All Chapters of Falling For The Bad Girl : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
123 Chapters
Fifty One
Mr. King got to his bedroom looking furious. Mrs. King was already under the duvet with her phone in her hand. She saw how furious Stephen is and ignored him which aggravated him more. "Kristen has to watch it. I can't have her insult me in this house"He blew hot air from his mouth in a low growl and started pacing around the room. "She has been acting like an asshole towards me since she arrived and you need to put her to order"Mrs. King had no idea where he was going with all this and she didn't care. She had fought alongside him for so long, ignoring the pleas of her daughter. If Kristen wants to give it to Stephen hot, let it begin. But one thing she knows is that she can never again go against her daughter. Her husband has been a tyrant for so long, it's time to put him in his place. "If you can allow me to sleep tonight, it will be appreciated"She replied not taking her eyes off the phone. "Is that all you have to say, Maria?" He asked with a mocking tone. Mrs. King
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Fifty Two
"I won't give up and I will continue to look for ways to bring Kristen down. You will pay for this, Maria!" Stephen thought as he walked into the bathroom to have a shower.The slamming of the door was heard and Mrs. King sighed and then turned her face towards the bathroom. All that was just an act, she knows what her husband can do. She has lived with him for 17 years and if there is anybody who can tell who Stephen King is, it should be her. She doesn't have to pretend anymore, she has to fight to save herself and Kristen. She was getting tired of hiding behind smiles and pretending everything was fine. She couldn't stand it.If she doesn't do something, he will be the end of her and Kristen. Kristen is old enough so it's the right time to tell her what to do to get hold of her father's empire. So instead of going to bed as she has planned, she decided to go talk to Kristen, the earlier the better.She got down from the bed and put on her flip-flops and left the room noiselessly
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Fifty Three
Earlier on, Cherry had walked towards Kristen's room to confront her when she overheard the discussion between mother and daughter. She knew all along that if Kristen ever got married, Chase Empire will be Kristen's and she and her father don't want that. There was never going to be a problem because Kristen doesn't date talk more of getting involved with a guy to the level that marriage will be mentioned. Though Kristen has lived off for five years, she kept a tag on her every day, Cherry could tell you all that Kristen has done since she left the Chase House. It gives her great pleasure seeing Kristen in pain and it even gives her greater pleasure knowing that her father is the cause of Kristen's pain. Now, a boy is in the picture who might be the one to ruin all she and the father have been planning. Kristen can't get married, it was what she knew but she is not sure anymore and she would do anything to make sure Kristen doesn't get married before their plans could be a
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Fifty Four
His question took Frederick a while to understand. Frederick was even surprised that his father asked. He noticed he was not being so angry again but he is not sure if it was a trap to get him, Frederick can't really trust Alexander, his father or can he?"Yeah, I do," Frederick said softly. He didn't know why he was telling his father. He wasn't scared about his father, no more than he used to be. Maybe he felt safe telling him because maybe he can still convince him to end the arrangement with Cassie, even though he knows that the chances are low."Bring her home"And just like that, the call went dead. Frederick slowly pulled the phone away from his ears and stared at it. He wasn't sure he heard him again correctly. "Is my father for real? He wants me to bring my girlfriend home?"Frederick thought to himself and sighed deeply. He is not so sure about this but he has got to try. He hopes it's not his father's ethics to bring him home. His phone rang again and
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Fifty Five
A smile appeared across Frederick's lips too and then he chuckled lightly as he spoke"We have a deal, Kristen."He muttered and Kristen smiled at her end then hung the call up without a warning. "I should get used to seeing you as a crazy person." He smiled and got himself settled on the bed. And soon enough, sleep took over him. Kristen lay facing the ceiling. She had not expected things to go smoothly between Frederick and her. She had thought he would refuse the proposal because it was coming from her. "You had thought wrong my dear, for a man who wants you more than you want him. He will surely grab any opportunity he sees to be able to have you all to himself. Hope you are not playing ignorant to the fact that he likes you so much"She thought, sighing. Her subconscious knows how to remind her what she already knows. "I bet I should sleep. I might have a lot to do tomorrow" SHE whispered to herself. And soon enough, she drifted into slumber.***** Frederick
