All Chapters of Let Me Love You, Don: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
160 Chapters
Chapter 21: Informant
PIETROI don’t know what I should do with this guy. We came all the way here because he said that he had something that could help us, but all that he’s giving us was bullshit and things that we already know.He even dared to feed us unbacked rumors. Who does he think is he talking to? I shouldn’t have taken him seriously. “We did not come here to hear rumors.” I bit back my anger, knowing that it will only attract us unnecessary attention to yell at this guy. “Those weren’t rumors, it’s true. Rumors don’t start out of nowhere unless something had really happened. The whole ordeal was suspicious.” I reached for the dark chocolate tea I ordered and mixed it with the straw. He is saying that Eros actually killed his father and brother, if that was true, then no one could trace his deed back to him. A man like Eros can do a job properly. Killing would be a piece of cake to him and no one would be able to point out the connection of murder to him. A man like Eros who had all the con
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Chapter 22: The Address
PIETRO“I see,” my mouth slightly twitched as I finally see the great opportunity that is presented upon me. I leaned back on my chair, thinking about his words carefully, not sure if I must believe him or not. Maybe this is just one of the rumors circulating about Eros again and I just haven’t heard about this one. I see no reason why Eros would do such a thing. Changing a long time family tradition? Doing businesses behind the commission’s back? That wasn’t only dangerous and risky, it’s highly unnecessary too.Was he only exaggerating things about Eros so I’d believe him, or is Eros really capable of going to such extent?I’ve met Eros many times and he seems like a normal guy. In fact he is the most relaxed among all of us Dons. I always perceived him as a young and most inexperienced Don among us and I’m sure the other Dons think so too.The Cassianos is the third most influential family among the five crime families. Everyone was just waiting for
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Chapter 23: The Warehouse
PIETRO“Are you sure that is the right address?” I asked Calvin and grabbed the written address on Pericles hand.Pericles was taken aback by what I did, making him look up at me in surprise. I stared on the written address on the table napkin instead, affirming me that I had heard Calvin correctly. “This can’t be the right address,” I frowned and looked back at Calvin who looked very serious. “That’s the place where it happened. I went there at nighttime.”“There’s no way you can store victims inside this place.” I placed the table napkin on the table and pushed it back to his direction. He picked it up and read the written address. “I swear this is where it all happened.” He pushed back the address to me and raised his arms momentarily in form of surrender.While staring squarely to his face, I took back the table napkin and turned my attention back to the written address once again as if it holds the answer to my question.The thing is, thi
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Chapter 24: The Search
PIETROI slowed down and made a turn towards the docks, exiting the highway. I’m not sure if the car is allowed here. All I see were workers in their brown jumpsuit uniforms walking at the sides.Their heads turned to my direction, curious to see a car driving in. I tried to take a peek on their faces, that is shadowed by their blue caps. It was scorching hot but they were wearing long sleeved uniforms with only their caps to shield themselves from the direct sunlight.All of them looked at me instinctively as I drove past them. None of them stopped me from going in.I pressed on the gas pedal even harder and sped off to where the warehouse is located since no one bothered to stop me. I guess everyone is allowed to enter as they please. Everything looks normal around here. The place is highly unsuspicious that no one would have guessed that there is an illegal business going on in here. Everywhere you look, all you’ll see were uniformed personnel doin
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Chapter 25: Capo di tutti Capi
EROS CASSIANO“That son of a bitch,” I chuckled lightly in a whisper when I opened the images sent to me.It was a stolen shot of Pietro poking around the warehouse all by himself. I received a couple random stolen shots of him searching around the warehouse with his poor disguise. I smirked and leaned back on my leather chair in amusement. I scrolled back and forth between pictures, staring at his face, feeling like a cat playing with a cornered mouse. Oh how lucky I am that he walked right into a trap. I was just thinking of what I should do with him, yet he already gave me the answer. I wasn’t planning to rush his death, but he is already knocking on death’s door.I locked my phone, then softly placed it on the table and sighed. I pulled my coat closer around my torso and stood up to stare at the beautiful sight of the clouds outside. As always, Pietro continues to amaze me with how he is always a step ahead all the other Dons. However, he is
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Chapter 26: Motel
