All Chapters of Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love: Chapter 1101 - Chapter 1110
1132 Chapters
Chapter 1101 Stop Crying, You’re a Nuisance
After their lips parted, Chloe's cheeks had the hue of a ripe peach, and it was irresistibly inviting. Joseph looked down at her with smoldering eyes as his warm breath brushed against her neck, deepening the intimacy."What are you—"Her sentence was cut short by an unexpected knock on the office door.Joseph's brow creased. "Who's there?""It's me, Mr. Joseph. Are you busy?"Chloe's eyes instantly narrowed. She grabbed Joseph's shirt sleeve and whispered, "It's Iris!"Joseph lifted an eyebrow. "I won't let her in.""No, let her. I want to see what tricks she's up to."As she said this, she scanned the room and spotted the bathroom. She darted inside and left the door slightly ajar. "Let her in."If Chloe were absent, Iris would surely take the chance to act. But with her there, the dynamics would change.Sighing inwardly, Joseph decided to humor her and called out, "Come in."Iris entered and surveyed the room. Finding only Joseph inside, she lowered her eyes before liftin
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Chapter 1102 Private Photos
Joseph's eyes darkened with a hint of sadness, and his voice took on a gravelly tone. "She mostly stayed home and only had a few friends. As for photos, those are rare. She didn't enjoy being in front of a camera. We only have a few pictures of her at home."His mother mostly kept to herself and had only a few whom she called friends. She had been somewhat of an introvert. Unlike the socialite wives often seen arm-in-arm with their husbands, his mom had an independent mindset. She had established her own brand and was extraordinarily unconventional for her time, which was what had fascinated Cyrus so much.Realizing that Joseph had missed her point, Chloe explained, "What I mean is has Xavia ever seen old photos of your mother."After pondering for a moment, Joseph answered, "No, she hasn't.""Hmm…" Chloe frowned. "That doesn't make sense...""You're suggesting that Xavia altered her face to resemble my mother, aren't you?""Yeah.""How could she have imitated my mother's appear
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Chapter 1103 He Enjoyed Hearing Her Speak
Chloe gave a little hmph. "Fine, I'll be generous and let this one slide. Now, let's think about how to check on Iris' mole. Maybe you can seduce her."Joseph grinned as his gaze softened. "Won’t you be jealous?""Of course, I will be. But sometimes you have to risk the pawn to win the game," Chloe whispered playfully. She curled her finger and beckoned him closer. "Listen up. I have a plan."Reluctantly, Joseph leaned. The lingering scent of Chloe's bath filled the air as he moved closer. He watched her lips as she laid out her thoughts, and her fragrance chased away his headache. He enjoyed hearing her speak. She loved having her by his side.*Lucas had taken the next few days off for personal reasons starting this afternoon. Before heading out, he sent a message in the Whitman Group managerial chat.Lucas: [Mr. Joseph has a business trip tomorrow and needs two people from Finance to go with him. Please sort this out, @Finance Manager.]Finance Manager: [Two people? Can the t
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Chapter 1104 I’ll Beat Whoever Spews Nonsense
Outside, a storm was gathering. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, signaling today would be anything but calm. At Docwood City's premier elite academy, the rain prohibited outdoor activities, so the students spent their break time in their classrooms.Jasper had grown taller. His eyebrows had become more prominent and the innocence that once filled his eyes had faded a little. Sitting in the second row with a thick book in hand, he radiated an aura that differed from his classmates. He looked composed—like a mature young man. It was only when he was near Chloe would he become a carefree kid."Jas, did your parents really make up?" Timmy asked.Jasper put down his book, and his face lit up. "Absolutely. We even went on a family vacation.""But I heard...that your dad may be seeing someone else..."Jasper's face turned to ice. "Stop spreading lies. My parents are very happy together."Taking a bite of his chocolate cake, Timmy said cautiously, "I'm not lying. I heard it. I'm te
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Chapter 1105 You Should Accept That She’s at Fault Here
Two hours later, Chloe arrived at Jasper’s school. She got out of the car and hurried to the teachers' building. Upon seeing Jasper next to a little girl who was sobbing uncontrollably, her eyes puffy and discolored, Chloe quickly scanned Jasper and let out a quiet sigh of relief. Thankfully, he appeared unharmed."What's going on here, miss?"Caught off guard, the teacher turned around and asked, "Ms. Chloe? Where's Mr. Joseph?""He's away on a business trip. You can talk to me about any issues."Suddenly, the little girl's sobs escalated into near shrieks. "See, Teacher?! I told you! Jasper's dad is away on a business trip with a woman from his workplace. He’s abandoning Jasper!"‘So that's what happened...’ thought Chloe, her expression changing as she immediately understood the situation. She looked at Jasper and noticed his deepening gaze. The boy was really beginning to resemble his father.The teacher had an awkward expression. "Children say such nonsense. It was Maya's fa
