All Chapters of Billions and Tears: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
171 Chapters
Chapter 31
 As their eyes met, Rose's pulse pounded rapidly and her mind scrambled to grasp the seriousness of the situation. His piercing look tugged at her with a mix of need and want as she felt conflicting emotions. He seemed to be attempting to close the gap that had opened up between them, and the authority in his voice left little space for  her to compromise.As he drew her in, a feeling of fear swept over her. She wasn't ready for his quick move, and her brain couldn't handle the flurry of feelings. His firm touch and seeming commitment frightened her while enthralling her. She grappled with the want to assert her own needs and boundaries while still wanting to submit and resist. Her desire to succumb to the strength of their unspoken link, though, came from a different place.She experienced a variety of feelings she had never felt before as his hands combed over her shivering body, flowing from her hands down to her waist, held her tightly. &nbs
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Chapter 32 
   Rose didn't know how best to answer him, she tried not to look at him. She had endured two abuses from him in one night and for some reason it didn't feel like it. Rose wondered if she was alright, on a normal day she would stand up against all that happened to her. Was she falling for his manipulative ways?.. she couldn't even understand her own emotions towards Sebastian. But she knew that he didn't hold any special place in her heart, apart from the fact that she was grateful for all that he did. She was literally indebted to him, with the way he had gone about their relationship for the past few weeks. "Emily is a friend, a school friend that I had to see yesterday". "I couldn't cancel because it was too urgent". Rose's voice sounded firm as though she was trying so hard to speak boldly. He smiled as he removed his relaxed back from the wall, and headed towards the other side of the bed. He
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Chapter 33
  She couldn't help but wonder what might be going through his head as she left the house as she couldn't stop contemplating that. She wasn't interested, but there was a tiny part of her that wanted to know more about him. She ignored those ideas, telling herself it wasn't her place to eavesdrop on his thoughts and feelings. She agreed to his request with a nod but made the decision to go on without him. The void between them seemed to be mirrored in the hallways echoing silence. She was on the verge of extending a hand that in reality would make her more vulnerable, when she finally decided against it after a brief hesitation. He obviously wanted some distance, when it was her who was supposed to need distance, so the least she could do was respect his boundaries, he was her husband after all, there was nothing she could do.As she stepped outside, the fresh breeze touched her face and briefly took her mind off her internal conf
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Chapter 34
 As they entered the office, Hilda immediately noticed Rose's distracted expression. Concerned, she approached her and asked, "Are you alright, ma'am?" Her eyes reflected genuine worry and curiosity, silently urging Rose to share what was on her mind. Rose wasn't surprised. In fact, she expected Hilda to ask her, and she didn't disappoint. Rose forced a smile and replied, "Good morning, Hilda. Yes, I'm fine, thank you, I'm still trying to get over the rush of last night "" she knew Hilda didn't know about the rest of her night". She waved off the question, hoping to dismiss any further inquiries about her well-being. However, Hilda seemed persistent, her demeanor hinting that there was more she wanted to say.Curiosity piqued, Rose motioned for Hilda to take a seat and asked, "What is it, Hilda? Is there something you need to tell me?" Hilda took a deep breath and revealed, "I wasn't expecting you in the office today, ma'
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Chapter 35
 Rose slowly regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open as the clean, fluorescent lights of the hospital room pierced through her grogginess. She found herself lying on a crisp white bed, surrounded by the clinical aura of medical equipment and the faint scent of antiseptic. The room was structured with pale blue walls, adorned with framed prints of tranquil landscapes, in an attempt to provide a sense of serenity amidst the unsettling environment.As Rose attempted to move, an uncomfortable sensation rippled through her body, causing a sharp pang of pain to shoot through her limbs, down to her stomach. She winced and quickly realized that her entire body felt heavy and achy, as if it had been battered and bruised. The memory of the incident inside her office,with Hilda flashed in her mind, and she could still vividly recall the overwhelming surge of pain that she felt and the sight of blood.Rose shifted slightly and noticed the various tubes
