
73 Chapters
From behind
Vivian's heart skipped a beat as she opened the door to find Leslie standing there, holding a bouquet of pristine white roses. She stepped back to make way for him to enter, and he walked in with a warm smile. Vivian greeted him with a soft smile, "Hi Leslie, it's nice to see you."He handed her the bouquet, and she took in the elegant fragrance of the white roses. "Thank you, these are beautiful," Vivian said, her fingers delicately tracing the petals.Leslie looked particularly handsome tonight, dressed in a tailored navy blazer that accentuated his broad shoulders, paired with charcoal dress pants. The crisp white dress shirt underneath added a touch of sophistication to his ensemble. His neatly combed hair and confident demeanour exuded a sense of charm and charisma."Your outfit is stunning," Leslie complimented sincerely as he gestured towards her. His gaze, appreciative yet respectful, travelled from her wrapped gown to her low strappy sandals. As Leslie looked her over his mind
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Whirlwind of confusion
Vivian's heart pounded in her chest as she followed Leslie's gaze to the door, realizing that they were no longer alone. In a split second, her eyes locked onto Ted's, and time seemed to freeze. The shock of the moment held them captive, a tableau of emotions swirling between them.Ted's expression was a tumultuous mix of disbelief, hurt, and anger. The weight of what he had just witnessed crashed down on him, shattering the illusion of what he thought was real. The sight of Vivian and Leslie bent over having a good fuck, was a jarring sight he wasn't prepared for.His mind raced his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of confusion and heartache. The image before him seemed to burn into his memory, an indelible mark of betrayal. He took a step back, his fingers trembling as he reached for the doorknob to shut out the scene that had upended his world.The door closed with a resounding finality, shutting off the view of what he couldn't bear to see any longer. His steps were heavy as he retrac
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Ted sat in his parked car, the faint glow of the bar's neon lights casting a subdued ambiance around him. He stared at the entrance of the bar, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and regret. The idea of drowning his thoughts in alcohol tempted him, but he hesitated. Just as he was about to make a decision, his phone vibrated, startling him slightly. It was Vivian calling.As he answered the call and agreed to meet her, a heavy sense of introspection settled over him. He felt a surge of frustration and self-criticism. "Stupid," he muttered under his breath, the word dripping with self-derision. He felt like he had let an important part of his life slip through his fingers.With a sigh, Ted turned the key in the ignition, starting his car's engine. The quiet rumble of the engine seemed to echo his own inner turmoil. He pulled away from the bar, the neon lights fading in his rearview mirror. The drive to Vivian's house was filled with the rhythmic hum of the road, a backdrop to his co
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The door swung open to reveal Vivian's mother, and at the sight of her, Vivian's emotions erupted like a dam breaking. Tears streamed down her face as she embraced her mother tightly. In the comforting embrace of her mother's arms, Vivian let her emotions flow freely, the weight of her troubles finding solace in the warmth of that maternal embrace. Regina gently guided Vivian to a nearby couch, holding her as she wept. Her touch was soothing, her presence a balm to the pain Vivian felt. They remained there, mother and daughter, in a wordless connection that transcended any spoken language.Eventually, as Vivian's tears subsided, she lifted her head from her mother's lap and looked into her eyes, her voice quivering with emotion. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this," Vivian managed to say, her voice laden with vulnerability. "It's not the way I wanted to welcome you."Regina's gaze was filled with compassion as she gently stroked Vivian's hair. "My dear, you never have to apologize
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Veronica's heart raced as she continued to bleed, fear gripping her tightly. The nurse, recognizing the severity of the situation, didn't waste any time. She quickly called for a doctor, her voice laced with urgency as she explained the critical condition of the patient. Veronica's eyes welled up with tears as she felt her strength wane, the pain in her abdomen intensifying with every passing moment.Within minutes, a team of medical professionals rushed into Veronica's room. They swiftly transferred her to a stretcher, working with precision and efficiency. The urgency in their movements was palpable, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation. As Veronica was wheeled out of the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, as if she were watching the events unfold from a distance.The medical team navigated the corridors with a sense of purpose, their expressions serious and determined. Veronica's vision blurred as the pain continued to ravage her, her grip on cons
