All Chapters of one night stand.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
Chapter 11: Liam
As I push through the metal door of the house I grew up in, the screen whines on its hinges before slamming shut with a thud. It should have been replaced a couple of years ago. Then again, the same holds true for everything in this place.Before my mother took off, our home looked worn but still well-loved. That's no longer the case. It's gotten a lot worse in the five years since she disappeared. Things that were shabby, now seem unkempt and forlorn.A crushing weight settles on my shoulders as I step foot inside the living room. Even though I don't necessarily want to, I swing by at least once a week to make sure everything is running smoothly and nothing else has fallen to shit in my absence. "Hey, son."The corners of my lips hitch as my gaze settles on my dad. He looks the same as always. Maybe a little rougher around the edges. There are dark smudges under his eyes as if he hasn't been sleeping well, and his complexion is ruddier than normal. I don't miss the beer can
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Chapter 12: Liam
I clear my throat. "I've been giving a lot of thought to the upcoming draft and I think I should enter it this year. There's no point in delaying the inevitable." Even though I don't tack on-because we need the money, the words hang in the air.His brow furrows as if he doesn't understand why I'm bringing this up. "We already talked about this. You need to finish college first and get your degree."My gaze bounces around the interior of our dilapidated house. What I see is all the improvements that could be made if I were to get picked up by a team this spring. It's all but a certainty. I've been scouted since I was a freshman in high school. I red-shirted my freshman year of college, which means I practiced with the team but didn't play in any of the games so I could retain four years of eligibility at the college level. I've only used up two. I could technically stay at Barnett for another two years if I wanted to get more experience under my belt.With Cullum looking to a
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Chapter 13: Liam
"How old are these kids again?"I shrug as we walk down the silent corridor. "Dunno. Second or third grade, I think."We're on the hunt for room twelve."Any idea what we're supposed to talk about for thirty minutes?" The guy walking next to me yawns loudly, barely managing to cover his mouth.I glance at him. He looks like he rolled out of bed ten minutes ago.You're supposed to be representing here, dude. Get with the freaking program.Jack Hillenger is a sophomore running back for the Bulldogs. He's great on the field but flies by the seat of his pants any other time. I'm the opposite. In my experience, shit gets fucked up if you don't go in with a plan. I always have an end game in mind. Half the time, it's the only thing that gets me through all the day-to-day bullshit.An impatient sigh escapes from my lips as I ramble off a few topics. "The importance of athletics and reaching for your dreams. The discipline, dedication, and amount of hard work it takes to be a colle
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Chapter 14: Liam
My memory of her from that night doesn't do her justice. She's a woman who can definitely rock the whole hot teacher vibe. My guess is that more than one of her student's fathers pop wood while sitting across the desk from her at conferences.That night at O'Brien's, she wore something simple like jeans and a sweater. Today she's got on a cream-colored blouse that buttons up the front. The top one has been left undone, exposing a hint of flesh beneath. Even though she's covered up, I can see the soft curve of her breasts as the silky looking blouse molds to her body before getting tucked into a tight-fitting black skirt that hits above her knees. The outfit is topped off with a pair of black heels.Her long, dark hair is piled high on top of her head with a few loose tendrils left to escape down her slender neck.Yup, sexy as hell. I keep an eye on the allotted amount of time we've been given for our presentation. Right around the thirty-minute mark, I wrap things up, knowing
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Chapter 15: Gia
After dropping the kids off at music, I head back to my classroom on legs that feel as if they're made of Jell-O. The entire time I'm walking down the corridor, I'm sending up a little prayer that Liam Garrison will have permanently disappeared from my life the way he should have after the night I spent with him.Holy mother of God.I almost died when he turned around, and my gaze collided with gunmetal gray eyes. A strangled gurgle of laughter escapes from my parted lips as the memory crashes through my brain. For just a fraction of a second, I'd thought that I had-for whatever reason-conjured him up in my mind.All right...not for whatever reason. It's no secret that I've been thinking about him these past three weeks. After the night I spent in his bed, it would be difficult not to.But still, I never thought I'd actually come face to face with him again. And yet, there he was, standing in my classroom. Waiting to speak with my kids.If the wicked gleam filling his gorgeous e
