All Chapters of My Husband's Brother: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
102 Chapters
Violet“You kept staring at her!” Anastasia yells. I approach carefully and pause behind the corner. “What the hell are you talking about?”Dominic asks, voice even, which seems to drive her crazy. “You did! You kept looking at her! Do you think I didn’t notice? Everyone did. ““You are exaggerating. ““ ME? EXAGGERATING? And what was all this talking about art and shit? ““What?” “You heard me, “ she keeps yelling, “Since when do you care about this stuff?”“Always, “he says, his voice is still well-controlled. “I was just never able to talk to you about this. “AAA GGGHH!”Anastasia exclaims, then continues complaining. “What the hell is up to you?” she goes on , “It’s like you are an entirely different person since we came to this stupid place!”“I never asked you to come with me . “He says, lightly and - I assume- she kicks something. “I want to leave!”Anastasia yells “I don’t want to be here! I HATE this fuckign place. I HAVE everyone here, and their…. everything, I hat
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Where To?
Violet “No, no, “ I say, “We aren’t …” “Miss Hale is my brother’s wife, “ Dominic explains, “Hence, the names. “ “Oh…” The receptionist nods, “Nevertheless, the suite is spacious enough for more than four people, even. “ ‘Isn't there anything else we can do?” I ask and the receptionist continues looking at me in the same perplexed way. “Anything else as in…?” “Maybe I could take another room? “ I ask, hopeful. “Uh… “ she stutters, “Let me see what I can find. “ The woman checks and after a few seconds, she shakes her head. “I am afraid we are fully booked. “ Then she looks up from the screen. “At this time of the year, we are always …” “Of course,” Dominica says, then turns to me,” We can figure it out, though, right? ” “Okay, “ I agree and we heed to the room. We get in the elevator and the bellhop gets on with us. Dominic and I are at the back and I close my eyes briefly. I am going to spend the next few days with Dominic. That might turn out to be harder than
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A Brief Moment
Violet“I’m serious, yes, “ I tell my sister. “Unfortunately. ““Damn, Val, “She says, “This sucks. Way more than the situation I am in. ““Nothing is going to happen. I mean it. ““Keep telling yourself that. You are literally in the most romantic city in the whole world. And you are telling me nothing is going to happen?““Yes.”“Right.”She snorts. “Come on, it’s unthinkable. ““But you are thinking about this!” Evie argues. I cover my eyes with my palm. “I have to go.”“I am sure you do. ““Evie!” I protest but she answers with a smile in her voice. “I love you, sis. “she says, “I will call you back again when we decide to come back. ““Okay. I love you too. Have fun. ““You too. “We hang up and I take a look around the spacious bedroom, looking for my bag. The room is huge - a giant bed, a table with armchairs around it. A huge bathroom with a bathtub and big mirrors. The receptionist didn’t exaggerate- the place is enough for more than four people, even.“Stop overthink
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Do You?
VioletAfter less than two hours I am looking at one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen. The wind is warm, dancing on the surface of the crystal blue water. The beach is only a few feet away from us and I can’t wait to feel the sand underneath my feet. “It’s… I never knew places like this exist. “I say, unable to look away from the view. “It’s one of my favourite places. ““What is it called?”I glance at him. Dominic is standing next to me, the wind dancing in his hair. “The area is called Deauville. It’s almost 2,5 hours from Paris. “He says and I frown.“But we came much faster ““I am a good driver, “he winks at me. “This is a very small private beach, “ he goes on, “I like coming here. “I glance around and notice there are scarcely any people around. The place is tucked neatly between two cliffs and this beach looks like a small, private paradise. “Is this where you bring all your dates? “I joke, but he replies seriously. “I’ve never seen anyone here before.
