All Chapters of Mute Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
129 Chapters
Chapter 31
Beta Liu's Point Of ViewI sat down on the cold, hard chair in the dimly lit dungeon, my mind swirling with a mix of worry and disbelief. How could Alpha Dante accuse me of such a heinous act? The very thought of having an affair with Aurelia, the woman he claimed I was involved with, seemed absurd to me. If anything, I had been trying to unite her with Alpha Dante, to bring them closer together.But as I pondered the situation, doubts started to creep in. My mind wandered to my sister, Danciana. She had always been cunning and manipulative, willing to do whatever it took to achieve her own goals. Was this all part of her plan? Was she the mastermind behind this accusation, using it as a way to undermine me and gain more power?My suspicions heightened when I recalled a recent incident involving Danciana and a mysterious book. She had been so secretive about it, hiding it from my prying eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if that book held some damning evidence or hidden agenda that coul
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Chapter 32
Beta Liu's Point Of ViewI remained seated, my mind consumed by a swirl of thoughts and questions. What more could the detective possibly have to substantiate these accusations against me? I had already stated my innocence, emphasizing the lack of evidence supporting these claims. My frustration mounted, fueling a growing sense of apprehension as the detective's next move remained uncertain.To my surprise, the detective reached into his bag and retrieved a book. My curiosity was piqued, and I wondered what significance this book held in relation to the ongoing investigation. As he held it up, my eyes fixated on the worn cover, its pages weathered by time and use. My mind raced, trying to recall any connection this book might have with Aurelia."Beta Liu," the detective began, his tone measured, "do you recognize this book?"I squinted at the book, trying to discern any familiar details. "I'm afraid not, Detective," I responded honestly, a flicker of confusion passing across my featur
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Chapter 33
Alpha Dante's Point Of View I was going through some files, my mind fully engrossed in the task at hand, when I heard a faint knock on my door. Startled, I glanced up, momentarily taken aback by the interruption. "Who's there?" I called out, my voice tinged with a hint of caution.A soft, melodic voice floated through the door, unmistakably belonging to Danciana. "It's me, Alpha Dante," she replied, her tone filled with warmth and respect. "May I come in?"Relieved to hear her familiar voice, I replied, "Of course, Danciana. Please, come in." As the door swung open, revealing her petite figure, she entered the room gracefully, her head bowed slightly in deference.I rose from my chair, acknowledging her presence with a nod of my head. "Good to see you, Danciana," I greeted her, my voice infused with a mix of professionalism and camaraderie. "Please, have a seat."She gracefully settled into the chair I had gestured towards, her eyes fixed on me with a hint of concern. "You called for
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Chapter 34
Danciana's Point Of ViewAs I stepped out of Alpha Dante's office, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. The news he had just delivered left me utterly shocked. Beta Liu, my own brother, had been released from prison and given the opportunity to prove his innocence. The weight of that revelation bore down on me, stirring up a mixture of anger, fear, and desperation.Anger surged through my veins, fueled by the knowledge that Beta Liu's freedom threatened to expose my true role in the events that had transpired. If he succeeded in proving his innocence, it would unveil the dark secret I had fought so hard to keep hidden. I couldn't let that happen. I had to protect myself at all costs.Fear gripped my heart as I realized the potential consequences of Beta Liu's exoneration. The truth would unveil my guilt, shattering the façade I had carefully constructed. The thought of facing the consequences, of being exposed as the orchestrator of a grave injustice, was simply unbearable.I wa
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Chapter 35
Beta Liu's Point of ViewI entered Danciana's office, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination. It was a risk to be here, but I had no choice. I had to find some evidence that would prove my innocence. The room was dimly lit, with the only source of light coming from a small desk lamp in the corner. I silently closed the door behind me, hoping that Danciana wouldn't return unexpectedly.I started my search, methodically going through each drawer and shelf, trying not to make a sound. The tension in the room was palpable, and the air felt heavy with the weight of suspicion. I knew I had to act quickly, before any traces of my presence were discovered.As I rifled through the papers in one of the drawers, my eyes caught a glimmer of hope. The dustbin. It was filled with torn and shredded pieces of paper. Curiosity took hold of me, and I couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. I carefully picked up the scraps, examining them one by one. It was evident that Danci
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Chapter 36
