All Chapters of Raven's Daring Ambition: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
92 Chapters
31. Cold Welcome
“Beta Kitty, let me be the first to welcome you home to Silver Moon.” Ares turns, with Phoenix in his arms, to face Kitty who is walking hand in hand with Nikki. “Thank you Luna Ares, we need to start planning your Luna ceremony so this pack can finally celebrate being whole,” Kitty replies while hugging Ares, he blushes and Phoenix, who giggles, holds onto both of them. “I have been wanting to give Ares his Luna ceremony since the day I marked him,” Benjamin confesses, playfully pulling his mate into his arms as he nips at the mark on Ares’ neck. Phoenix giggles and pushes Benjamin’s head away, then hugs Ares possessively with a playful growl. “That won’t be happening any time soon, I’m afraid Luna ceremonies are only for women who are Lunas of a pack,” I hear a harsh voice come from behind me. Everyone turns to see a tall muscular man, with short grey hair and a full grey, round beard glaring daggers at Ares and Kitty. “Excuse me! How dare you speak to my Luna this way?!” Kitty f
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32. Silver Moon
“Come on, let’s get you all inside and settled,” Benjamin suggests, once Raulin walks away with Kitty, Nikki follows them closely as they talk.“Thank you, your pack seems quite wonderful aside from the clear issues with your Elder Council,” I follow Ares and Benjamin to their pack house.The house is a large white manor, like something you’d see in the Hamptons, making the house warm and inviting, as well as looking refined. There is a large wrap around deck with black and brown patio furniture including a sitting area, dining area, and a bar and grill set up. Off to the side is a long set of stairs leading towards the lake and a recreational dock.“They’re a serious pain in the ass, after today I think Kitty will put them in line quickly,” Benjamin looks back at me as he walks up the steps of his front deck.“Benjamin! You’re very welcome, it is good to have you as guests. Knowing what our future holds, I know Benjamin and I see all of you as family,” Ares chuckles at Benjamin’s sta
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33. R&R
"How do you feel?" Jonathan grabs my hand and leads me towards the lounge at the foot of a large four poster canopy bed. I smile, seeing the large bed, grateful it is big enough for the four of us, albeit a bit sung, but we'll fit.“My hips are sore and I’m a bit tired, but otherwise good. I just need to take care of this little man,” I hold out my arm when he starts to peel my cloak off so I can get comfortable.“We did ride for quite a while, is there anything you need from us before we go downstairs for dinner?” Embry steps closer as he takes Roan from Osric and lays her in the center of the bed.“Look at you beautiful, you’re just full of smiles,” Embry laughs while nibbling at Roan’s feet, making her giggle. My heart flutters at the sound of their laughter and watching him be so sweet with our little girl.“Maybe a quick shower to relax my muscles and maybe wash off the smell of horse, what about you guys?” I ask wanting to make sure they don’t need anything given how much we’ve
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34. Snack Time
"Mummo," I smile, making my way downstairs to go on a walk with Embry and Jonathan, Mummo is waiting with a sweet warming smile. "Pentu, how are you feeling?" She questions, reaching out and pulling me into a warm hug. I look back, hearing more heavy footsteps on the stairs, Osric nods as he makes his way down the staircase to my side."Good, we got the twins down for a nap, Osric just asked Dad and Eya to listen for them. We are about to go on a walk to stretch out after such a long ride, you and Vaari are welcome join us," I offer, I giggle when I feel something small suddenly connects my legs.I look down to see Phoenix hugging me as she is chased by Hati and Skoll who are now tumbling towards the sitting room."What are you doing?" I brush my fingers through Phoenix's hair, swiping it out of her face to see her cheeks are red and with a huge smile lighting up her face."Playing with the kitties, I heard you say you're gonna go on a walk, can come?" she asks before giggling and cur
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35. Tradition
“This is really tasty; you have done an excellent job. Where are Gunnar and Roan?" Liliana compliments, when she takes a breath after kissing her mates, looking around the room for her niece and nephew. “Eya is upstairs laying down with Dad, they’re listening for the twins, I'm guessing Anarchy and Aiden are laying down too?" I grab a piece of orange from the fruit plate, relaxing back in my seat. Liliana smiles and glances over, as I feel Osric's warm hands rubbing my shoulders sending comforting tingles through my muscles. "Yes Kitty and Nikki are listening for them, they're exhausted from the ride. Raven is right Ares; these are excellent. Yeah, we’re both gonna have to mug Mummo for her recipes; she might have taught us, but she never wrote them down." Liliana agrees with a giggle, giving Mummo a playful glare. "Any suggestions on where we should take the girls to walk?" Osric asks, after a moment of us all stuffing our faces on delicious bungeoppang. "Just walk around the prop
