All Chapters of Escaping the Mafia Lord: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
165 Chapters
Chapter 11
Marcelo's movements grew increasingly unsteady, his intoxication becoming more apparent. As he stumbled around the room, he dismissed Georgina's inquiry with a sharp tone, "It's no one." The lyrics of the Italian song spilled from his lips, a haphazard combination of slurred words and disjointed melody.Georgina felt her heart ache with frustration, her need for answers growing stronger within her. “but…. “Marcelo snapped, “I said it’s no one”.She longed to pry open the secrets that Marcelo guarded so fiercely. However, she knew there will be consequences challenging him in his current state. It was a delicate dance between her desire for truth and the fear of inciting his anger.Silently, Georgina watched as Marcelo continued his drunken performance, his voice echoing through the room. The once enchanting dance he had performed now seemed erratic and unsettling. Her determination, however, remained unshaken. She understood that the answers she sought would not be handed to her fre
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Chapter 12
Taking a breath, she mustered her composure and replied, her voice steady and calm, "I was thirsty and went to get some water." She hoped her tone and demeanour would be enough to convince Marcelo of her innocence.Marcelo's response was nothing more than a grunt, a mere acknowledgment of her words. He was already slipping back into the embrace of sleep, his breathing heavy and labored. Georgina carefully slid back onto the bed, settling beside him, her mind still filled with questions and uncertainties.As she lay there, she could feel Marcelo's warm breath against her back. A reminder of the man she had become entangled with.Georgina stirred from her sleep, jolted awake by the cacophony of loud noises and thuds that echoed through the early morning silence. She rubbed her eyes, trying to orient herself, and as her vision cleared, she saw Marcelo standing before her, dressed in boots and a hat. Confusion clouded her expression as she voiced her concern."Where are you going to?" she
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Chapter 13
Georgina's mind raced, searching for answers to the unthinkable. Who was this man? What had transpired here? Antonio's eyes widened as he witnessed the shock and disbelief etched on Georgina's face. Concern etched lines on his forehead, but he attempted to regain control of the situation. Stepping forward, he gently approached her, his voice laced with urgency."You shouldn't be here, ma'am," Antonio said, his tone filled with a mixture of caution and worry. He instinctively reached out, intending to guide her away from the distressing sight. But Georgina, her emotions still raw and her determination ignited, refused to be swayed.She stood her ground, her gaze locked on the pitiful figure bound to the chair, a testament to unspeakable suffering. The man's weakened form, drenched in his own blood, tugged at her heartstrings.Antonio, now closer to Georgina, attempted to placate her, his hand poised to touch her back urging her to move back upstairs. But she recoiled, her voice sharp
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Chapter 14
Taking a deep breath, she turned back to face Marcelo, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Why is no one allowed on that part of the farm?".Marcelo's expression hardened as he turned to look at Georgina. The glint in his eyes hinted at a hidden darkness. "You ask too many questions, Georgina," he said dismissively, continuing to dry his hair. "There are things you're better off not knowing”.Georgina couldn't shake the feeling of numerous secrets Marcelo was keeping from her. Her mind raced with possibilities, wondering what dark deeds had taken place in that forbidden section of the farm.As she observed Marcelo carefully stowing away the gun, her heart was heavy and a sense of urgency washed over her. She needed to find answers, But for now, she knew she had to bide her time, to navigate this treacherous web of secrets.With a heavy heart, Georgina turned her attention back to Antonio and his companion as they meticulously covered the grave with sand. She t
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Chapter 15
In that moment, she craved answers, guidance, and any shred of information that Antonio might possess. She was no longer content with being a passive player in Marcelo's twisted game.Antonio hesitated, his gaze flickering for a moment before he spoke. "I...I'm sorry, ma'am. It's just...You seem to be pacing too much. If there's anything I can do to help..."Georgina paused, her gaze softening as she recognized Antonio's genuine concern. Despite his loyalty to Marcelo, she sensed a glimmer of humanity within him, a potential ally in her quest for freedom. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding. Seeing this as an opportunity, she decided to play her card."Antonio, I appreciate your concern. There are things I need to know, things that Marcelo keeps hidden from me. If you truly want to help, then find a way to get me access to his study. I know your loyalty lies with him and I’m not telling you to do otherwise. I just need to find out what he's hiding, what secrets
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Chapter 16
