All Chapters of Future Alpha Nix? (Book 3 -Azure Moon Series): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 31
Nix’s POV I was really confused when Caren wanted me to share my wolf’s strength with her. I told her I didn’t have a wolf and my aura was only strong when I was angry or upset. She threw it in my face that without me sharing my aura with her, my friend would die. She was point blank, blunt about it, too. I put my head down and allowed every happy memory of my mom to come forward. I allowed myself to feel everything, all of my grief and sorrow. How I hated the fact I would never see her again. I had buried so many of those emotions over the past months. It felt overwhelming when I brought it all to the surface again. All of that sadness at the same time. But she needed me to remember it all right now, to help her save Dylan. I could feel my head hurting from the pressure building up inside of it. I grabbed hold of her head. “You want my sorrow? You want my grief? Well, here, have it, have it all.” Her eyes glowed bright green as I held onto her. She smiled at me before ru
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Chapter 32
Nix’s POV Colt and Stella drove Dylan and Melissa back to the pack house, once Caren finally floated him to their car. “I can’t believe the miracles you both performed.” I said to Parker and Caren as we walked to their SUV at the bottom of the cliff. They both smiled, “I agree Caren, that was nothing short of a miracle what you did up there.” “Well, when you get to know me better, my future brother. You will find out that I am amazing every day. Truthfully, though I didn’t know I could do any of that!” She says, punching him in the arm and laughing. I am shocked. “Wait, are you two not a couple?” They both laugh. “Hell no, my brother Maddox, who you met earlier, is mates with Caren’s sister, Lottie. We’re the spare wheels.” They high five each other laughing. “Anyway, I think Dani is my mate. She’s from this pack. We dropped her off at the pack house before we got here earlier.” Dani? I should find out who she is. “Is there a motel we can stay in nearby? I could do
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Chapter 33
Parker’s POV Caren was exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep, but Nix insisted she eat before she went to bed, as she would sleep better on a full stomach. When we entered the pack house to get some food, we weren’t expecting a large group of people either. I heard Caren sigh on the way in. I was tired; it had been a really long drive. But when I saw her, both me and Saxon got a sudden jolt of energy. I smiled as I walked towards her, like a moth to a flame. Getting to spend time with Dani was the best feeling ever. She makes me so happy and calm. I told her I thought she was my mate. At first she was shocked, then she said she would understand if I rejected her. “There is no way I would reject my mate. She is perfect for me, just the way she is.” I told her with a smile on my face. She seemed happy with my response. I think she was expecting me to reject her or something? I felt anxious when I spoke to her dad. I informed him I was aware Dani was a hybrid and that I
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Chapter 34
Alpha Vance’s POV We got back from our hunt. All we had to show for it was more dead bodies. At least they were rogues this time. It filled me with dread at the thought of having to tell Colt that Raiden was one of them. I watched Raiden grow up. I was also anxious about breaking it to Colt that we could not find Christina. Thankfully, Dylan has been found alive. I am told how he nearly died. But now he has his wolf and once he has recovered, he should be able to walk. That is the only highlight of my day. Colt joined me in my study. He handed me an usb that Trevor had given him. “Have you seen what is on it?” I asked him “Not yet.” We watched the surveillance footage together. It showed what happened at the border patrol office. I saw Raiden luring my men away to their deaths. It eased my sadness over his death. I never officially banished Raiden. I never got the chance, seeing as he ran away. I'm not sure I would have gone through with it. He is a boy who was misgu
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Chapter 35
Nix’s POV I nearly do a back flip when Parker asks if he and Caren can stay a few more days. Parker seemed more enthusiastic than Caren, who just seemed happy that he was happy. She keeps smiling at him when he talks about Dani. He hangs around with Dani a lot during their second day here. Which meant someone needed to entertain Caren. I reluctantly volunteer. When I say reluctantly, I mean I act all cool on the outside, but on the inside, I am dying for her to say ‘yes’. She accepts my offer and I go to show her around the pack. I have been here quite a while now and am familiar with a lot of places. We walk and talk, it’s really nice. I want to call it our second date, with breakfast being the first. But I know it’s not. She is just being friendly. She's well aware that she mentions her sister too often, and apologizes for it, but her sister is her best friend. They do a lot together. She is anxious about what the future holds for her at Spring Valley Pack,
