All Chapters of Mafia’s Contract: Tormented III: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
111 Chapters
Chapter 51
"I am an American citizen, first class. I don’t have a badge that makes me an official good guy like you, but I work just as honest for a living." ~ Lucky LucianoMELODY POV “Thousands of Americans keep on gathering outside La Querida compound, the current home of the former president Ronald Thornton, after pictures of the former First Lady, Susan Thornton were leaked to the press media. In the pictures, it is shown that the former first lady was allegedly in contact with one of the members of the trafficker's ring, supporting the trafficking and funding its operations. The ring was recently dismantled by the current president of the United States, Thomas Rothschild, and has given grants and relief to the victims of the ring with the help of the Cattanio - Alderman family and Women of Glendale. The former First Lady thus far refused to engage with any kind of press, which angered Americans. Her silence only fueled the enraged citizens, causing their behavior to... ""Do you want me t
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Chapter 52
"There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable,, and praiseworthy." ~ Ambrose Bierce.JORDAN POV It was around 8 in the evening when the car rolled into the estate. The side of my head throbbed with a dull ache, and the front was just too hot to think. I was in need of a shower, and sleep, nothing else.I pulled up in front of the house and hopped off, leaving the door open and the engine running for one of the guards to take it to the parking lot.I counted my steps as I marched towards the house and threw myself in, only to halt abruptly at the sight of Alexander, Vernero, Leigh-Ari, and Lorenzo. The four of them all wore the same expressions. It was bad enough to walk in on your in-laws mid serious discussion.But it was a catastrophe when all of them were confused and worried.A sliver of uncertainly rolled down my spine as the sound of my shoes against the granite floor made my presence known. The four of them turned to look at me“Jord...” Leigh-Ari tore o
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Chapter 53
“I would move Heaven, Hell, and anything in-between to get to you” ~ Richard KuklinskiMELODY POVNailing Suzy was slowly becoming one task that was meant to piss the hell out of me. One day she was here, the next day she was not. I literally had to send men to rip her off the flight to Alabama to do God knows what. I mean what was so important that she had to fly across the country when I needed to have a word with her?My pregnant brain was convinced that somebody from my people tipped her off, and I was already researching ways to kill someone like a dog. Even dogs died a graceful death.My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of footfalls descending down the stairs, and I spun on my heel to find Jordan dwindling slowly down the stairs like he was a model posing for the camera. The black T-shirt jeans and combat boots just complemented everything."Took you long enough" I huffed turning and heading for the door."The trip was unplanned. I was...""Dolling yourself up for a fuckin'
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Chapter 54
“I would move Heaven, Hell, and anything in-between to get to you” ~ Richard KuklinskiJORDAN POV A BABY!Melody was pregnant, and it was my fucking child she was carrying.Who the hell was this girl and where the hell has she been all my life? I've literally searched all the earth for someone like her. Only for her to show up years later with my soul and shattered by the unfairness of this world, giving my heart to the wrong people. Only for it to be ripped out of my chest and shattered into pieces."Say something, please." I must have been stunned to silence because it was then I realized I had been staring at Melody's tear-stained face without even moving a muscle. Let alone muttering a single word. " I... The shot... I don't know how I missed the shot. It must have been... I think it was one month ago..." her blabbering faded into a loud echo of her voice. And my mind played three words she muttered on repeat.One Month ago!Goodness me!Where the hell were we and what were we d
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Chapter 55
"What do you mean, like do I carry a membership card that says 'Mafia' on it?" ~ Willie MorettiMELODY POVI was on my wit's end. Literally, the whole world was on some fuck with Melody mode, and I was slowly nearing the edge of snapping.For starters, my soon-to-be husband was formerly engaged to some harlot that didn't cherish him and his efforts, and that was fuckin' with my mind. Laylah mentioned that I wouldn't have been engaged to Jord if the bitch didn't fuck up with him, which was both half a truth and a lie. I would have found Jordan, alter the brakes of Star’s car, and send her flying down the bridge. See? Happily ever after.But still, I was mad. Mad enough that I sent Dante on an assignment to hunt for Star so that she never shows her ugly self in front of Jordan ever again. Call me reckless and see I give a fuck.Secondly, this whole pregnancy thing was slowly becoming a colossal pain in the ass. I was well in my first trimester, and I wasn't prepared for anything that
