All Chapters of Luna Scarlett's Second Chance: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
268 Chapters
Chapter 61: "Please treat me well."
I scramble out of the car and pick up the laptop I deposited on the other chair, Roman gives me a critical look and I hold his look.His eyes do a quick scan of my outfit and he nods.I feel the imaginary self-esteem blow do a quick halt and I search for his eyes but he’s turned away already. He’s walking to the entrance of the company and I follow.I catch a glimpse of myself in the glass panels of the highrise and I assure myself I look good.A simple yet exquisite-looking white top with pearl buttons graces my upper body and for my lower half, I have a skirt that ends in frills and ruffles at the knees.My footwear has a transparent diamond-style heel and it gives me some more height.They don’t hurt now, but I wouldn't mind if they did.Whatever looks this nice, deserves to hurt you, even if it’s a teeny bit.The office stills the moment Roman enters.I feel it like a pause in the atmosphere, one guy has a doughnut halfway to his mouth and his teeth already poised for a bite. He’
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Chapter 62: "Pick one for me."
Roman leads me up the rest of the building with that cold look still on his face. I can’t get a read on him and it’s annoying .‘“Good morning CEO Roman.” “Good morning CEO Roman.”Friendly greetings come from every corner of the office but Roman answers none. He walks ahead, his feet taking long yet leisurely strides.He doesn’t know how hard it is for a woman to keep up with him when he walks like that,“Hey.”I turn to look and it’s the doughnut guy from earlier. His… eyes are really pretty.“So that was a killer address you gave.”He’s walking backwards, his steps easily matching mine and making something that should be hard look disconcertingly easy. He frowns.“You don’t talk to workers who aren’t the CEO?”His voice is this silky deep thing that rolls off his tongue and it’s nice to hear so i cock an eyebrow.“Didn’t I address the whole office a few minutes ago?”His grin widens and he nods.“You did, so I know for a fact that the ice lady thing was an act. There are layers
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Chapter 63: "Get a sheet of paper and a pen."
I set up my office first.It doesn’t take much work since the only thing I need to do is place my laptop on the table and look for a power socket to plug it in. I stand around clueless after that.Do I go to Roman and ask what happens now?I give myself an eye roll. Of course not. That would make me seem dumb and helpless, and I'm done living that life so I whip my new phone out.It was in the car, almost like someone had put it there for me. I should probably ask him if he’s the one who got it for me, but since he’s not being really verbal, I'll do it some other time.I scan for an internet connection and a wifi network comes up. Ironclaw.It’s an open network so I connect to it and spend the better part of the next hour setting the phone up and downloading most of the information I have stored in the cloud.I am careful, so careful it’s almost ridiculous. Hunter is an ever-present threat, like a dog with a bone. I am that bone and he only wants me back so he can go on chewing me up
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Chapter 64: "I need your help, Alpha Roman. I'll do anything."
Roman's povI wait for her to come but she doesn’t. For some reason, she doesn’t make an appearance, so I sit and attend to some of my work.The project Scarlett helped me gather investors for is a power production project. In some countries, solar energy is the order of the day but some still rely on crude oil and power generators.Ironclaw tech can help with that, we can introduce new, better, more easily renewable sources of energy, but the amount of money to go into such a project isn’t little.Raising it is harder, and as much as I would like to carry out this project as a charity, it doesn’t fit into the scale I see it.A charity on that scale could run Ironclaw into the ground, and we aren’t so magnanimous on funds right now that I can afford to carry on with that nevertheless.My lip curls in a snarl as I think of that. I hate it when my pack lacks anything. We should be powerful enough to…“Good morning Alpha Roman.”My eyes snap to the door and there she is.Scarlett waltz
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Chapter 65: "Someone wants to frame the Ironclaw pack."
Scarlett's pov“I can’t eat this.”The words replay in my head and I feel like breaking something.He doesn’t eat doughnuts? He’s lying.Fen told me he eats them and I acted on that. I was told to make sure he eats, and I don't know how that is the job of a personal assistant but Fen said his former assistant used to do it all the time. This is my first day, and I want to make an impression.I did that for him and he gave me such a reply. Have I gone into the wrong line of work?I wake up my computer from sleep mode and see I have a new email. The unopened envelope stands at one corner of the screen and I look at it before clicking.I don’t have to be hesitant every time something new happens to me. Roman and his Beta are the only two people who have this email so far.Sure enough, the email is from Roman’s beta and as it opens, I frown at the content of what I read. There’s a website address and a password.I click on the link and it takes me to a page, asking for my email and pass
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Chapter 66: "He's doing it out of spite."
