All Chapters of Falling Prey To Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
Intense love.
Chapter 31Her voice waved him out of his daydream. Met? How in hell did they meet? Oh yeah! Realization struck! They had an encounter before at his office, some days ago. She was the secretary of G&H companies but didn't quite recalled her name. "Yeah. We meet again." He gave his head a little scratched with an erratic pains in his eyes. "I am glad that you recognized me!" Kate grinned, her hands rested on the steering wheel. Well, who won't recognized her? And why won't he recognized her with the strong resemblance that constantly reminded him of Melissa, his most loved and treasured wife. Graham doubted he was ever going to forget Kate in a jiffy."Yeah. What are you doing here?" Graham glanced at the street by his right and back to his left, cunningly avoiding her gaze. Anything to avoid any contact with someone who kept resurrecting memories that was better buried than resurrected. "Nothing much." Kate heaved a sigh, as she bit her bottom lips. She was not oblivious to Graham
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Chapter 32The atmosphere tensed at her words. Her heart skipped, jumping out of her throat. The fire in her eyes suddenly dimmed. Patricia fidgeted with her hands, squeezing and un-squeezing. Fuck! What did she just say? She didn't mean to say it out loud. Daniel's gaze met hers. His thought concealed under the neutrality of his face. Patricia would have paid a dollar to know his thought. Apparently, Daniel thought she was being cheap. She could hear it in the soft way his neutral, cold eyes held hers. "Is that some kind of a joke?" He lowered his voice, almost doubting his hearing ability. Patricia bit her bottom lips, her heart twinge in regret. "No." She denied. Swallowed down nothing, sultrily holding his gaze. "I can't seem to get you out of my mind. You are deep rooted in it. All I want is a one night stand." This must be the joke of a century. Daniel thought. Damn! Was the bitchy lady begging him for a night stand? "Wow! This is incredible!" Daniel spatted laughing hear
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Chapter 33It's been fourteen days since the accident. Fourteen days since Graham threatened Daniel. Fourteen days since Daniel began snubbing Patricia as though she didn't exist. Fourteen days of constantly mobbing in silent over Daniel's nonchalant, cold attitude over Patricia. It's been a peaceful fourteen days of no melodrama. But Graham cold shoulder was beginning to be a bother to Daniel who had a strong conviction of Graham formulating a secret plot. Slowly descending the stairs, two at a time. Daniel clicked the cuff of his shirt. Adjusted his tie and dragged his shirt down. His long pant fitted his derriere, the shirt clung to his masculine anatomy. His black hair was styled and gelled giving him a model, sexy look. Two steps from reaching the living room, his phone rang noisily in his pocket. With his brow creased, Daniel pulled it out with a frown. "Hello.""Daniel. I have got some news. Concerning the bastard who shot you days ago. The bastard is no other than James Ch
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Unfriendly visitor.
Chapter 34The astonished look on Daniel's face was no longer amusing. His stoic face frightened Patricia who swallowed an invisible lump, speculating on her actions. Daniel's face contorted in disgust. His nose scrunched up. "I can see that you are clearly becoming insane." He sneered glaring murderously at her. "Let me have the keys!" Patricia pulled the keys out of her bosom which she transfered from the apron. She held it up as it dangled on the air. Her face unfaltering by the dead glare directed her way. Something was certain, if look could killed, she would be six feet beneath the earth. But hell, his glare had no effect on her. "Your keys will be yours if..." She drawled slowly, as she rose and turned in slow circles. "I believe this is yours," Daniel took a step to get his keys but Patricia snatched it from his reach. "But you can't get it till you give me my allowances!" Gosh! What sort of a mess was this? What sort of a bitchy bitch did he get as a wife. Daniel fumed,
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Chapter 35Daniel tried hard to control the murdering desire. His eyes landed on the laptop, some feet away. Hands balled in a fist, Daniel turned the laptop to himself. Punched in some code which was linked to the Cctv camera. Instantly, the video loaded, revealing a figure dressed in all black with a black mask. From the figure's body language, Daniel was certain, it was someone who knew his way round his office. Either that, or someone have been giving him a tour. The figure avoided the camera as though aware of the camera's location.Daniel watched keenly as the figure ransacked everywhere, broke every valuable things. Not satisfied, Daniel booted off his laptop. He picked up the telephone, punched some numbers. "Hello, this is Sheriff Ken, what is the emergency?""This is Daniel Graham. There had been a break into my office with a dead threat. I would love you to come have a look. I don't know if getting a finger print at this current stage will be valuable, considering, I do n
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Passionate confession.
