All Chapters of Stealing The Dragon's Heart : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
132 Chapters
Chapter 50: Outcast
Lena's POV:Although Frost said he would "think" about trusting me, I felt relieved. At least now I had a chance to convince him to help me. That evening, I kept myself busy tidying the tent I shared with Frost. He never stayed inside for long, always conferring with his men or scouting the area. I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard the loud rumble of the warriors' vehicles starting up. I stepped outside the tent flap to see what was happening. The entire camp seemed to be mobilizing for some mission. I stopped a lean, teenage warrior who was rushing past. "Excuse me, what's going on?" I asked. He turned and gave me a hesitant smile. "Oh hi, I'm Jax. Commander Frost is taking the bulk of our forces to spy on that dragon warlord's fortress you mentioned. Scar, I think you called him?"I tensed at the name but tried not to show it. "I see. Do you know when you all will return?"Jax shook his head apologetically. "No telling with these covert ops. Could be a few hours, could be
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Chapter 51: Fort Valor
Lena's POVI awoke shivering violently, my breath coming out in frosty puffs. During the night, the feeble brazier in my drafty tent had sputtered out, leaving me at the mercy of the icy winds howling outside. I wrapped my threadbare cloak tighter, though it provided little warmth. Teeth chattering, I forced myself out into the dim pre-dawn light. I couldn't afford to languish here feeling sorry for myself. Making my way to the cook tent, I found the morning crew already prepping a hearty porridge. "Let me help with that," I offered, taking over stirring the pot. The grateful cooks seemed surprised but welcoming, unlike the suspicious glares I often received from the warriors. We worked together congenially as the sun rose, readying breakfast for the camp.When a batch was ready, I ladled myself a steaming bowl. The hot cereal warmed me from the inside out, chasing away the lingering chill. After eating, I begged some warm water from the cooks to finally clean up properly.As I stoo
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Chapter 52: A Breeder's Fate
Lena's POVAfter sitting in the supply wagon for days, I was glad to finally set my feet on solid grounds. I stretched my body as we filed inside to a flurry of activity. Warriors broke off to the barracks to stow their gear and reunite with comrades. Jax hopped down beside me, flashing a grin. "Welcome home! C'mon, I'll take you to Frost's hall. Don't worry about your things, they'll be delivered."I followed apprehensively as we crossed through throngs of people to an expansive mansion of stone and dark wood. My nerves mounted when I realized this must be Frost's personal estate. What awaited me here?Jax left me standing awkwardly in the grand foyer. Around me, warriors came and went, paying me little mind. Feeling utterly out of place, I lingered by a carved column until I heard loud footsteps approaching."Ah, so good to be home!" Freya exclaimed, face flushed from the cold. "I'm absolutely dying for a hot bath. Lena dear, I'll have the maids draw you one as well after our long
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Chapter 53: Knowing Each Other
Lena's POV The next morning, I was finishing breakfast when Helga entered and presented a document - the formal breeding contract. With trembling hands, I read through the terms outlining the agreement between myself and Commander Frost. This made it real and binding. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I signed my name on the line. Helga inclined her head respectfully and swept out with the contract. I sat staring after her, feeling like I'd just sealed my fate. For better or worse, I was going to be Frost's wife.That evening after dinner, another maid arrived to escort me to Frost's private room. My pulse hammered with anxiety. Surely he would expect me to consummate our union tonight. But I didn't feel ready; my emotions were still too raw and conflicted. I lingered hesitantly in the doorway until Frost glanced up from where he sat by the window. "Come. It is time we retire." He began preparing for bed, removing his shirt and boots.Panicked, I tried to stall. "Wait, perh
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Chapter 54: Rage
Scar's POVThe harsh clang of swords rang in my ears as I faced off against Brandon, one of the oldest warriors in my service. We were alone in the training arena as twilight fell, having sparred for the past hour. With a final mighty lunge, I knocked Brandon's blade aside and swept his legs out from under him. He hit the dirt hard with a pained groan before lying still, thoroughly bested.I stood over him, chest heaving and vision tinged red. The savage fury simmering within me for days begged for release. But footsteps behind made me turn with a snarl."Peace, Scar," Hermes said, raising his hands cautiously. My oldest friend and adviser studied me with concern. "That is enough violence for today. Come, let us return to the manor."I growled in frustration, the dragon in me straining against its bonds. "Do not command me! I must have an outlet, or..." I trailed off ominously, hands clenching.Hermes considered me a moment. "Very well. If you require exertion, spend your energy on t