PIETROI found nothing. Not even a single nylon tie or a single stray bullet or any thing that doesn’t belong to a warehouse. The whole place is clean. There’s no trace to be found.If there is really a human trafficking business going on in here, it would be impossible to leave the area this perfectly clean. It’s impossible to leave without leaving a single trace.It’s either Calvin lied to me or everything he saw just happened in his dream. As I had thought, there is no way you would conduct a human trafficking business here and hide your captives in a fish warehouse.It’s not a good idea to do so. I don’t know why despite knowing all that, I still chose to stay behind until nighttime. I guess I’m still hoping that the whole place will change at night like some curtain would open and reveal what it’s hiding. I don’t know what I’m hoping for anymore. I’m not sure if I’m just being desperate for Calvin to be right or if it was really just my pure inst
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Chapter 27: No Hitman
PIETROThrough the peephole, I observed the guy outside making sure that he is not an enemy. With slow and careful fingers, I made sure that the door is locked. I grabbed the door knob tightly, jamming it in just in case he attempts to pull the door open.“Anybody there?” He shouted as he looks for a way to take a look inside my room.My window curtains were close, robbing him of the option to look through my windows. He tries to look inside by peeking at my door’s peephole from the outside. He inched his eye closer to the peephole, giving me a fish view of his face, but he gives up almost immediately. He looks from left to right as he waits for someone in my room to come out and answer him while I waited for him to stop waiting and leave. “I know someone is in there. I just saw you enter your room a few minutes ago,” he adds, thinking that would be enough for me to open up my door for him. My body relaxes a bit from the door as I start to think that maybe I’m the one who is being
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Chapter 28: An Ambush
PIETROThe guy soon grew tired from trying to plunge his knife at me. His moves had become terrible and he slipped up with his attack.Because he had turned slow, it was easy for me to grab him by the arm and twist it in front of him.He freezes when I pointed his arm holding the knife to his neck. He wasn’t expecting what I just did. I was just evading and parrying his attacks, he never thought that I would actually try to counter attack him despite the serious injury that I have. Before he could recover from his surprise and move against what I was trying to do to him, I circled my hand around his free arm and locked it behind my back so he wouldn’t be able to reach the wound on my stomach and hit it again. He tried to struggle against me, wiggling off his arms from my tangled hold, but I only tightened my hold around him to stop him from escaping. There’s no way he could escape my hold for I got him completely immobilized. his arms are locked around mine and I am hugging him fro
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Chapter 29: Pietro is injured
PIETRO“What?” Pericles asked in surprise. He is already driving in his car when I called him. He sped up his engine when he heard what happened. “Someone attacked me in the motel,” I breathed slowly then winced as I took another look on my stab wound. “I’m losing too much blood.”“Are you still in the motel?” He asked me. My eyelids started to feel heavy and as if he could see me, he shouted “Don’t sleep! Just keep your eyes open.”My eyelids shot open at that. My irises moved, searching for something to focus on. “I-I’m out of the motel.” I answered his question when I was back to being myself again. “I parked at the side of the road.” I turned my head around to check. “I’m the only car parked around the street.”“Okay, don’t end the call. I’m already coming. I’ll tell you when I’m near.”“I already called the cleaners to clean the scene. Hopefully no one has entered in the room yet.” I continued speaking so I wouldn’t fall asleep.We call the people who cleans crime scenes as cle
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Chapter 30: Lucrezia doesn’t know Pietro’s injury
LUCREZIAI’m glad that father decided to move my engagement with Pietro tomorrow in such a short notice. Not because I’m so excited to get tied with Pietro in marriage, but because he deserves a big surprise for being an asshole. It doesn’t mean that I wasn’t surprised by my father’s sudden interest in my engagement. In fact, I am still thinking about the reason he had behind his unreasonable decision to move the engagement party tomorrow, even if he can and afford to do so. It isn’t practical to move the engagement party early. In fact, not only will it be a trouble to Pietro, my family and I. It will also be a trouble for our invited guests.I wonder what made him make the decision out of the blue. I doubt that it was just caused by his excitement to have a Carusso as a son-in-law. Perhaps, did he find out something about Pietro that I don’t know about?Was it something very important that it greatly disturbed my father to move our engagement so sooner?
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