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We Can't
Violet The family hotel we go to is very close to the private beach we just visited. It’s a small, cozy house that has beautiful, local flowers in the garden at the front. “It looks more like a home than a hotel. “ I say as we take the steps to the veranda. “In a way it is. “ Dominic opens the door for me and invites me in. The woman at the reception is older than us - almost the same age my mother would be if she was alive. Gray, long hair and tanned skin. I don’t tell myself “She was beautiful when she was young '' because I don’t believe in this- women are beautiful at any age. There’s no “was beautiful '' there's “she is beautiful. “ The woman looks up from her notebook as she hears our approaching footsteps. She gasps, surprise blossoming on her face. “Dominic!” the woman exclaims and spreads her arms wide. She moves past the counter and comes to hug him. The woman is wearing a long, colourful dress which makes her look even prettier. “What are you doing h
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You Can't
Violet “I am done, “ I declare and lean back in the comfortable chair. “I can’t. That's it. “ I place my fork on my plate and a waiter comes to pick up the cutlery. “What do you usually do on your days off?” Dominic asks. “I haven’t thought about this, actually. ” I admit. “I am at the office most of the time. “ This is one of the reasons why everything feels absolutely amazing. It also feels like it’s happening to someone else. At that moment the chef comes over and stands at our table. We are having a very late afternoon lunch in a traditional French restaurant, hidden in the small streets of the town. The restaurant is both close to the sea and close to the historical parts of the place. “How is everything, “ The man asks in English and I am short for words. “Amazing. It '’s… thank you. “ “I told you she would love it. “ The man tells Dominic and I am not even surprised they know each other. “Thank you, Pierre, “ Dominic says and after a quick chat he has with
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I Stop Thinking
Dominic I head to the door, but when I open it, I discover there’s no one outside in the corridor. “Hello?’ I call and glance left and right in the empty corridor. No one. But for some reason, I don’t go back to my room. I head for Violet’s. I knock on her door and she doesn’t open it, although I know she is in there. I hear stumbling, then something lands on the floor. “Dman it, “ she curses from the inside. “Violet, “ I ask, coming closer to the door, “Are you all right?” “I… yes!” Then there’s another noise and I ask again. “Are you sure? ““Yes!” she calls out, “Perfectly fine. “ “Okay. “ I say, “I will be in my room if …” “Thank you!” She answers right away. I turn my back to head to my room when the door of her room suddenly opens wide. “Dominic, “ She calls and I turn around to see Violet, wrapped in a towel, her body covered in foam. “My shower is not working “ She says, “You came to knock on my door, right?” I ask and she nods. “Yes. “ “Th
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Violet Dominic is kissing me. My eyes flutter closed and I want more. The kiss was a light touch at first, his lips only a light brush against mine. But then it grows more passionate. I feel Dominic’s body tensing against mine. It’s like he is trying to control himself, trying to stop himself from grabbing me and making me his. Trying not to rip the towel off and claim me. I’ve never been kissed like this before and I feel the touch everywhere. I feel myself leaning in into the feeling. His hand closes around my shoulder. Possessive. When he is kissing me like this, it’s like he is a wild beast, trying to remain in control and not let desire overtake him. It feels amazing. I want to see him lose control and I want everything. I let myself make a low moan as his tongue brushes mine. Dominic smiles against my lips because of my reaction and that's when I realize what we are doing. What we’ve done. No. I break the kiss and pull back instantly. My eyes snap open and m
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Conor “Pour me another glass of this,” I tell Monica and her hand, drawing circles on my tight pauses. I don’t have to repeat the order, because she is here to obey me. “Of course,” She purrs in my ear and gets up, wrapping the silk gown around her slim body “Ice? “ She asks, holding an ice cube, waiting. I shake my head. “I won’t spoil the good whisky with water. “ I say and a slow smile appears on her lips, painted in bright red. “How could I forget, “ Monica says in the same purring voice. Then she approaches the ice cube towards her neck and runs it slowly lower, towards her breasts. “But the ice should not go to waste. “ she says. The silk of the gown opens and Monica keeps moving the ice cube over her breasts. “Don’t stop,” I instruct her and she lets out a low giggle. The ice melts, dripping in streaks over her skin. I almost forget about Violet. Almost. My eyes flutter to my phone. She hasn’t responded to any of the messages I sent her. It’s not ne
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Violet I knock on Dominic's door a few times and when no one responds, I call him. He doesn’t pick up, but his phone also doesn’t ring from inside the room and I begin to panic.What if he left?For one thing- if I were him, I might have done it after what happened last night.I head downstairs. I see no one at the small reception so I storm out.Then I see him.Dominic is sitting on the front lid of his sports car, smoking.The dark sunglasses he is wearing look like they were made for him- and they might have been.He is dressed entirely in black and his hair is messier than usual. It looks like he’s run his hands through the strands multiple times and I am overwhelmed with that constant, terrible need to touch him.He looks at me and nods.“Good morning, Violet.”His voice is a rumble, vibrating in my chest, down to my very core and I pause where I am.“I thought you left.”I admit.“Why would I?” “Because...” I push the words out and look away from him. “Because of last night.
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