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Chapter 56
"When a man's stomach is full, it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor." - Euripides.JORDAN POV"I know what you want. But you came to the wrong person. Carlos died, many thanks to you!" Suzy disregarded me with a tiny shrug of indifference, and my blood hummed on low hum. Mel stirred on my lap, and a warm consciousness of awareness massaged the side of my face, a signal that she was watching me slowly."What is it that we want, Mrs. Delgado?" My head tilted to the side, and craned lower, giving her my full attention. She shifted under my watchful gaze and stared to the side."You want to know about the ring. And please stop calling Mrs. Delgado. I am Nina Lyn." she countered, and a low growl rumbled in my chest. Unlike my girl, I had the patience to toy with my prey- our prey. And that was something my woman wasn't capable of. That word alone wasn't cut out for her, and if she was the one steering ship, I'm afraid Suzy would be lying in a pool of hot red blood. Her indiffe
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Chapter 57
"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75." - Benjamin FranklinMelody POVThere was more to the story than everything Suzy told us...But fuck! The woman was already pitiful enough and I just couldn't bring myself to make her life even more miserable. All I had to do was to keep watch of her and make sure that Valero doesn't sink his claws into her and turn her into a venomous snake he was.Women like her were a fusion of both naive and world-weary. The amount of damage they were capable of was close to jarring. And letting her wander the world freely and without a leash around her neck would be a colossal mistake. One thing I couldn't afford, especially right now!"Signora..." Dante and Douglass came rushing to me when we exited the house. I halted in my steps and glared at them, a stone-cold expression sitting like a mask on my face."May you kindly reconsider your decision of sending us away?" It was Dante who broke the ice, only because he had balls big and hard enough to
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Chapter 58
“Mafia! What is that? A kind of cheese?” ~ Gerlando AlbertiJordan POVIt was growing. This feeling in my chest whenever I thought about her...It was this amazing sensation that bloomed inside of me whenever the corners of her eyes wrinkled with laughter, the sense of pride and satisfaction that swelled in my chest when watching her doing what she did best... The unmistakable clenching of my heart whenever I saw her cry. It was this intense crippling need to protect her at all costs: especially with my baby growing inside of her.Day by day, I was growing more infatuated with Melody Cattanio than I ever thought I will be. And all I could think about was becoming a man worthy of her. I never thought I'd ever find somebody who made me feel everything the way Melody did. It was no longer the Stockholm syndrome, it was something I dreaded the most but was all ready to bathe her with it altogether.Even now, watching her lay on the table with the pink hospital gown while chewing merciles
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Chapter 59
"I love the old way best, the simple way of poison, where we too are strong as men" -EURIPIDES JORDAN POV"Although the number of clients reduced due to the saga in Chicago, we can see that our sales increased by 30%. We were able to dispatch 30 trucks across the country, earning us..."A soft ping disrupted my focus on the speaker who was presenting the sales report. I stealthily fished my phone out of my pocket, Ben smiled when I saw the small message icon with hearts on it.'I feel like eating something sweet and sour.'The message read. My smile grew impossibly larger as I typed furiously and did not back a quick response.'Dinner date after work?'I placed the phone flat on the table and reattempted to focus on whatever was being said. Soon enough the ping went off again!'I want us to finish that silly show you faced on me.'My smile became too hard to conceal so I cleared my throat, earning myself the attention of others who sat around the table."Is there a problem, sir?" Reb
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Chapter 60
“Most men I know pissed away their fortunes. I’m the only one I know, that made a fortune pissin'” ~ Frank CostelloMELODY POV “Took you long enough. Were you dolling yourself up?'' I leered watching Jordan descend down the stairs in majestic steps, clad in a black tux that made him look like a sex god. His jet-black hair was jelled on the sides of his head, and I could smell him from where I stood in a red gown with a slit that ran up my thigh to the lean of my waist."It would be highly immoral to walk into a room full of American elites with bedroom hair and reeking like sex." he sneered with a tiny smirk, and my stomach dropped into a pit. A tiny smile threatened to place itself on my lips, so I hid it with a slight roll of my eyes."That is so rich coming from you" The same person who made me wear his cum inside this red gown with no panties on was the same one who talked about morals.I fished my phone out of my clutch and dialed Dante before putting him on loudspeaker. He answ
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