Greta's smile widened, her eyes reflecting genuine delight. She gently removed her gloves and apron, eager to share this moment with Georgina. "Alright, ma'am," she agreed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.As they both made their way to the garden, Antonio this time, stood outside the mansion door, to keep an eye on them. A gentle breeze caressed their faces, carrying with it a sense of liberation from the prying eyes of the mansion.As Georgina and Greta strolled through the garden, their footsteps in sync, the curiosity within Georgina continued to grow. She yearned to understand the people surrounding Marcelo. She turned to Greta, her voice filled with genuine interest. "So, how long have you been working for Marcelo?" she inquired, eager to delve into Greta's experiences.Greta's eyes flickered with memories, and she replied with a shy nod. "A very long time ma’am," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mixture of pride and humility.Georgina's eyes widened in surprise, realizi
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Chapter 17
Just as she was still in her thoughts, she could see Marcelo’s car returning and raising dust, speeding towards the mansion.Georgina's heart skipped a beat. she knew that Marcelo's arrival signaled a shift in the atmosphere, bringing with it a sense of urgency and intrigue. With measured steps, Georgina approached the grand entrance of the mansion, anticipation building within her. As Marcelo stepped out of his car, his eyes met Georgina's, and she mustered the courage to greet him, her voice carrying a hint of formality. "Good evening," she uttered, her tone respectful yet composed.Marcelo's gaze softened as he looked at Georgina, a warmth spreading across his face. Returning her greeting, he replied, "Good evening." Georgina couldn't help but notice a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, wondering what had transpired during his absence.Their brief exchange was interrupted by Antonio, who approached Marcelo with a sense of urgency. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Georgina strai
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Chapter 18
Georgina continued her ascent up the grand staircase, clutching the keys close to her chest with both hands. She knew, within her, that she couldn't simply return the keys to Marcelo without first seeking the answers she desperately sought. As she approached the imposing bedroom door, she cast furtive glances both behind and ahead of her, ensuring that no prying eyes observed her actions. Carefully, she reached into the depths of her palm, her fingers gingerly releasing the key from their grasp into a hardly noticeable spot—a flower vase adorning the hallway, not far from the entrance of their bedroom door. The key nestled amidst the blooms.Summoning her courage, Georgina turned the doorknob and gently pushed the door open, anticipating Marcelo's slumber or a moment of respite. However, what greeted her was an unexpected sight. Marcelo stood near the bedroom window, his gaze fixed upon the outside world. The tendrils of smoke from a large cigar curled around him as he drew and exha
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Chapter 19
Georgina's response was curt, her tone reflecting her guardedness. "Likewise," she replied, her handshake brisk yet polite.Marcelo's hand met in a single clap, signaling to the kitchen staff. Greta, accompanied by a team of cooks, entered the dining area, bearing an array of tantalizing plates. Each delicacy was meticulously arranged upon the table. Taking his customary seat, Marcelo beckoned for Georgina to join him on his left, while Detective Alvarez settled himself on Marcelo's right.Once they were all seated, a quiet anticipation filled the room. Marcelo spoke, indicating the start of the meal. "Shall we?" he proposed, his words carrying a note of hunger and authority.Georgina's gaze flickered between Marcelo and Detective Alvarez as they engaged in their meal. Marcelo, breaking the silence that enveloped the room, questioned the urgency that prompted the detective's visit, his curiosity laced with a hint of suspicion. “So Detective, what is it you wanted to urgently see me a
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Chapter 20
Sensing that they were done with their conversation, Georgina swiftly withdrew from the door and hastened toward the living room, her mind racing to process the fragmentary information she had overheard. Her steps quickened, and she settled onto a cushioned seat, her heart pounding with anticipation.Just as she settled, the door to Marcelo's study swung open, and Detective Alvarez emerged, his countenance betraying the weight of their conversation. Making his way toward the mansion's entrance, he was granted passage by Antonio, who moved aside to accommodate the detective's exit.As Georgina sat on the cushion, contemplating the revelations she had gathered, a sudden loud bang resonated through the mansion, causing her to startle. It seemed Marcelo's fury had reached its peak, reverberating through the air. Emerging from the study, Marcelo locked the door with an authoritative click before forcefully hurling the key in Antonio's direction. Antonio, ever composed, deftly caught the ke
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