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Chapter 36
Nix’s POV I know I have been here for nearly 10 months, but I still wake up early. I still train with the men each morning and I am pretty good, not the best, as Trevor keeps reminding me. But not bad for a boy. I am top of the children’s group, though. Melissa and Dylan now have to train too. They are terrible. Just like I used to be, I often tell them. Dylan will soon move up to the men's group. He just needs to get some basic skills, now he has the use of his legs. My head was pounding as I woke up this morning. I think it’s the actual stress of the week. I have to admit it. It has been an enjoyable week, seeing as Caren has been here. But it has been an intense week at the same time. I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster and it will not get any better. What with Mike inviting me to go on a training session with him at the palace. When I spoke to Mike, he said I showed great potential to join his team when I got my wolf and that he wanted to see how my tra
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Chapter 37
Mike’s POV Doing as I am told. I invited Nix to join a training session at the palace. I had to make something up fast. It’s not Nix that I am worried about. It’s that arsehole who is head of the Royal Guard, Rayne. He thinks he is better than everyone. So, I pander to his ego and tell him I have some new recruits who need to see the Royal Guard in action; you know, in case of an attack. He takes that sort of stuff seriously. He only got the post because his sister is the Queen. I could squash him like a bug. But we have never had the opportunity to train together or fight. Not yet anyway. But we will. Council Man Edward wants to know if Nix can withstand the Royals aura. I am exhausted after driving there all night. But I need to see if he can get close. The Princes are the easiest targets, seeing as Nix is of a similar age to them. I also know they train every morning, all morning. I direct Nix to the training area where I know the pair of them are. I watch him whil
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Chapter 38
Mike’s POV I drive back to the Council territory in a separate car to Nix. This way I can phone Council Man Edward in private. See which way he wants me to proceed. “Well?” he snaps over the phone. No hello or pleasantries. He must be eager to find out how much time Nix spent with them. “He spent a considerable amount of time with the Princes. He even had a passing exchange with one of the Kings.“Marvelous.” Now he seemed to relax. I can tell by the tone in his voice. “Bring the boy to the Council. Let’s get him into our mindset. Get him on our side. Meet the people he is going to be helping. He is going to be useful in the future. The near future, hopefully.” “Yes, Sir.” I told him. Before hanging up. When we eventually get back. I invited Nix to stay with me at my house. I have to follow my orders and try to keep him here. Truthfully, I was not happy when he accepted. Now I have to entertain him. I send a mind link out to some of my team, telling them they are to come
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Chapter 39
Nix’s POV It’s been a while since I went to the palace with Mike. He has called me regularly since our trip. Enquiring how my training is going, how I am doing in school, if I am getting along with my family. It’s pretty strange, to be honest. We were never really that friendly. But for the last few months, he has taken a keen interest in my welfare. He even started inviting me to jobs with him and training exercises. Vance sometimes lets me go, but he reminds me I have school and that prioritizes. Especially with being the next Alpha. When I went with Mike, he always made me feel special. He will take it hard when I turn him down for a position on his team. Reed even called. He is visiting a couple of packs nearby and he is hoping he can stop by and visit me. I do like Reed; he helped me even when I never knew I needed help. It would be good to see him. I told him the dates I would be away, and we arranged for him to visit me afterwards. Things are going pretty well b
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Chapter 40
Nix’s POV Pati and I ran through the field together, laughing and playing as we run. When we stopped, I stroked her white fur. It felt as soft as ever and she made a purring vibration, telling me she was enjoying my touch. She kept pouncing on me and nuzzling into my arms. I was lying beside her, describing what had happened during the last 12 months. I let her know how much I had missed her. I never wanted to say goodbye to her again. A young black wolf approached us. At first, I feared for Pati’s safety. But she appeared to know the wolf and she started playing with him. The black wolf approached me and licked my hand. At least he is friendly, I thought to myself. It’s no wonder Pati gets along with him. I looked at her and smiled. That was why I didn’t notice when the black wolf charged at me. Head butting me in the stomach. He hit me with so much force that it sent me flying through the air, landing on the ground. That’s when my eyes jolted open. It had all been a
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