All Chapters of Spellbound: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
89 Chapters
Chapter 10: Maeve
Why does this guy have to smell so good? It’s distracting and I need to focus. He smells like the coffee shop my father used to take me to in the mornings before school. Rich, dark, freshly ground coffee with a hint of cream and sugar. Right now, he’s standing behind me, so close I can feel the heat of his body radiating off of him. Geez, he’s warm. Must be a wolfy thing. “How do you know those goons worked for her?” He asks me. I never considered myself short. I’m not exactly tall either, but I’m an average 5’6” tall woman. This guy is nearly a foot taller than I am. And his shoulders are wider than mine, by enough that it’s noticeable and don’t even get me started on how muscular he is. Snap out of it, Maeve! His family wants to kill you. Yeah, but, I swear he was flirting with me earlier. And I saw his eyes flicker before too. I’m not sure, but I think that means his wolf was coming forward. I have no idea if that’s good or bad. “I recognize them.” I say, moving away from him.
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Chapter 11: Xander
I know this burner phone is the connection to her family. While I was on the phone to my pack making arrangements to have someone come clean and fix Maeve’s shop, I snuck upstairs. Three bedrooms. While the scent of the goons was up there, I could smell the family scent much more strongly. One female, one male and I’d bet my future position as CEO that they are both juveniles. I had intended to take her upstairs and force her to tell me where they are, but when she indicated that we were being monitored, I changed my plan. She doesn’t seem concerned about them coming back and ‘M’ said they were safe. So, for now, I’ll leave it at that. When we were walking to the car, I smelled them before I saw them. I turned, putting myself between them and my mate. I don’t care that we’re in the middle of a busy part of town, humans passing us all around. If they try to take her, I will kill them. “Sorry, guys, this girl is taken, go find your own.” I say, my claws coming out. I hear Maeve suck i
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Chapter 12: Maeve
It was good to speak to Meadow and Tate. I know they want to come home, but it’s definitely not the right time. It may never be again. I reluctantly gave my phone back to Xander before turning my attention back to the landscape passing us by. When we get to the packhouse, Xander shows me to a room. When we walk in, he looks at me and frowns. “I just realized you don’t have any clothes or anything.” I shrug. I’ll make do. I watch as his eyes go unfocused. A moment later, there’s a knock at the door and Leana walks in. “Hi Maeve. Xander said you need some clothes and some toiletries. I wanted to get your sizes and see if there is anything in particular you want or need as far as bath or hair products.” “You don’t need to get me anything. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I look at Xander. “I won’t be here long, right?” I watch as his lips press together. Rather than answer me, he turns to look at Leana and walks out of the room. I look at her. She’s watching her brother leave. “You were at
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Chapter 13: Xander
I hate walking my mate through the packhouse. Everyone here can smell that she’s a witch and everyone in our pack and our allied packs knows that it was a witch that cast a spell on Rich and caused all the problem between him and Emlyn. But they don’t know Maeve, not like I’m starting to. I can’t even be angry at them. Yesterday, I wanted to kill her. If she wasn’t my mate, I might have, without ever giving her a chance, without realizing that she’s as much of a victim in all of this as Rich and Emlyn are. I’m shocked when she turns and stands up to the pack. I don’t know if she could actually do what she said she could, but the threat felt real enough that everyone looked shocked and the magic in her hands implied she was serious. I feel the surprise ripple through the pack, and I realize that they expect me to shut her down, or at least threaten her for threatening them. But I’m not going to. I know this pack has been through a lot recently, but so has she. In truth, I’m proud of
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Chapter 14: Maeve
I was never really sure if Beta Trevor’s voice just got nasty with me when he was being mean or if it was his wolf coming forward. However, I have no such question when Xander’s voice goes deep and his eyes darken. There is something about his wolf that draws me to him. I’ve always loved animals. Meadow and I used to rescue little animals all the time and bring them home, rehabilitate them and release them again. I"m so mesmerized, I don’t even realize that I’ve moved until I’m right in front of Xander, looking into these intelligent, dark eyes. “What’s your name?” I ask quietly, entranced by what I can only guess is animal magnetism. “My name is Einar, little one. And I would really like to show you our pack lands. Would you be willing to go for a run with me?” “Are you sure I’m not too big? I mean….” He leans forward, rubbing his face against mine. It’s such an animal thing to do that I don’t even flinch. “When you see me, you’ll understand. But no, you are not too big. I am