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Chapter 55: Invaded
Scar's POVKai led me swiftly through the torch-lit passages to the ancient library, my talons clicking ominously against the stone floors. My powers seethed just below the surface, ready to unleash vicious fury upon whoever dared steal from me. At the arched double doors, Kai drew an intricate sigil with his finger. The locks disengaged with an audible click and the doors swung open. I stalked inside, senses alert for any sign of how the thief managed to breach this sanctum.But a cursory examination revealed no damage or forced entry. The protective wards remained intact. My brows drew together in a perplexed scowl. How was this possible?"The book was stored in this alcove, was it not?" I rumbled. Kai hurried over and nodded grimly. The gap on the shelf where the leather-bound tome had sat seemed to taunt me. I closed my eyes, calling upon my ancient draconic powers, seeking any traces left by the thief. But no unusual scents or residues lingered. Only the faint magical signature
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Chapter 56: Back in Willow
Scar's POVThe silence within my private chambers was suffocating, pressing in on me from all sides. Since the shock of Lena's betrayal and missing book, I had cloistered myself away, interacting with others as little as possible. I could not bear to see the fearful glances or sense the simmering unease within my people whenever I approached. Not when my own spirit was so violently churning.Though I kept up a stoic front, inside I alternated between rage and profound grief at all that had been ripped away. My incompetence had cost dragonkind dearly. Our history and knowledge were gone, our unity shattered. And the gnawing void where my heart once resided seemed to be slowly consuming me from within.For days, the changes had been subtle - sleepless nights staring into the darkness, spells of dizziness, a vague sense of fragility. But this morning upon glimpsing my reflection, the differences had become impossible to ignore. My complexion had turned sallow, cheeks gaunt and shadows ri
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Chapter 57: Partnership
Fox's POVMy men prowled through the thickets and brush outside Scar's fortress walls, concealed amongst the shadows. I had sent them here to intercept Lena once she made her escape. That foolish girl was the keystone to unlocking the power contained in the dragonheart crystal I now possessed. But as the hours wore on with no sighting of her, a restless unease took hold in my gut. Had she already fled this place without my knowledge? The notion left a bitter taste in my mouth. I could not afford to lose her trail now when I was so close to glory. Pulling out my burner phone, I typed off a quick encrypted message to my inside source, Sage.Target still not emerged. What is her status? Do not fail me again.Sage's terse reply came shortly after: I warned you Lena is not the same as before. I've done all I can from within. Do not contact me again.I swore vehemently, drawing a few cautious glances from my nearby men. So the little raven had already flown the coop then, it seemed. But
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Chapter 58: Truth And Dare
Frost's POVI sat rigidly behind the heavy oak desk in my private study, brow furrowed in thought. My second-in-command Flint had just finished briefing me on the skirmish with unknown assailants beyond our northern border. From his account, they did not seem to be the work of the dragon Scar or his forces. Their fighting style was different, more ruthless and chaotic. Humans, perhaps a renegade warband. But we had been at peace with the local villagers for some time now.I waved a hand, dismissing Flint for the evening. "Double the patrols for now, but do not engage unless provoked. And keep this quiet - no need to alarm anyone unnecessarily." Flint bowed. "Of course, Commander. I will inform only the sentry captains.""One more thing," I added as he turned to leave. "Do not let Lena know of this incident. She has enough to fret over as things stand."Flint nodded in understanding before departing to relay my orders. Alone again, I sank back in my chair, rubbing my temples wearily
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Chapter 59: Dining Together
Lena's POV I awoke to rays of morning light spilling across my face, along with a splitting headache. Groaning, I buried my head under the pillows, fragments of the previous night flashing through my mind. Dancing provocatively, shedding my clothes, then finally joining passionately with Frost. My cheeks burned remembering it all. At the time, the excess wine had bolstered my courage to be bolder. But now I just felt terribly self-conscious about my wanton behavior. Peeking out, I realized Frost must have cleaned and dressed me before leaving me to rest. Another flare of embarrassment went through me. The imposing commander seeing me in such a state! What must he think of me acting like an infatuated girl, using wine as an excuse? I wished the furs would simply swallow me whole.Only the pressing needs of my protesting bladder finally drove me from the bed. After tending to necessities and splashing cold water on my face, I surveyed myself critically in the mirror. My dark mane wa
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