All Chapters of Alpha Son's Fated But Rejected Mate(A Cursed Luna): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
128 Chapters
Under The Moon's Veil
"This can't wait," he declared. "It's going to have to wait," I retorted, determined. He emitted a low growl. "Elisa..." Danielle nudged me with her elbow. "Unless someone's on their deathbed, I'm finishing my dinner." I yearned to speak with Tony, but his earlier behavior didn't fill me with confidence that our conversation would be any better than our earlier encounter. I took a bite of my hamburger. After my previous ordeal leaving Wolf Bay and going without food for several days, I wasn't about to waste a good meal. To my surprise, Tony settled onto the bench beside Danielle. The tension in the air was palpable, but I focused on my dinner, pretending his presence didn't bother me. "I'm sorry," Tony finally said. All eyes turned to him, and I felt their collective gaze on me. My cheeks flushed. "You're sorry?"&nbs
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A Risky Gambit
"Okay," Tony said, "we have a plan. While you go there to retrieve whatever you can find, I’ll prepare what we need to break the bond. Is there a place we can meet that has strong community ties but isn’t too crowded?” “There’s an old barn on the south end of town. They have most of the ceremonies there, but it’s not used during the day,” I said. “Good, we’ll meet there once you find what you need,” he said. “How do we do it?” I asked. “Break the bond, I mean.” “Greta gave me some tips, things we can try while you’re closer to him.” He moved closer to me, and I held my breath. I could see him better out of the shadows of the trees. Even in the darkness, seeing him naked sent a wave of lust through me. I still wanted him.
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Crossing The Border
As I uttered those words, a critical flaw in our plan became apparent. "You can't get in," I pointed out. "The border is designed to keep outsiders out. You're not part of the pack. You can't cross it." Tony replied confidently, "I can with you." Doubt nagged at me, and I sought reassurance. "Are you sure?" "You'll have to hold my hand as we pass through, but your connection should get me in without a problem," he assured me. The idea of returning to Wolf Bay hadn't crossed my mind, let alone bringing a visitor. However, it made sense that there might be a workaround. We continued our journey in silence. Tony turned onto a narrow, paved road, and despite the circumstances, the day was remarkably beautiful. The sun bathed everything in golden light, the vibrant green of the trees framed a pictures
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Secrets Unveiled
As I finally arrived at the wretched trailer I had grown up in, a sense of foreboding washed over me. The exterior was adorned with layers of rust, and what little paint remained was chipped and peeling. The trailer seemed even more decrepit than I remembered. How was it possible that everything had deteriorated further in the mere week I had been away? With the thought that my approach mattered little, I decided to use the front door, hoping it would be less noisy and my mother might mistake me for a visitor. My plan was to reach my old bedroom down the hall before she even reached the living room. I turned the door handle cautiously and pushed open the aluminum door. It creaked, but not as loudly as the back door had when I last used it. Upon stepping inside, I was met with an unexpected sight. I was not alone. "I told you never to come back," my mother's voice hisse
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Broken Bonds
My tongue felt like sandpaper, and my head throbbed. As I opened my eyes, I attempted to sit up, but I found my legs and arms securely bound. I lay on a soft bed, and it soon became apparent that I was tightly fastened to both the headboard and footboard.  Minimal light seeped in through what appeared to be heavy curtains. It was daytime, but I couldn't discern whether it was morning or afternoon. As memories flooded back, I couldn't escape the searing pain that gripped my chest, like a relentless vice squeezing my heart. Tony's betrayal loomed large in my mind, an agonizing wound that refused to heal. It was a betrayal that cut deep, a betrayal that struck at the core of my trust in others. How could he have done this to me, I wondered repeatedly, as though searching for an elusive answer that would somehow make sense of it all? The bitter truth was that Tony was
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Bound In Pain
  My wrists throbbed, raw and chafed from the unforgiving restraints. Every twist and turn only served to deepen the pain, and I grunted in frustration as I attempted to free myself. Suppressing the urge to cry out, I exhaled slowly. Time was a meaningless concept within this dimly lit room. I had drifted in and out of consciousness numerous times, the effects of whatever they had injected into me refusing to release their grip. It felt as if my own body conspired to keep me asleep, shielding me from the agony. This bout of wakefulness was different, however. My mind was clearer, and I surveyed my surroundings with greater awareness. Squinting in the dimness, I sought any clue that might help me identify my location or devise an escape plan. Apart from the bed to which I was bound, a dresser and a window were the sole features in the room. A glimmer of hope flutte
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A Mother's Insight
  My wrists ached, raw and chafed from the unforgiving restraints. Each futile struggle deepened the pain, and I suppressed the urge to cry out, exhaling slowly instead. Within this dimly lit room, time held no meaning. I had drifted in and out of consciousness, the effects of their mysterious injections refusing to release their grip. My own body seemed complicit, conspiring to keep me asleep and shield me from the agony. This particular awakening felt different. My mind was clearer, allowing me to survey my surroundings with a newfound awareness. Squinting through the dimness, I scoured the room for any sign that might offer clues to my location or an escape route. Other than the bed that bound me, a dresser, and a window, there was nothing else in sight. A glimmer of hope flickered as I tugged at my restraints once more, the window promising freedom if I could
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Escape's Precarious Path
  "Why would he do that?" I inquired, a sense of dread welling up within me. "Because, for him, the bond is already complete. For him, you are his true mate, and he will stop at nothing to have you," Viki explained somberly. I swallowed hard, the reality sinking in. "So, I don't have a choice?" "I'm afraid not," Viki replied, her voice heavy with sympathy. This was my moment, my one chance to escape this nightmarish situation. "Alright, then. Let me freshen up, so I can be ready." I sensed Viki's relief. "I'll let them know." My mind was a whirlwind of emotions. I knew I had to plan my escape carefully, for this was my only opportunity. Questions and doubts flooded my thoughts. What if I couldn't break free? What if Ra
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Stripped Of Options, A Risky Escape
  We traversed a well-lit corridor adorned with a gallery of Grant family photos that chronicled Ray's life. Baby pictures, first days of school, fishing trips, camping adventures – all the trappings of a happy family were on display. It was eerie to see this facade here, knowing the deep dysfunction that lurked beneath the surface. They certainly excelled at putting on a convincing show. My sympathy for Viki lingered. She had settled to safeguard herself, a choice I refused to make. I hadn't endured a lifetime of hardship just to give in now. Our journey ended at a closed door marking the bathroom. Faint memories of being escorted here, my arms bound, flickered in my mind. They had brought me to this bathroom several times for basic needs, but those memories were obscured by the drug-induced haze. At least now I understood why I wasn't clad in urine-soaked
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The Breaking Point
  Ray's voice dripped with anticipation as he spoke, his confident demeanor unwavering. "I had a feeling you'd attempt something of this sort," he remarked. "Taking her clothes, as expected, didn't deter her. Although I must confess, I half-expected you to go all the way and sprint down the corridor in the nude." I tightened my grip on the towel, desperately trying to preserve some semblance of modesty. "You're well aware that I want none of this. Why do you persist? Just release me." "We've had this discussion, Elisa, and your time is running out," Ray replied firmly. "Tonight, I will make you mine. I'd much prefer it if you agreed willingly. There's a chance you might even find some enjoyment in it." He extended his hand toward me, but I turned away, refusing to meet his gaze. I pushed myself up from the floor, clutching the
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