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Shocking them both
As the hours ticked by, the initial awkwardness that lingered in the room began to dissipate. Vivian's gaze shifted towards her sister, and in that shared moment, they exchanged an unspoken understanding. It was as if their connection transcended words, communicating volumes with just a glance.Realizing that her sister and Ted needed some moments of privacy, Vivian swiftly came up with a pretext to leave the room. Turning to her mother, she suggested, "Mom, let's go get Ronnie some fruit salad." Her mother agreed, and they both rose from their seats. As they approached the door, Vivian stole a last glance at Veronica. In that silent exchange, Veronica's gratitude was clear as day, she mouthed a 'thank you' to Vivian, and Vivian offered a reassuring nod in return.As the door clicked shut behind them, Vivian's phone chimed with a new message. Pulling it out, she read Veronica's text, which was concise yet pregnant with meaning. "Please help me call in the doctor." Those few words conv
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Vivian's laughter cut through the air, a mixture of disbelief and amusement. She playfully nudged Leslie's shoulder, her expression suggesting that she thought he was pulling her leg. "Leslie, seriously? This isn't the right moment for jokes," she chided, her smile lingering.However, the smile slowly faded from her face as Leslie's calm demeanour made it evident that he was entirely serious. Vivian sank back into her seat, a puzzled look on her face. "You can't be serious," she retorted, a tone of incredulity in her voice. "What you're saying just doesn't add up. We always used condoms, so... this can't be possible," she reasoned, her initial amusement now replaced with a growing sense of bewilderment."It does add up", Leslie stated, "The last time we had sex", Leslie said in a low voice, "The condom broke". The room went suddenly silent, it was as though the words that came out of Leslie's mouth had sucked all the life from the room. "Leslie's voice remained steady, his words hangi
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Mentally Prepare
Vivian's eyes widened, and her voice seemed to catch in her throat. Tears welled up and trickled down her cheeks, while a mixture of shock and joy painted her expression. Leslie reached out and gently wiped her tears away with his fingers. "My baby," Vivian eventually managed to say, her voice tremulous yet filled with emotions."You found my baby?" Vivian asked, a glimmer of hope and happiness brightening her tear-streaked face. Leslie nodded gently, his own eyes showing a mixture of relief and tendernessVivian's lips quivered into a smile, and before Leslie could react, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight, heartfelt hug. The intensity of the moment was palpable as they sat there, bound by the emotions of the past and the unexpected revelation of the present."She's no longer a baby but a young woman," Leslie said with a warm smile, his smile reflected a mix of relief and happiness. Vivian's eyes sparkled with a newfound hope as she continued to wipe away her tears."Was the P
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Pamela's immediate reaction was one of astonishment. "What did you just say?" she inquired, her voice tinged with disbelief. Vivian opened her mouth to speak but was abruptly interrupted when the door swung open, revealing a young lady. Vivian couldn't help but gasp at the sight of her."Good evening, Ma'am," the young girl greeted Vivian politely, her eyes meeting Vivian's for a moment before she turned her attention to Pamela. "Mom, Dad needs you," she informed her mother."Excuse me," the girl said to Vivian and then retreated into the house.Pamela stood there, staring after the young lady had walked away. The revelation and the unexpected presence of the young lady had clearly caught her off guard, leaving her in a state of perplexity.Vivian observed the young lady retreating into the house, her heart pounding in her chest. As she turned back to face the woman, the woman's demeanour had changed entirely. Her expression was now stern, and she placed her hand on the doorknob."I h
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Leslie rushed into the running shower and swiftly gathered Vivian into his arms, carrying her out of the cold water. She was trembling and shivering uncontrollably. Leslie grabbed a few towels, gently wrapping her wet hair in one of them. With great care, he peeled off her soaking clothes and then removed his own.Working quickly, Leslie began to dry her off, using the towels to gently mop her body. Once she was considerably drier, he led her to the bed and tucked her beneath the warm duvet. Concern etched across his face, he moved to make a small fire, hoping to bring some much-needed warmth to the room.He took the wet clothes to Vivian's laundry dryer and When his clothes were dry he put them back on. Leslie climbed into the bed, joining Vivian beneath the duvet, and pulled her close. He held her tightly, providing warmth and comfort as she continued to shiver and tremble from the cold. Gradually, as the minutes passed, her trembling subsided, and exhaustion overcame her. With Le
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