All Chapters of Friend Zoned: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21: Violet
When I find the courage to slink back to the guy's apartment, it's well after midnight. Everything is dark and silent. I don't realize that I'm holding my breath until it rushes out in relief. There's no way I could face Sam right now. I'm embarrassed by my own behavior. Instead of turning away when I saw him, I stood there and gawked at his cock like a perv.His very hard, very thick cock.I really need to stop thinking about that. It's one thing to feel it nestled against my ass in the wee hours of the morning, separated by at least two layers of clothing, and quite another to catch a glimpse-all right, way more than a glimpse-up close and personal. If I had to, I could probably render a fairly accurate description to a sketch artist.Or pick it out of a line up.This is terrible.And we certainly aren't going to talk about how I was tempted to get even more up close and personal with his erection either.Unfortunately, I've been unable to think about little else since t
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Chapter 22: Violet
"Well, you sure are here bright and early."My grandmother pulls me in for a warm hug as I step inside the sunny kitchen.I shrug, and say with an overly cheerful smile, "I've missed you guys, and thought I'd swing by for breakfast."Those words have her lips tilting up at the corners. "Aww, you're such a sweet girl." In the very next breath, she adds, "You should have brought Sam with you."Yeah...there's no way that was going to happen. Even the thought is enough to leave me wincing. I couldn't get out of the apartment fast enough this morning. As soon as I heard Sam and Roan take off for their workout, I threw my things into a bag and flew out the door.Kind of like an escape convict fleeing the scene of a heinous crime.After last night, there was no way in hell I was sticking around for their return. As much as I would love to hash all this out with Sam and get our friendship back on track, I can't do it right now. My emotions are all over the place.If everything we
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Chapter 23: Violet
She stands at the stove with a spatula in hand as her gaze holds mine. "Oh?"This is more difficult than I expected. I focus on my half-filled glass of orange juice before deciding to drink some down. Maybe the vitamin C will help boost my courage."It has to do with Sam," I mumble, barely loud enough for her to catch. Although my grandmother has excellent hearing, so she picks up on my words without any problem.Her face creases with worry. Ugh...I am killing this poor woman with my ineptness. "What happened to Sam? Is he all right? Is there something we can do to help?""No, I mean Yes..." Oh, for the love of all that's holy, I don't know any more. "Maybe.""Well, that certainly clears things up." A small smile tips the corners of her lips as I torture myself. "Thank you."A weak chuckle escapes. Why does this have to be such a mess? All I want is for everything to go back to the way things were before. That's what would be best for everyone. Then we could just
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Chapter 24: Violet
I bump open the door with my hip and heft my bags into the suite. I can't deny the sharp shafts of relief that pump through me. Distance and perspective are exactly what's needed right now.With a quick glance around, I catch sight of Mia sitting on the couch in the living area we share. When she remains silent, lost in her own thoughts, I call out, "Hello!"Her head swivels toward me before a ghost of a smile curves her lips. "Hey, girl. Thanks again for clearing out for the past couple of days, I really appreciate it. I hope everything was cool with Sam."Yeah...we're not going to discuss that situation at the moment.Or possibly ever."It was fine. How did your visit with Carter go? Did you guys have a good time?" Before she can answer, I throw up a hand. "If you're going to tell me that you two never left the room and it was just one long marathon of sexy times, I'd rather not hear the gory details, thank you very much."The forced smile stays glued to her lips.