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Chapter 36
   Rose felt a mixture of relief and apprehension as she prepared to leave the hospital, seated in a wheelchair with Hilda by her side. The cool air outside provided a refreshing change from the sterile confines of the hospital room she had grown accustomed to, even though she didn't spend a lot of time there. Hilda was behind her expertly maneuvering the wheelchair through the hospital corridors, Rose's gaze wandered, through the large mass of spaces and rooms as they approached the doors more and more. Her mind filled with a flood of memories. The familiar sights and sounds of the hospital triggered a rush of recollections. She remembered that frantic day when she had rushed her younger brother to this very same hospital after his accident, the worry etched on her face as she navigated the maze of hallways, desperate for answers and reassurance. It was in these halls that she had witnessed the tireless dedication of the m
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Chapter 37
 As the sleek, black limousine cruised gracefully to a gradual and steady halt, Samuel gingerly stepped out from the vehicle's luxurious interior, carefully collecting the  wheelchair from the trunk. With utmost care, he extended his hand to assist Rose, gracefully guiding her as she pulled away  from the plush seats to what was now the  comforting embrace of the wheelchair."Here you go, ma'am," Samuel uttered softly, his voice carrying a gentle warmth as he ensured Rose settled comfortably into the wheelchair. A soft smile danced upon her lips as she looked up at Samuel, with obvious gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you," she said, her words laced with sincere appreciation.A momentary wince flickered across Rose's features as the intense sunlight pierced through the cloudless sky, sending an unwelcome pang coursing through her head. Sensing her discomfort, Samuel's concern mirrored in his eyes as he inquired, "Are you okay, ma'am?"
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Chapter 38
    Rose sat in the dimly lit hospital room, her heart racing with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. The constant sterile scent of disinfectant lingered in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of flowers from a vase on the bedside table. Sunlight filtered through the partially closed blinds, casting soft shadows on the pale walls, creating an atmosphere of both comfort and uncertainty. The door creaked open, and Dr. Diaz,a middle-aged man with a kind yet somber expression, entered the room. His white lab coat billowed slightly as he moved, lending an air of authority to his presence. Rose's eyes met his, her gaze filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity.As the doctor began to speak, Rose's breath caught in her throat. His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her diagnosis. "Rose, I'm afraid you have cervical trauma," he said gently, his voice tinged with empathy. "The roughness of your
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Chapter 39
  Rose sat still  as her mother's words echoed in her head. She had always struggled with a strained relationship with Maya, and prisca's presence only added to her discomfort, and she wasn't ready for another awkward atmosphere. She wanted so badly to be inside her room, somewhere where it was just her, and no one else, to recollect and go through all the happenings that day. Somewhere that she could escape the complexities of familial dealings.Suppressing her frustration, Rose mustered a weak smile and replied, with her eyes narrowed and not looking directly at them "Thank you, Mother. I appreciate your kind words prisca, but I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'll head up to my room now." And without  waiting for a response from either of them, Rose mustered up the strength to push her wheelchair forward, as she was determined to distance herself from the uncomfortable atmosphere. she reached for the handles and, withou
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Chapter 40
    As Rose's consciousness gradually emerged from the depths of sleep, she felt a lingering heaviness in her limbs, as if they were reluctant to part ways with the comfort of her bed. The tendrils of weariness tugged at her, reminding her of the hours she had spent lost in dreams that she could now barely longer remember, and the rejuvenation that had yet to fully infuse her body. She slowly blinked open her eyes, the room appeared hazy and muted, still shrouded in the remnants of slumber. Soon there was an automatic click and the lights came on, her vision struggled to adjust to the surrounding light, and she instinctively closed her eyes, seeking solace in the familiar darkness behind closed eyelids. Yet, despite the lingering fatigue, there was something different about that particular evening. The littering remains of echo from her dream, with its resurgence of long-forgotten aspiratio
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