Semua Bab His Hunt for Redemption: Bab 31 - Bab 40
103 Bab
Chapter 31
BRYNN “Why are we sneaking around?” Pylorna asked me. “Yeah. That’s a great question,” Maya said. We were walking through the mall. Pylorna was with me right now as protection. Sebastian knew the entire story of what was going on, but I was hesitant to tell anyone else. It would put a target on Maya’s back, so she did not know anything about it for now. It killed me, but I cared more about her safety. She would understand when I could finally tell her everything. If not then I would just give her a spa weekend and a bottle of wine. “We’re not sneaking around. I need to do some shopping for a specific reason,” I corrected them, hoping they would just leave it, but of course that would never happen. Maya stopped in front of me and crossed her arms over her chest. She stuck me with her ‘don’t bullshit me’ glare that always worked, and this time was no different. “Tonight, is going to be special,” I said, looking around for any eavesdroppers. “Theo and I are going to complete our bon
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Chapter 32
BRYNN My nerves flew out the window with the pure look of admiration and awe in his eyes. There was a singular truth in everything – Theo would always take care of me. His nose traced my jaw before running down the side of my neck. He inhaled deeply, a rumble coming from him that shot a pleasurable jolt through my body and straight to my core. “You smell so fucking delicious. I want nothing more than to consume you. Can I?” he asked me, his voice husky and layered with lust. “Yes.” He growled with my consent, and I shivered with the promise found within that simple sound. Theo placed open-mouth kisses along my collarbone before he began his descent. He was the only person to ever touch me like this, and I was very thankful for that. It made tonight even more special than it already was. It was as perfect as he was. I moaned the moment that his lips closed around my nipple. Ripples of pleasure flooded my body. He sucked on it before releasing it with an audible pop. His fingers c
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Chapter 33
THEO My eyes traced my mate’s beautiful features while she slept. We had a very late night that included four rounds of mating. I had slept with people before, but nothing compared to experiencing being with my mate. Brynn surprised the hell out of me. Her stamina was fantastic, which definitely made me happy. I had been completely shocked when I came into the bedroom to see her kneeling on the bed, both ready and waiting for me to claim her. She had been completely stunning in her lingerie. Although, she was stunning no matter what she was or was not wearing. There was an innate beauty to her that did not even compare to others at all. Nobody could hold a candle to her. My world had momentarily frozen last night when she told me that she loved me. I had hurt her so fucking badly, but she decided to give me an honest to goddess second chance despite it all. I had no idea what the hell I did right in life to be fated to an amazing woman like Brynn. I had not ridden myself of the guil
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Chapter 34
BRYNN I was not certain about the cause of my nerves, but I was in fact nervous as I stood awkwardly outside of the dining room. Sounds from people enjoying breakfast reached my ears. Theo waited patiently beside me, showing his support without rushing me or pushing me. There were plenty of females just like Veronica and the bitch that sent me the nasty mindlink of Theo and her. Was I self-conscious? As much as I hated to admit it, the truth was that I actually was. ‘Did you ever consider taking anyone else as your Luna?’ I asked. I hated how insecure I sounded, but I could not help it. Theo turned me and cupped my face. There was such gentleness in his eyes which was back by a wave of fierce determination felt through the bond. ‘I had no desire to give the claim to anyone other than my mate except for one female. In my mind, she’d make the perfect Luna. I didn’t really know her as much as I would’ve liked to, but I felt it in my soul that she would be perfect. And she is. You’re
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Chapter 35
THEO “Time to wake up, my sweet mate,” I murmured in her ear. We had fallen asleep underneath the stars after making love and just talking about anything that came to mind. There was silly ‘what if’ scenarios as well as in-depth discussions about pack politics. I felt complete when I was with Brynn. There had been this missing piece of me for a long time now, but I had no idea what it was or where to find it. It took a while for me to finally identify what it was. The woman in my arms was my missing piece. Brynn stretched and smiled against my chest. The contentment she felt in this moment made my heart swell. I loved that she could feel such peace waking up next to me. “Good morning, handsome.” Her beautiful amber eyes peered up at me as she flashed me a bright smile. I could not help but return it. “Morning, baby. We should probably get ready for training. We’ll have the announcement before dinner if you’re sure that you’re ready.” It would always be her choice. If she wanted
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Chapter 36