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Chapter 1106 Jasper Chooses Justice Over Family
Steve hurriedly nodded in agreement. "Yes, you’re absolutely right. I failed to educate Maya properly, and it has caused you trouble. I’m so sorry."Chloe's expression became one of utter surprise. She had been gearing up for a verbal battle, not expecting him to confess to his faults so easily. This left her puzzled.Hearing Steve’s openness to admitting his errors, the teacher regarded him with newfound respect. She thought, ‘He who understands the times is a great man.’She then said, "Mr. Steve, I think Maya would do well to follow your example and apologize to Jasper for her mistake too.”"Yes, of course," Steve immediately agreed and ushered his daughter forward. He whispered, "Apologize to your classmate, Maya."The little girl was thrown off. She then squawked like an indignant bird, "But Daddy! I was the one who got hit!""Watch your tone, young miss. You are not to speak to me that way." Steve’s expression became stern. "Your mistake is yours alone, and Jasper is in the
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Chapter 1107 Let’s Show Them Who’s Who
Chloe realized that Jasper had misunderstood. After some pondering, she concluded that letting the little boy see for himself that his father was not the man gossip made him out to be would do no harm. Seeing for oneself was certainly more convincing than any explanation she could give. She could sense that Maya’s words had placed a heavy weight on Jasper.Having cleared her work schedule the day before and knowing that Joseph's business trip was not too far away, she figured the trip there was viable. Above all, she wanted to confirm whether Iris was indeed Xavia. She then pulled over, took out her phone, and changed the destination in her navigation app.The rain outside grew heavier, obscuring the windows with streaks of water. Throughout the ride, Jasper was lost in his thoughts, staring quietly out the window. Suddenly, Harold called."So, I heard you got into a fight at school, little one." The old man’s voice was warm and held no judgment.Jasper said in a voice tinged with
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Chapter 1108 Chloe Is Unquestionably the Lady of the Whitmans
In the finance department, the peak workload was already dealt with. With their manager out, staff members were chatting casually."Do you think Iris and Mr. Joseph have reached their destination by now? I wonder what might be happening between them.”"Be careful what you say. The walls have ears.”"Ha! The manager is out, so who’s going to scold me? Didn't you text me about the same thing just last night? We're among friends. What's there to worry about?""What do you think will happen?"A firm, commanding voice that clearly did not belong to anyone in the finance department interjected, instantly quieting the room. All eyes turned toward the door as Patrick wheeled Harold in.Harold zeroed in on the gossipers.One of the employees nervously tried to explain, "Mr. Harold, I was just joking. Please don't be upset.""Yeah, it was just nonsensical chatter."They eyed Harold nervously, fearful for their jobs. They regretted their loose talk.Harold looked at them coldly and said
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Chapter 1109 Throwing Herself Into His Arms
Iris' eyes flickered. "That should be possible. I've seen Mr. Joseph eating at the small restaurant downstairs before.""Let's head down first. By the time we're back, Mr. Joseph will likely be done, and we can then finish our business.""Got it."After their meal, Iris accepted some takeout from the restaurant owner, grinning as she said, "Thanks."The manager observed her actions and a knowing look crossed her face, yet she held her tongue.Back at the hotel, Iris nonchalantly told the manager, "Ma’am, you've had a long day too. How about you take a rest? I'll bring Mr. Joseph his dinner.""All right, go ahead."The manager watched as Iris walked away, clicking her tongue audibly. 'She looks so innocent and naive. But in reality? This is all a seduction ploy.’Still, Mr. Joseph's recent actions were somewhat perplexing. He might genuinely have an interest in this young lady.*In her room, Iris slipped into a set of pajamas—a white dress with long straps, cut just low enoug
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Chapter 1110 Treating Iris as a Servant
Maybe he was not as unfeeling as she had thought? Was he enchanted by her allure and wished for her to stay?Iris’ wonderings about Joseph's intentions were interrupted when he said, "Set out the meal for me and take out the trash. I hate bad odors lingering in my room."Her eyes narrowed and disbelief crossed her face. A blush of embarrassment filled her cheeks. ‘Is he treating me like some servant? I'm dressed to the nines here! Would it kill him to just look at me? Maybe talk to me a little?'However, objecting was not an option. She had to secure her place at the Whitman Group. Taking a deep breath, Iris obliged. As she bent over to unwrap the takeout, she stole glances at Joseph. He got up from his chair and headed to the water dispenser. She then tilted her shoulder just enough for her coat to slip down, exposing her smooth, porcelain back. He should be able to see it from his vantage point.The next second, Iris felt a cold stare upon her and internally rejoiced. However,
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