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Chapter 16: Liam
Gia's blue gaze widens as it collides with mine for the second time in the span of a few short hours. A satisfied smile tugs at the corners of my lips.Looks like I've surprised her.Again.Oh, Ms. Monroe, did you really think I was going to let you slip through my fingers again? No way. Not after I've been thinking about you for three solid weeks. Ever since you warmed my bed with that hot little body of yours. We're not done just yet.It's almost laughable the way her feet grind to a halt in the parking lot. Instead of closing the forty-foot distance between us, I lean against the seat of my bike. My legs are stretched out in front of me as if I've got all the time in the world.Even though my gaze never falters from hers, I take in every detail of her appearance. The ebony-colored hair, the delicate bone structure of her face, and the full lips that are in the shape of a cupid's bow. Not to mention, those gorgeous blue eyes that are framed by thick, sooty lashes. She can't
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Chapter 17: Liam
For three solid weeks, I've been trying to evict this woman from my head, and I haven't been able to do it. She refuses to budge.When she doesn't resist, I tow her toward me until her warm breath can feather across my lips. The way her eyes flare and the panting little breaths that escape from her drive me crazy. Memories of all the delicious things I did to that lovely mouth of hers explode in my brain."Liam," she pleads, "Please..."The shiver that threads its way through her voice isn't fear. There's too much arousal stirring in her eyes. Even though she doesn't want to feel it, it's undeniably there, surging through her.Even though she's doing her damnedest to resist the attraction tugging at her, it's there. My grip isn't one that is punishing. I'm merely holding her in place. The last thing I would ever do is deliberately intimidate a woman. I could never hurt one either. I have a younger sister who I'm protective of. I would wipe any guy off the face of this earth
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Chapter 18: Gia
"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" Harper saunters into my classroom with a can of Diet Cherry Coke dangling from her fingertips and her lunch packed in a stylish hot pink cooler. Unable to wait, I've already spread out the contents of my lunch on the horseshoe shaped table I use when working in small groups with the kids.I give her a-I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it look, which she promptly dismisses. "I see that you're not-so-secret admirer has sent you yet another gift." A sly grin spreads across her pretty face.Instead of commenting, I focus my attention on twisting off the cap from my bottle of water.When I remain silent, she forges ahead with another question. "So, that would make every day this week that you've received something?"I don't know why she's bothering to ask. We both know the answer without me having to admit the truth. If she's attempting to make a point, I don't know what it is. She settles across from me before pulling out a small salad, sandwich,
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Chapter 19: Gia
It's quarter to six and Liam should be arriving in fifteen minutes. Even though I'm showered and have shaved to an inch within my life, my hair is straightened, makeup is perfectly in place, and I'm dressed, I'm still not sure if I'll go through with this date.I hate to sound like a broken record but...What's the point?We're either going to walk away at the end of the night and never see each other again or-My brain shies away from considering the other possibility. I'm scared to death that this date will go well. What if we have a nice time?What then?The age difference between us feels insurmountable. If we were both older, and in the same place in life, it would be a different story.But we're not.If I've learned anything over the years, it's that relationships are hard. What's the point of investing time in one when we both know it's not going to work out in the end?I spend the next fifteen minutes torturing myself with indecision. Vacillating one way and then the othe
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Chapter 20: Liam
As soon as she opened the door and my gaze slid over her, my heart stuttered before beating into double time. And-if you can believe this-my palms broke out in a sweat.I know, right?Completely ridiculous.I don't think a chick has ever tangled me up like this.It only makes me realize how much I want her to give me a chance. I don't want this to end before it even begins. After sending her gifts all week long, hoping to ensnare her attention or-at the very least draw out her curiosity-I don't have any other tricks up my sleeve unless I want to scare her with some borderline creepy behavior.Now that her hand is secured in mine, there's no way I'll let it go. I've been thinking about Gia since I saw her last Friday afternoon."Let me grab my purse and lock up before we go," she says.Does that mean I have to relinquish her hand in order for that to happen?Because she's staring at me like it does.Fine, I'll let her go. But as soon as I hear the lock click into place, I'm stealin
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