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Chapter 25: Violet
Instead of asking what she means, I brush off the remark and redirect our conversation away from Sam. He now feels like dangerous and murky territory. "Anyway, there's nothing between Liam and me. He kissed me and-" She doesn't give me a chance to finish the sentence before pouncing. "He kissed you! Liam Garrison actually kissed you?" She looks dangerously close to swooning."Um, yeah." I fold my hands in my lap and add, "It was nice-""His kiss was just...nice? That's it? Liam Garrison gave you a ride on his motorcycle, took you to play pool, and then kissed you, and it wasn't anything more than nice?" Her voice rises with each word.I nod before shrugging. "It was nice. Nothing more, nothing less.""That's seriously disappointing." There's a pause. "Was he bad at it?" Almost immediately she shakes her head. "No-that seems impossible. He's way too gorgeous to be bad at making out.""No, the kiss was fine." My mind turns back to yesterday. "It just wasn't an
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Chapter 26: Violet
For the next two days, Mia's words roll around like marbles in the back of my head. On Tuesday, I deliberately dawdle on my way to Rickets' class so that I'm late. Not by much, certainly not enough to incur his wrath, but just enough so that there's no time for Sam and me to delve into any meaningful conversations.During the entire class period, all ninety tortuous minutes of it, his leg continually brushes up against mine. Every time it does, a little burst of awareness shoots through my body, making it impossible to focus on the lecture.At one point, I wonder what it would feel like to climb that big body of his like a tree. Those thoughts make me squirm uncomfortably in my seat, attempting to alleviate a bit of the pressure forming between my tightly clenched thighs.Once class is wrapped up for the day, Sam pounces, asking if I want to grab a coffee and talk. Instead of manning up and hashing things out with him, I make up some lame excuse as to why I have to haul ass acr
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Chapter 27: Violet
After thirty more minutes, I've drained another beer and have approached two more guys who-if you can actually believe it-are more interested in watching the game on TV than striking up a conversation with yours truly.And trust me, I've been thrusting out my boobs the entire time.Nada.I stare glumly at my empty mug. "Picking up guys is more difficult than it appears."As those disheartened words leave my lips, Mia dissolves into another fit of giggles. "For you, yes. I really should be videoing this. It would make a hilarious GIF.""You suck as a wing woman," I mutter. "You suck at picking up dudes," she tosses back.I can't exactly argue with that, now can I? Apparently, I do suck at picking up guys. Who knew?This night has turned out to be a complete bust. "I'm going to the bathroom," I say, feeling deflated. Once there, I take care of business and reapply my lipstick.As I return to the table, a guy loitering at the bar catches my attention. Before I can thi
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Chapter 28: Sam
I've had enough. Whether Violet realizes it or not, we're done playing games. If she thinks for one damn moment I'm going to stand by and allow her to go home with a random dude, she's out of her mind.That's not going to happen.Up until Sunday, our relationship had been teetering precariously on the edge of something more. Waking up with my arms wrapped around her, my morning wood pressed against her backside, and my hand palming the generous curve of her breast, forever tipped the scales. There's no turning back from that. I couldn't rein in my desire even if I wanted to.I owe Mia big time for shooting me a text and clueing me in to what was about to go down. Even though she never mentioned what they were doing here, I had my suspicions. With the last few days ratcheting up the sexual tension between us, and her subsequently avoiding me, it was only a matter of time before Violet attempted to diffuse the situation. I should have realized she would try something like thi
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Chapter 29: Violet
Sam backs me up against the door to my bedroom as we stand in the common area of my suite. His body cages me in as his lips linger over my mouth. But he never quite touches me.More like teases.It only makes me want him more than I already do. All I want is to feel the firm pressure of his mouth sliding lazily over mine again.And the things he whispered in my ear...Holy hell.I thought I'd burst into flames on the spot. Who knew that Sam could talk so dirty or that it would totally turn me on?My panties are completely drenched, and my clit is throbbing with a life all its own. My hand rises to the collar of his T-shirt before fisting it with my fingers. I want to drag him closer until I don't know where he ends, and I begin.In this moment, all I want is for him to touch me. To touch me like I've fantasized about. To touch me like I've been touching myself all the while imagining it was him."Sam," I groan as those thoughts tumble through my head.His lips slant
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Chapter 30: Violet
As if silently trying to convince me, he flexes his hips against mine. His hard length slides home. Lovely little shards of pleasure ricochet through me at the contact. I can't stop the moan that escapes from my lips. "Please, baby? I stood outside your door, imagining how beautiful you would look with your legs spread wide, stroking yourself to thoughts of me." He thrusts again. "I want to watch you touch yourself."How can I possibly say no when he makes it sound so...Sexy.That thought alone has my clit pulsing a steady beat. Sam takes my silence for acquiescence and rolls to the side. For a moment, I stay still and gather my courage. Touching myself in front of him feels wildly intimate. Even though I'm nervous, I want to do this.My fingers fumble as I sit up and strip off my top. I draw in a deep breath before starting on the jeans. It takes more than one attempt to flick open the button. When I'm down to nothing more than my bra and panties, I chance a peek
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