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Fifty Six
Kristen walked out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapping around her bosom and another one on her hair. She was looking refreshed. Last night she slept like never before and she has gotten up with a great feeling that the day will go on well for her. A noise from the background made her jump and when she turned towards the noise, she was surprised to see her stepfather at the door, with a smudged look on his face. He looked down at her in distaste as she looked at him with an annoyed frown.He clears his throat and walks towards her. Kristen took a step backward and raised her right hand, indicating for him to stop moving towards her. "What the heck are you doing in my room, Mr. Stephen King?"She questioned viciously and crossed her arms over her chest to stop herself from fidgeting. He didn't even bat an eyelash nor did he reply to her question. "I know you are not deaf, so you can as well answer that question, Mr. King"Stephen chuckled and sat on her bed crossing his
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Fifty Seven
It was so unexpected and sudden that Kristen couldn't even process it properly before her mind started working overtime.She blinked at him repeatedly hoping he was joking but the hard look in his eyes told her otherwise. She opened her mouth as though she wanted to say something, but she was at a loss for words.Why would he want to marry her?Of course, she knows, so that the Chase Empire would be within his reach."But he is a joker."She thought, "Has he suddenly gone insane? He wants to add me to his collection of wives. Is my mother not enough for him or is it just that he can't think properly?"She mused in her mind. Stephen watched her intensively. If he is to have the Chase Empire, the faster way, he has to convince Kristen to marry him or he would take the fastest route which is to kill her.Kristen suddenly chuckled, bringing him out of his train of thought. "Has my stepfather gone nuts?" She asked, smirking while giving him an incredulous look. Stephen could see she
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Fifty Eight
"Kristen and I are getting married?"Larry spilled the water he had in his mouth on himself on hearing what Frederick said. As he had insisted that Frederick feeds him, he got his wish. He just finished now and Frederick thought he should tell Larry before anything else. The last thing Larry expected to hear this morning. He had a hard time believing it."Wait! what!? You are getting married to Kristen?"Frederick nodded slightly as he cracked his knuckles. Larry stood up from the couch and dropped the glass he was holding. "You can't possibly mean that you are getting married to a wh*re, Frederick?" Larry was mad beyond belief, he didn't even notice that his hands were clenched into fists at first. It took a while for him to realize how quiet the living room is. Frederick was just staring at him, wondering why Larry had to be mad. It's not like he is the one getting married to Kristen and it did seem strange that Larry would take it that way. But who would blame Larry, he
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Fifty Nine
Kristen and Mr. King were secretly glaring at each. Cherry noticed but turned blind eye to it. Mrs. King was unaware of the glaring competition going on at the breakfast table. Kristen was altering a plan in her head on how to get rid of her tape while Mr. King was planning on how he would make Kristen succumb to him. One thing he failed to realize is that Kristen will beat him front and back if she is set to do so or even though he knows, he doesn't want to acknowledge it. "Just getting my hands on that tape, Stephen King, your name will be written in tears"Kristen thought with a knowing smile. "See her smile, she thinks she has the upper hand"Stephen king scoffed in his mind. "I can't wait for your my dear half-sister to go down so that I can have all that you have had all your life"Cherry whispered to herself. She already has her eyes fixed on Kristen who seems not to mind, rather, Kristen resorts to giving her a long last smirk. "Revenge is sweet when it is served
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Kristen walked into the house carrying a fancy bag and her handbag in the same hand. The house was deserted except for the maids that had one thing or another to do. She ignored their presence and continued to walk but stopped a moment later, "come here" Kristen's voice drew the maids' attention and they all looked up almost immediately.The maid who was named Annabelle came and stood in front of Kristen with her head bowed"Is there anything, Miss Chase?"Annabelle asked nervously."Yeah, just a few things"Kristen said with her usual cheerful voice that Annabelle loved so much while staring at Anna. Annabelle has been here longer than any maid and because of that, she watched Kristen growing up and from all indications, she was happy that Kristen has come back after five years. She wasn't here when Kristen returned yesterday and no one told her that the young miss is around until now. It doesn't matter anyway as far as she is concerned. The maid's uniform made her look young or eve
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