All Chapters of The Gentleman Biker: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
150 Chapters
Chapter 111: SILLA
I lay there for a good minute or more after he left, trying to catch my breath and get my heart rate back down to normal. This was different, I’m not sure why I was so certain of that, but I felt it. It was as if we’d turned a corner in our relationship, the point of no return, and I was excited and worried all at the same timeExcited because it was finally sinking in that I was really having a relationship with Gabriel, and I worried because if I was this flustered by a kiss, I had no idea what else was in store for me. He’d left me breathless and needy, and although he’d said we’d go at my pace, that he’d let me decide when I was ready for my sake, I wasn’t sure that I’d be brave enough to take the lead.His words, the promises he’d made, played over and over again in my head, and there was a huge grin on my face as I wrapped my arms around myself and rolled around on the bed. This was turning out to be the best day ever. First, our little private outing with just the two of us, the
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Chapter 112: GABRIEL
She was gone when I came out of the shower, which was just as well because I still had work to take care of before running her back to the hospital later. With Lyon in charge there, we weren't held to the same visiting hours as everyone else, which was a good thing, all things considered.Her lamb was awake and making a racket in her pen to be let out, so I took her into the closet with me. I think the thing is growing on me. I got dressed and headed to the office feeling much lighter than I have in days but still braced for the blowback from the guys for carrying her pet in my arms. I opened the door and stopped short. Lyon was having some kind of showdown with someone on his computer screen if the scowl on his face was anything to go by, and I wondered who’d pulled his tail. Everyone else had stopped what they were doing and was watching him, but I couldn’t tell from their faces what we had going on. They’re pretty good and camouflaging their feelings, so there was no tension in the
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Chapter 113: SILLA
“Sometimes, I think these men are from a whole other universe. They’re certainly nothing like the boys we grew up with or any of the men around here, that’s for sure.” Chantal was on another one of her spiels. Ever since she’d reminded me that she had to leave soon, it’s as if she was doing her best to convince me, or herself, that she was leaving me in capable hands. “Speaking of which, did you know Gabriel has a kickass bike? It arrived when you two were gone.”“Really?” Now, why did that set my little heart to racing? Her little switch in conversation completely out of left field had my mind changing track to keep up. She’d been jumping from one topic to the next for the last ten minutes or so since I came into the room.Now instead of worrying about what I was going to do once she left, my mind was filled with visuals of Gabriel riding. Tattoos, a bike, and that amazing face and body. Add that to all the other things I’m coming to know about Gabriel, and I’m in a whole lot of tro
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Chapter 114: GABRIEL
“That was a pretty good fishing expedition you went on there, Lyon.” He just grunted as he gathered up some stuff to take back to the clubhouse with him for the night. I think his kid got her work ethic from him because he doesn’t seem to ever stop.“You mind telling me what that was about?”“No, but I’ll tell you what I found. She doesn’t know anything about Sam, so for the next few days, we’re going to hang around the clubhouse and see what we can dig up.”It’s silly, but I sometimes forget that place exists. We’d been so focused on everything else that it just slipped my mind. It’s only been a few days since I allowed my dad’s old crew back anyway, plus the place has been wired from top to bottom, so there isn’t much we could miss of the goings on over there, but if he thought it was a good idea, I’m sure it is. He’s proved himself time and again.I knew he was up to something the way he’d been talking to Silla at dinner, but he’s so smooth with his shit that it was hard to tell for
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Chapter 115: GABRIEL
I brushed the hair back from her face before turning away to head for the shower. This is where I do my best thinking when there’re no distractions, and the water helps clear my head. Lyon had given me a lot to think about, yes, but I had other things on my mind. First was finding out if Sam had ever harmed her in the way that I was dreading and figuring out how to go about doing that without causing her any trauma. I even thought of asking Chantal just to spare Silla, but that didn’t seem right to me. Besides, for some reason, I’m pretty sure if Chantal had that kind of information, Wolf would’ve drawn it out of her already.That made me feel less restless as I stripped down to get into the shower. It was then I remembered the little jewelry box that I’d all but forgotten in my pants pocket. I thought about just slipping the earrings in while she was asleep; that way, I’d have to answer fewer questions from her, and my mind went to all the ways I might surprise her in the future, and