“What are we going to do about it?” The frown that etches itself onto Roman’s face has me feeling a wave of stubbornness rising up in me. If he says we shouldn’t do anything, I will stand up right now, walk out of this office and slam the door behind me. “They’re in that fix because of us Roman.”“They’re in that fix because of Hunter, not us. He’s a coward and a sly fox but he’s no fool.”The coldness in Roman’s words makes me calm down and I nod.He’s right.Hunter must have done this because he saw the other man talking to Roman yesterday. Anyone could see that the older Alpha had been charmed from miles away. Hunter must have suspected something was up.But another Alpha’s mate and only child?That is going too far. It is a deliberate power play on his part, and there’s every possibility Alpha Gomez knows it’s Hunter’s doing and this message isn’t just a call for help.No. If he tried anything too dangerous he knows Roman could easily go to the pack and shut him down. It would
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Chapter 67: "So what's the plan?"
Roman's povScarlett is scared.The emotion rolls off her in waves yet she tries to pull herself together so she can help a man she barely knows.“It’s going to be okay, Alpha Gomez.”“It’s the rogues that did this.”The man sounds like a shattered version of himself, his voice is lifeless yet holding so much pain.“They want me to surrender the pack to them. They’d do anything to take my pack from me. They’re a…. They’re a threat. You have to help me.”Scarlett’s eyes meet mine before she looks back to the phone and nods.“I promise we’ll get your wife and daughter back, Alpha Gomez. You did the right thing by calling Alpha Roman.“If this doesn’t work…. I’ll have to surrender my pack to the Alpha of the Nightshade pack.”Scarlett’s frown matches mine but when she opens her mouth to ask further, I raise a hand and stop her from doing so.The full picture has already come into view. Alpha Gomez just answered the question I've been asking myself all this while. “I have to go now Alpha
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Chapter 68: "Are we being followed?"
Roman's pov“Are you headed out Alpha Roman?”I nod at my secretary and she smiles in that all too familiar way. I don’t see if she treats Scarlett with the same aura of deference she treats me. I don’t hear them exchange any greetings, but I never expected it.If she was accepted by them that fast, I would have been discontent, a little bit unhappy too because that isn’t how things are done around here.I can’t force anything onto my workers. Orders, yes, but they rarely go against my orders. My opinion though… is not something they would so easily concede to so even if I want Scarlett to fit right in immediately, she will have to earn the trust of her co-workers. Their trust, their respect, just like any Alpha or Luna of any pack.Movement at the corner of my eyes makes me lean against the wall and direct a critical gaze at her.“You’re nervous.”She nods and releases a pent-up sigh. It’s short, and deep, almost betraying the full intensity of her emotions but not quite capturing i
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Chapter 69: "People find each other online all the time."
Scarlett's povI search for Danis immediately.The pack guards looked surprised to see me back but even more of them look surprised now. I have my heels off my feet and they’re being held by the straps. My bare feet on the marble floor is refreshing but that isn’t the reason I'm here.“Can you direct me to Danis’s room please?”The guard sneers at me and walks off. I scowl. I won’t be getting any information from him. Based on how they all had the same sneering look in their eyes, I guess it’ll be hard to get any information from all of them.I stop walking, pace and begin to think.Danis isn’t a member of this pack, but he’s here as Roman’s guest and there should be a section of the packhouse reserved for keeping people like that. I walk forward and hope I am going in the right direction.I ask the next person I meet to point me in the direction of the guest rooms and luckily for me she does. It feels like a bad thing to assume the males in this place are dicks while the females ar
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Chapter 70: "F**k what your father made you study."
“Do you have it?”I nod and hang my phone by my ear before making my way to the laptop in front of me and tapping out the address on the world wide web.“Scarlett, I asked if you found out where they’re being kept?”Oh, he can’t see me.“Yes, I nodded earlier but you can’t see me so you probably didn’t… see it.”That sounded dumb so I swallow the rest of my words.“Anyways, I have the address.”“How?”The impulse to hide the name of my source flows into me again but I decide it isn’t worth the stress. He’ll learn of it one way or the other, it’s best he hears it from me.“I asked Danis to help me with it. I figured nothing is too far out of reach when magic is involved right?”Roman goes quiet over the line and I wait for the lashback i’m probably going to get.“You should have informed me before going to him, Scarlett.”Roman’s voice is soft again and it fills me with a sort of strange warmth whenever I hear him talk to me like that. My fear ebbs and my heart melts so I say the only
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