Danciana's Point Of View "Danciana," he began, his voice low and hesitant. "How is Aurelia?"His question caught me off guard, and I could feel a mix of emotions rising within me. I took a moment to compose myself before responding. "She's locked up," I said, my voice carrying a hint of coldness. "She committed a grave offense, Dylan. She deserves to face the consequences."Dylan's eyes widened in shock, and I could see the concern etched on his face. "How could you let such a thing happen to her?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief and anger.I held his gaze firmly, my expression unwavering. "Dylan, you need to understand that this is all working in our favor," I explained, a glimmer of excitement dancing in my eyes. "Once everything falls into place, Aurelia will be yours, and Alpha Dante will finally be mine."Dylan's brows furrowed, his confusion evident. "Wait a minute," he said, his tone growing more demanding. "Are you telling me that Aurelia's offense was all part of yo
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Chapter 37
Danciana's Point Of ViewFrom my seat, positioned at the center of the gathering, I watched with a mix of excitement and satisfaction as the hearing commenced. The atmosphere crackled with tension, and all eyes were fixed upon the detective as he took center stage, evidence in hand.With a commanding presence, the detective began presenting the proof, meticulously outlining the case against Beta Liu. The gathered pack members leaned in, their anticipation palpable. I maintained a composed facade, my eyes locked onto the detective, eager to witness the unraveling of our plan.One by one, the detective examined the evidence, carefully weighing each piece. He scrutinized witness testimonies, analyzed surveillance footage, and delved into the chain of events that had led to these allegations. The suspense built, intensifying with each passing moment.As the detective neared the end of his investigation, my heart soared. I could practically taste victory in the air. Aurelia's downfall was
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Chapter 38
Alpha Dante's Point Of ViewAs I made my way through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, my heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and determination. Aurelia, my trusted companion, had gone missing, and it was my responsibility to find her. I knew I had to leave no stone unturned, even if it meant confronting my own doubts and facing those I had suspected.My footsteps echoed against the cold stone floor as I reached Beta Liu's quarters. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on his door, the sound reverberating through the silence. Moments later, the door creaked open, and Beta Liu appeared before me, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern."Beta Liu," I began, my voice tinged with regret, "I owe you an apology. I allowed suspicion to cloud my judgment, and I doubted your loyalty to me."Beta Liu's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly composed himself and offered a reassuring smile. "Alpha Dante, there is no need for apologies," he replied, his voice calm and steady. "In your pos
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Chapter 39
Danciana's Point Of ViewAs I sat in the dimly lit hospital room, the weight of the day's events settled heavily upon me. I glanced at the patient's chart, trying to gather my thoughts. The nurse, a young woman with a kind smile, stood by my side, waiting for further instructions."Please prescribe the necessary medications for the patient," I requested, my voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "Make sure they receive the proper treatment to alleviate their symptoms."The nurse nodded, her gaze focused and attentive. "Of course, Dr. Danciana. I'll take care of it right away. Is there anything else you need?""No, that will be all," I replied, grateful for her competence. "Thank you."She smiled warmly and turned to leave the room, disappearing through the door. As the sound of her footsteps faded away, I found myself lost in my own thoughts, replaying the events of the day over and over again in my mind.How had my plan against Aurelia gone so wrong? I had meticulously calculated ever
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Chapter 40
Alpha Dante's Point of ViewI watched as Aurelia gathered her things, her face filled with determination and hurt. My heart ached at the thought of losing her, of pushing her away with my own insecurities. Desperation welled up within me, and I couldn't bear to let her go without a fight."Please, Aurelia," I pleaded, reaching out to touch her arm gently. "Don't leave. I'm begging you to stay. I know I've made mistakes, but I want to make things right. I want to fix us."Aurelia sighed, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and anger.Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I realized the gravity of my actions. I had taken her for granted, assuming she would always be there. But now, faced with the possibility of losing her, I knew I had to fight for our love."I know I messed up," I admitted, my voice choked with remorse. "But I love you, Aurelia. I can't imagine my life without you. Please, give me a chance to make it right."She hesitated, her gaze fixed on the floor. I could see
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