All Chapters of The Dark Angel Of Merciless Deaths: Chapter 121 - Chapter 126
126 Chapters
Chapter 121
“I’ve got a lot swirling around in my head right now, and I’m not really sure where to start,” Jane confessed, her voice quivering slightly. Her visible unease hinted at the weight she’d been carrying in her heart. Tyler’s focus was increasingly drawn in by the intensity of the situation. His gaze grew more resolute as he studied her, his eyes fixed intently upon her.“I’m here to lend an ear,” Tyler offered sincerely, his eagerness to hear Jane’s thoughts palpable. “By the way, it’s quite noisy here. If you’d prefer, we could continue this conversation in my car,” he suggested, providing an alternative option for a quieter and more private setting.Amidst the cacophony of the surroundings, Jane’s apprehension seemed to blend with the ambient noise, making it even more essential for them to find a more serene environment to discuss matters. Tyler’s compassionate offer held a touch of understanding, recognizing the need for a space where Jane could freely share her thoughts without the
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Chapter 122
“No, this simply cannot be true,” I whispered, my mind struggling to reconcile the impossible scene unfolding before my very eyes. It felt as though I had been thrust into a nightmarish tableau, and my eyes brimmed with disbelief. My hand shook uncontrollably, desperately clutching onto something solid for support, as if the ground itself threatened to give way beneath me.The word “No” escaped my quivering lips like a mantra, an involuntary chant in the face of this heart-wrenching revelation. I shook my head repeatedly, as though by sheer force of will, I could erase the undeniable truth that lay before me. But it was futile; there was no escaping it—it was Dima, unmistakably and undeniably Dima, and no one else.Antonio’s voice, surprisingly gentle in the midst of the emotional tempest, cut through the deafening silence. “I hope you believe me now,” he said, his eyes holding steady on mine. Slowly, I turned to him, my fingers gently releasing their grip on the phone that had brought
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Chapter 123
“Why, Dima? Why did you have to do this?” My voice wavered as I found myself sitting amidst the luxurious grandeur of the room’s intricate decor. It was the same night, and I perched beside the bed, my legs drawn up and my arms wrapped around them, seeking solace in their embrace.The world had lost its coherence, leaving me awash in a sea of bewildering emotions. Tears flowed freely, mingling with my thoughts as I tried to decipher the enigma that was Dima’s inexplicable actions. I reached for my phone, an electronic lifeline that, to my dismay, remained stubbornly out of touch with his. How could someone I had known intimately for so long suddenly transform into a perplexing enigma? It was as though our shared history had been a mere illusion, evaporating into the ether.With each drawn breath came heavy sighs, laden with the weight of unanswered questions. “I need answers, Dima!” I declared, springing abruptly from my position on the floor. The stark contrast between my emotional t
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Chapter 124
Antonio and I embarked on a journey in the car, a journey filled with uncertainty and foreboding, as we headed toward the precise location where Marino had cryptically hinted that Dima could be found. It was a venture that had begun with resistance; Antonio, initially reluctant to have me accompany him, had attempted to disinvest me from joining this perilous pursuit. My determination, however, proved unyielding, and through persuasive persistence, I managed to sway his opinion, compelling him to change his mind.As we settled into the car’s cozy interior and initiated our drive, I couldn’t help but be swept away by the world outside. The night sky was a canvas adorned with countless stars, each one a brilliant beacon in the vast cosmic tapestry. Their collective radiance illuminated the heavens, casting a mesmerizing glow that both captivated and comforted me. The soft, soothing breeze that gently caressed my face seemed to be a harbinger of the journey’s challenges, promising both s
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Chapter 125
“Guila!” I called out, my voice trembling with disbelief and shock, as I found myself utterly stunned by the sight before me. It was undeniably Guila standing there, right in front of my eyes, and my heart seemed to skip countless beats in response.The deafening symphony of gunfire came to an abrupt halt as Antonio, equally dumbfounded and bewildered as I, urgently signaled his men to cease fire. Even the formidable Triad members, their weapons still raised, appeared momentarily paralyzed by the unexpected turn of events.“Guila,” Antonio’s voice quivered with a mixture of astonishment and confusion as he spoke her name. He took a tentative step forward, his eyes never leaving his long-lost sister, as though drawn by an invisible force compelling him to confront this surreal moment. “How on earth is this possible? What in the name of all that’s holy is happening here?” His voice carried a perplexed urgency, echoing the sentiment shared by everyone present.“Brother,” Guila responded,
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Chapter 126 (fine)
A mere seven days had passed since the tumultuous saga that had left our lives in disarray. Amidst the chaos, Antonio, always the thoughtful one, proposed a change of scenery. He suggested a brief respite in the picturesque paradise of Fiji, a mere three-day escape from our troubled world. As I reclined on a comfortable chaise lounge, the ethereal spectacle of the sun setting over the horizon unfolded before me. Its golden hues cast dancing reflections upon the tranquil waters, offering a soothing balm to my troubled soul. After the storm, a modicum of serenity was what we all craved, and Antonio, in his infinite wisdom, provided just that.In the quietude of that moment, my mind wandered to Guila. How had she managed to orchestrate her enigmatic partnership with the enigmatic Triad at such a tender age? It was a riddle that confounded not only me but also Dima. The intricacies of her dealings with Dima, a man shrouded in mystery himself, left me in a perpetual state of bewilderment. C
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