BRYNN I looked at my surroundings as I tried to figure out where I was. The room office was nothing fancy. A desk, laptop, filing cabinet, and a window that overlooked an empty field. It was fairly nondescript. There was a knock followed by a command to enter. That gruff voice was unmistakable. I slowly turned around, almost afraid to see him in the same room as me. He looked exactly like the last vision I had. Tall, bald, and even had more scars than he had when I was a pup. A long diagonal scar across his left eye. The door opened to show none other than Khalid, the fucking traitorous bastard himself. “Take a seat,” he said, looking at the empty chair. “The witches have no idea why they can’t find the fucking vessel. We’re going ahead with the plan.” Khalid sat down with his head lowered like the submissive bitch that he was. How did he even get mixed up in all of this? “How long?” he asked. “Fourteen days. It’ll take two weeks for the cage to be ready. We have no idea if she
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Chapter 37
THEO Unmated males always thought that experiencing their mate’s heat would be nothing but a week of absolute pleasure. Nonstop sex where both of you were so horny that you could never get enough. There was no room for misunderstanding here. My sexy nymph and I christened our entire suite multiple times over. I had no idea how many times either of us came. It all became a blur at some point. Her tight body was too flexible and far too eager to try new things. My mate had been inexperienced coming into our mateship, but she was a quick study indeed. I sure as fuck hoped that she kept the same insatiable appetite when she was not in a heat-induced lustful haze because my girl was the epitome of sinful desire. The kicker was that she did not even realize it. She was oblivious to how fucking sexy and enticing she actually was. She screamed my name as she shattered around me. Two more thrusts had me following right behind her. We took a minute to catch our breath before I pulled out of
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Chapter 38
THEO Brynn’s room was almost entirely packed up except for the things on her walls. I wished I had seen what this room looked like before it was packed up. The walls were painted to look like they were part of a galaxy. The blacks, purples, blues, and white stars blended together to create a stunning mural. It made me wonder who designed it because it was customized. She also had a Queen-sized bed along the back wall. It had boxes scattered on top of it. It made me happy to see it because it showed that our lives were being joined together. It was no longer my place but our home. I walked over to a corkboard that had photos attached to it. I smiled as I saw different mini-Brynns throughout the years. There were some family photos as well as photos of her friends. I saw what my father meant about how she withdrew into herself after her mother died. Some of those pictures showed eyes void of emotion and robotic in nature. Others showed how lively and happy she was. It pained me to see
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Chapter 39
BRYNN The whiskey completely ran out of my system, and I was having fun unpacking things. Theo insisted that I stay up here while he brought the boxes up. He even enlisted Jackson and Dante’s help. I absolutely loved this suite. It was spacious with the perfect kitchen for a chef like me. Top-of-the-line appliances, a double oven, and plenty of counter space made me feel like I had died and gone to foodie heaven. The living room had the most comfortable seating. The couch and loveseat had memory foam, so it felt like you were sitting on a cloud. The oversized chairs were perfect for cuddling. Then there was a magnificent view of the forest and mountains from the balcony. My hand landed on the book I got on my birthday. I had looked through it briefly, but none of it made sense to me, so I put it aside. However, things were different now because I now knew the truth of my bloodline. I sat down at the table and opened it. Perhaps it would give us some further clues into all of this.
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Chapter 40
BRYNN I had originally wanted to surprise Theo with a good home-cooked dinner, but we would be having a pack meeting before dinner to announce our bond and my future Luna status. We would not be having the ceremony until after the battle, but we did not want to wait to announce our mateship. Plans for dinner were placed on hold for tonight, so he would just have to settle for breakfast. That was why I found myself up earlier than him so that I could cook. The breakfasts that I saw him inhale were a good indication of what he might like. It took a good ten minutes before I could settle on a choice. I just hoped he enjoyed the secret recipe French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, fresh fruit. Oh, and coffee. It was the most important part of this entire meal. “Something smells amazing,” Theo said. He wrapped his arms around me and running his nose along my neck. I leaned into his body and internally sighed with the positive emotions caressing the bond. Theo could bring me to the brink
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