Chapter 36The cops arrived earlier than expected, displaying professionalism as they carried out their task. Questions were tossed to some of the staffs whom they cops assumed was eligible to have seen the intruder. All furnitures were dusted for fingerprint. True to Daniel's assumption, the fingerprint was tainted and wasn't sure of guaranteeing an authentic result. Daniel watched keenly with a bored look. Just as predicted, nothing was found. No means of tracking the bastard. No evidence. No left trailed. By the time Daniel left his office, he was nothing but a walking corpse lost in the shadow of his thought. Opening his car, he slipped in, snatched his phone from the back seat just as he slammed the door shut. His head rested on the steering wheel. Damn it. Everything was beginning to pissed him off. His phone rang besides him. "Hello Dad!""You are alright?" Daniel heaved, trying hard to comport himself. "Yeah. Why did you called? You are going to carry out your threat?" "S
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Chapter 37Patricia's heart melted instantly. She stared adoringly at Daniel. The world came to an abrupt end, leaving those two behind. The soft way he stared at her with his heart in his mouth sent butterflies to her stomach. If only this was real. Patricia thought."Yes. You have my heart. Please don't break it!" Patricia played along. Her gaze focused entirely on Daniel, not giving a fuck about the crowd. The press media Surrounded them. "It's Daniel Graham. CEO of Glassy enterprise." The press men screamed excitedly drawing the attention of others who quickly flashed their camera to capture the emotional moments. It was surely going to make an headline in the next two hours. Each press media team rushed to upload the news first to gained traffic on their magazine and newspaper. Daniel smirked. Satisfied, he wrapped his arms possessively around Patricia's waist as he led her gently to a room away from the waiting room. With his left hand, he knocked softly on the metal door.
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Chapter 38Daniel felt his body paralyzed by shocked. Hell! Not again. He thought feeling terrible for never discovering this terrible story before meeting a doctor. The thought of always calling Patricia a bitch haunted him instantly. Indeed, being bitchy was a camouflaged to the things, pains and mortification she had passed through. Right there, Daniel felt awful and wished to reset the past in her favour. Doctor Meyer shook his head empathetically. He felt a twinge of regret for making Patricia recount the horrific incident which was better left unsaid. He chastised himself. "Of course, I felt my world crumpled. I was terrified." She choked back a sob, her gaze focused on her feet as she recounted the incident. "The little dignity I had left was literally destroyed. I wished, I had died at the spot." Patricia stopped to swallowed the big lump on her throat. Daniel patted her shoulder, offering his comfort. He wished he could do more than consoled. Pulling out a white handkerch
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Chapter 39Meyer smiled reassuring. "The power of surrogacy can never be underestimated." The smiled reached Meyer's eyes as he looked from Daniel who held Patricia's hands to Patricia who had hope on him. Her entire focus was on him. Her eyeballs gazed questioningly at him. Daniel fixed a cool gazed on him. Scrutinizing for any sign of lies. Satisfied, he let out a slow smile which warmed his face and lighten his universe. "There is a solution to this," Meyer began conversationally as he held their gazes. "Surrogacy is of two type. Traditional and Gestational surrogacy. In your case, we will do a traditional surrogacy." "May I please know what a traditional surrogacy is and the difference between the two surrogacy?" Daniel asked interrupting Meyer's statement."My bad," he slammed a hand on his temple, as he slowly removed the stethoscope hung around his neck. He un-knotted two button from his shirt. "I had assumed you knew what a surrogacy was. But, I will explain starting from t
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Chapter 40Daniel blinked hard, disbelieving his ears. He glanced away from her, looking far away with a confused facial expression. Could he do this? The pains from his previous relationship clouded his mind, reminding him of the heartache Janie subjected him to. His eyes darkened. "Come on, it's not such a bad idea," Patricia persuaded with a cool, soft tone. Her eyes pleading for a chance. She tilted Daniel's face to herself. Her eyes bulged in its socket as she held his gaze, unconsciously licking her bottom lips. "You like me right?" Daniel blinked. "It's not about me. You deserve better." He cupped her face, staring deep into her eyes. "I can't give you what you deserve. Love. I have been hurt." Patricia swallowed. Yeah. He was hurt by Janie but he didn't know she knew about his past and was related to the lady who hurt him. Patricia was certain his hatred for her might be revived when he discovered the truth - her relationship with Janie, something she dreaded with her enti
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