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Chapter 116: SILLA
I don’t think my body stopped vibrating for a good half an hour. Excitement, and not just for the earrings, ran through me as he got me settled against his side, and I knew he could feel it but didn’t care. I must’ve thanked him a thousand times but didn’t care either that my unsophistication was showing. At least I hadn’t asked him how much the diamonds had cost.I touched my ears almost as often as I thanked him, and the smile on my face was going to be there for at least a month. There were so many things going through my head, things that I couldn’t share with him because they were all about him, but I was sure he wouldn’t let me run down the hall to see Chantal, so I laid there with my head on his chest counting his heartbeats and being happier than I’ve ever been in my life.I didn’t want Gabriel to think that I was the kind of girl who only cared about things like this, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t beyond happy with his gift. “Gabriel, you know you don’t have to buy me th
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Chapter 117: GABRIEL
If anyone had told me that I’d get such pleasure from just holding a sleeping woman in my arms, maybe I would’ve done it sooner. Then again, no, I doubt that seriously, only because there was no her in my life before. I’ve never wanted this with anyone else; in fact, quite the opposite; I preferred sleeping alone, even when I was seeing someone, though I’ve had many an argument over it in the past.I never understood why women made such a big deal about spending the night, or maybe I did and subconsciously shied away from the intimacy because this was something that should be experienced with the right one. I for damn sure hadn’t been thinking along those lines all the times I’d denied a lover the opportunity, but like a schoolboy in his first blushes of love, I find myself being happy that I did, that she was the first.I’d always had a different excuse, though, at least in my mind. For me, being able to let my guard down around anyone, trusting anyone enough to do so, had never been
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Chapter 118: GABRIEL
We both stopped moving; I think I even stopped breathing for a second or more, waiting for her reaction. I sucked in my breath and waited for her to pull away, to say something that would bring me back from the edge I was headed for because I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. For the first time in my life, I was at someone else’s mercy. I felt weak and strong at the same time, which is freaky as shit, but I had enough control left to walk away if that’s what she wanted, even though my body was screaming out for hers. It's been a while since I’d been this close to anyone, but even as I thought it, I knew that this was different than anything that had come before. This closeness was unlike anything I’d shared with anyone else because my emotions were involved. Something warm and sweet flowed through me and settled around my heart, and made its way south to my cock, which was straining to be free.I held my breath, still waiting for her to pull away, knowing that it would kill me if she
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Chapter 119: GABRIEL
The heart is a strange thing, with a hundred different avenues leading in and out with each breath, each steady pump, and so many chambers. I didn’t really understand that until this very moment. That there were so many different little pockets to this one organ that, up until a few seconds ago, was just the thing that made me live.I didn’t believe in the heart’s ability to talk to you, to tell you things that even your head was afraid to say or couldn’t say. I didn’t know that your life’s blood could be tied up in someone else until I felt the evidence of her innocence at my fingertip just as her eyes opened on mine, and for a split second, I saw into her soul.I don’t know if I’ll remember this moment forever or if I’ll recall that very feeling that pierced my chest and made its way into the very fabric of my being ever again, but at that moment as it happened, I knew that it was the most precious thing I’d ever experienced in my entire life. And I’d shared it with her.I instinctiv
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Chapter120: GABRIEL
As I slid up her body, I wasn’t thinking about anything else but getting inside her. The difference in our age didn’t matter; her innocence, none of the things that had plagued me before this moment, seemed a bit important as I made my way up to settle between her thighs. The only thing that mattered was taking care of her.I felt like a newbie, truth be told because this having to go slow so that I didn’t hurt her was new for me; in fact, it all was. “Are you ready?” I don’t know why I almost expected her to ask for what, and the thought made me smile inside, but she just nodded her head, still with that look on her face as if I’d shown her something wonderful and new.Then I took my dick in hand and almost called a halt myself. A cold shiver ran down my spine at the thought of what I was about to do to her. It’s a weird freaking situation, to be sure, to be in this much need and yet not wanting to hurt her the way I know I will because there’s no hope for it. There’s no way that I’m
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