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36. Workshop
Benjamin’s POV "What's in there?" Phoenix questions, pointing to my mother’s workshop that is about a hundred yards from the main pack house. "That is your Mummo Deborah's workshop, she kept all her books, crystals, candles, and other items she used to practice witchcraft. This will be somewhere safe you will get to learn about your magic with Adaline and Helena to help teach you," I answer, walking towards the workshop's heavy wooden door. I smile, thinking about the time Mai and I spent here, always saying how her workshop looks like a cottage that belongs in an old medieval village. "Did my mumma learn here?" Phoenix asks, looking up at me, and I nod with a wide smile. "Yes she learned from our mum here, she didn't have magic quite like yours, but she did have some. This will all be yours." I nod motioning to the building, when Gideon comes outside and joins his daughters. "This place is very special, and your grandmother would have wanted us to teach you all about your abiliti
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37. First Battle
Osric's POV"Embry," I speak while walking across the room to where he and Jonathan stand guard by the stone fountains."I need you to go help guard Gunnar and Roan, I know Raulin, Kitty, and Nikki are capable, and Mum and Phoenix are very strong with magic, but I trust no one as much as I trust you. Right now, I need to know they're safe so I can to focus here to keep Raven and Liliana safe," I admit, looking into his brilliant blue eyes making him nod."Of course, I was going to ask to go and look after them. It would be different if Angel and Karen were here, you trained them and they’re both Gamma for a reason. I know Raven and Liliana will kill all three of us if we leave our pups unprotected. Just stay safe, both of you." Embry hugs me before kissing my jaw, and pulling Jonathan closer."We will stay safe and make sure no harm comes any of our family, you stay safe and if you need help, ask for it." Jonathan hugs both of us, then presses his lips to Embry's."Go, let me know wha
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38. Lost
"Tear this pack apart!" Dagon orders, stepping further back hiding amongst his men; when more lycans appear from behind him. Dagon's eyes widen when he sees many of our warriors shift into lycans instead of wolves catching him off guard."With Pleasure," Sasha cackles, unsheathing a sword from under her cloak she swings at Gideon, who quickly parries her attack."You're not getting near the fountains, nor will you touch either of my daughters!" Gideon growls in her face, throwing her back making her heels skid in the gravel."Stand down," I order the lycan fighting against my grip, he shakes his head then rakes the claws from his other hand across my ribs and chest.“How does he have an army?” Benjamin calls out through the link, as he does his best to fight against the warrior in front of him. “He’s always had allies, when the barriers went down for us it must have affected all lycans, including some wolves he has on his side,” Jyrki explains through the link connecting to all of us,
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39. Sacrifice
"No," Adaline cries as she reaches out grabbing her son’s hand, watching Eya break down as she holds her mate. "I'm sorry, Rakas, I love you," Adaline's voice quivers when she looks up into Jyrki's dark eyes. He nods his head in silent agreement, he grabs a dagger from his belt and places it in her hand in full support of what she is about to do. "I know Kulta, I love you. I will keep them safe," Jyrki promises his mate. I understand what they're planning to do, and I know I would do the same for my children. I don't know how she plans to bring him back, but I know the cost of such power is a life. "Look at me Pentu," Adaline cups Eya's cheek pulling her into her gaze, "your child will not grow up without his father, I promise you will not be alone." Eya whimpers at Adaline’s words, I try and fail to bite back my growl, knowing Raven and Liliana will be crushed and furious when they return to us. "No, Osric don't let her do this!" Mum cries, when Bjorn grabs her around the waist,
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40. Spirit Realm
Raven's POV "Osric!" I scream out when I find myself in a place I can only describe as a dark void; filled with what looks like silver wispy shadows in the shape of people. "Lily!" I call out, trying to figure out where I am. The last thing I remember is being in the workshop with my mates playing with Phoenix when I touched the opaque swirling substance that filled the fountain. "We are in our realm, where souls go when our people die," I hear a familiar voice behind me. I quickly turn to see Ruby standing in front of a basin that is sitting on a carved stone pedestal. "Ruby, what is this place, how do we get back?" I ask, walking closer trying to figure out why I’m here. I look around to see things slowly take shape, it is like we are in an ancient castle that has been reclaimed by the forest. "This is where you will carry out your duties to guide the dead, these fountains are how you'll place them where they belong, helping them move on. This realm is like limbo, where souls co
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