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Chapter 15: Xander
For someone that doesn’t know a lot about werewolves, Maeve sure knows how to wrap my wolf around her little finger. All she had to do was ask to speak to him and he practically throws me to the ground in our mind space to get to her. I’ve been fighting to keep him in check ever since. When I take her to the forest to shift, I don’t think twice about starting to strip. It’s just a natural occurrence in the pack. Her instant embarrassment reminds me that she’s not accustomed to it. I continue talking to her until I shift and then let Einar have control. He’s practically prancing as he walks over to get her attention and he’s definitely standing proudly as she looks him over, talking about how gorgeous he is. I just roll my eyes. ‘You’re just jealous. She likes me a lot more than she likes you.’ He says to me. Einar takes her around the pack lands, avoiding our patrols and other groups of wolves until he finally gets to his intended destination. The falls. I’m expecting that he’ll le
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Chapter 16: Maeve
I’m going to have the best dreams about being carried by the strongest, sexiest, most attractive man…scratch that, most attractive werewolf, I’ve ever seen. I mean, I had no choice but to hold on tight. No choice. But, oh my, I’ve never had my legs wrapped around such narrow hips before. Narrow, muscular hips. Snap out of it, Maeve! You know he smelled how turned on you were before! He did, I’m sure he did. But then he wrapped my arm around his shoulder. Oh my, that shoulder. Naked, warm, muscular. And here I go again. Save it for later, Maeve. I see him give me a side-eye look. SAVE. IT. FOR. LATER. MAEVE. I scold myself. “You okay over there?” He asks. I stop, turning toward him. I may as well know for sure. “You can smell me, right? I mean, you can smell….when….” Yeah, I didn’t think that one through. He steps up to me, getting in my space. Geez, he’s so tall….and warm, and oh, good grief, he smells delicious. “Do you mean, can I smell it when you become aroused, like you
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Chapter 17: Xander
I have a tendency to get hangry. Hungry angry, or hangry, as my sisters call it. It’s a joke in our family. Never get between me and my food when I’m hungry. Not intentionally, but I have been known to shove my sistersout of my way in my haste to get to food. The minute I get away from the stinky smell of Maeve’s potion, I smell food and my stomach twists painfully, feeling like it's eating itself. There are only two things on my mind. Food and my mate. Sadly, I realize that in my hunger, I’m missing important cues. It’s not until I hear Maeve’s heart rate spike, smell the scent of fear and sweat on her that I realize something is wrong. All I’ve cared about was getting food in my stomach and making sure she was fed. Apparently, in my haste to get somewhere to eat, she assumed I was trying to get her into bed. I guess it makes sense. I thought that since she was aroused that she could handle a bit of teasing about it. And she did ask me about it, so I thought we were in a good place.
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Chapter 18: Maeve
I wake up the next morning, shocked that I slept so well. It’s been a long time since I haven’t woken up listening for someone to bang on my door in the middle of the night or try to break in to get us. At first when I wake, I’m completely disoriented. It takes me a moment to remember everything that happened yesterday. Has it really only been one day? I can’t believe that less than 24 hours ago, I was putting Meadow and Tate on a bus. It feels like I lived a week in the last day. I get up, not knowing what to expect today. I’m guessing that I won’t be allowed to return home until I make the potion that breaks the spell. That will be a week. It’s a touchy spell, one that I have to slowly maneuver to work around the spell that Gwen wanted. I can do it, it will just take some time and a lot of subtly. I’ve just gotten out of the shower when there’s a knock at the door. I wrap a towel around my hair, piling it on top of my head and then around my body, not sure if I have clean clothes
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Chapter 19: Xander
It was a risk showing Maeve that I’d talked to her sister, but I also need her to start trusting me. I didn’t say or do anything that would upset Maeve, I don’t think. But, it’s still a risk. She zeros in on the one thing that I said that I knew she wouldn’t have, that they’d be together again soon. “I can’t bring them back here, Xander. I can’t keep them safe.” “The pack will keep them safe, Maeve.” “Xander, I’m a witch, my sister is a witch. There’s no way your brother is going to allow us to stay on his pack lands.” “I know you haven’t had a good experience with wolves, Maeve. But protection is what we do. We’re good at it.” “Well, it doesn’t matter. I have to be here for a week anyway to make sure the potion cures. After that, I’ll be out of your hair, and you won’t have to worry about me or my siblings ever again.” She says before digging into her breakfast. “M is scared, Maeve. She needs to feel safe. Tate needs to feel safe. They’re alone and they are juveniles. They…” “
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