All Chapters of THE CONTRACT WIFE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
CHAPTER 50 – Lucas’ POV I was incredibly worried. It had been two long days since we last spoke. We were both stubborn, but in the end, it was me who was hurting the most. Do you want to know why? All I wanted was for her to stop working. She carried the heavy burden of being my wife and a mother to our child. I wanted her to enjoy her life, to have the freedom to pursue her own happiness. I had my own work, my own business, and more than enough money to provide for us. I could take care of her, and that's all that mattered to me. That's why I initially asked her to give up her business. But she didn't take it well; she was offended, even though that wasn't my intention. The truth was, she didn't want to give it up. I tried talking to her, but she didn't respond. I became sulky too, and I stopped coaxing her. I knew I was in the wrong, but I thought she would understand what I wanted. All I wanted was the best for her. She was my wife, and I didn't want to burden her with somethin
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CHAPTER 51 – Zara’s POV My mother-in-law who has graciously arranged for a renowned wedding planner and designer named Charlotte Montgomery. As I sat there, engrossed in my messaging app, her voice broke through my concentration. “Are you okay?” she asked, concerned. Startled, I refocused my attention and forced a smile, assuring her that everything was fine. “I was just checking in with Lucas to see where he is,” I calmly explained. Mrs. Montgomery chimed in, understandingly. “Ah, it's rush hour, and the roads are congested. Mr. Blackwood is probably caught up in the traffic,” she said, offering an explanation for Lucas's delay. Mrs. Montgomery proceeded to elaborate on the forest motif that she had planned for our wedding. The mere thought of a twilight-like atmosphere filled me with an overwhelming sense of excitement, and I couldn't help but clap my hands joyfully. As the discussion continued, the door swung open, and Lucas finally appeared, clutching a box in his hands. “Hot
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CHAPTER 52 – Zara’s POV Preparing for my wedding was no easy task. It took five months. Five months to plan and arrange everything. I had always dreamed of a simple wedding. I was not one for extravagance. My only wish was to marry the one I truly loved in a church, making our vows before the Creator. That was all I wanted, nothing more. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that this was our second attempt at a relationship. I had once thought it was a lost cause. I believed everything was over, and I needed to let go and move on. But life is full of surprises, and it seemed my luck had returned. Like magic, our relationship had mended. I hadn't expected it at all, especially after I had given up the fight. The Blackwoods welcomed us back into their lives. My mother and grandfather were delighted with the direction my relationship and life were taking. It felt as if the thorn in my side was gradually fading away. It seemed surreal that I was getting married the next day. Lucas ha
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CHAPTER 53 – Zara’s POV It was morning again, and I heard the weak strokes of the waves outside. They seemed to beckon me to come ashore and watch the rising sun from the ocean. Like the sea, I feel the same loss. I haven't remembered anything for years. It's like my name and the events of my life have been forgotten, washed away like a bubble that disappeared from me. The only one beside me was Nick. Nick, who introduced himself as my husband. On the day of our wedding, I was involved in an accident and fell into a long coma. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember anything including my name and my origin. Each time I attempted to delve into my memories, it felt as if someone was striking my head, causing excruciating pain and inducing fainting spells. This only exacerbated my emotional turmoil. I knew something was missing, but I couldn't pinpoint the source of this emptiness. I could sense a discrepancy, but I was unable to identify what it was. I felt akin to a blank sheet of pa
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CHAPTER 54 – Lucas’ POV The darkness returned, swallowing my sanity. I kept asking myself, “Why? What did I do wrong? Why would she hurt me like this? It's all so messed up!” When Zara didn't show up at our wedding, the pain was unbearable. I thought she loved me and everything was fine, but she chose to leave me, our son, and our life behind. Does she want to teach me a lesson? Is this payback for something I did in the past? If so, she succeeded in destroying me. I searched tirelessly for her, refusing to give up easily. But she remained hidden. There must be a reason why she disappeared. Maybe someone took her. Then, I got a letter. Antoinette, my ex-wife's best friend, confirmed that it was written by Zara. Its contents drove me almost crazy. Dear Lucas, Now you know how it feels, right? Don't waste your time trying to find me. You won't see me again. Well, you fell into my trap. Are you feeling sick? You deserve it. After all the time we spent together, you never saw my val
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CHAPTER 55 – Zara’s POV Nick and I finally arrived home from our tour. The weather didn't seem to be getting any better. The warm sunlight that had once touched my skin had turned into a cool breeze. The sky above was filled with black and grey clouds, and it was raining again. Instead of catching a ride, we decided to walk home in silence. We held hands, but something felt off. Why couldn't I feel love for him? It had been six months, but I couldn't see Nick as my life partner. He was an important person in my life, but definitely not a husband. Something felt wrong because I couldn't even feel the wedding ring I was wearing. The pictures he showed me seemed suspicious. We didn't even have a wedding photo. My mind felt like it was being excavated again. We arrived back home. It was just the two of us and Nick, but for some unknown reason, I felt nervous. I found myself in the living room, and Nick tried to kiss me. But why did I feel like I was being violated? Why was this not
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CHAPTER 56 – Nick’s POV When you're too in love, you can blur the line between right and wrong. I'm blinded by my feelings, and the thought of not having her drives me insane. I can't accept that after waiting for so long, I'm being ignored while she falls for another man. I was the one who stood by her when she was hurt by Lucas. I've been there as her companion, support, and tool. I waited because I knew Zara's ultimate destination was meant to be with me. I feel like I'm losing my mind, going crazy. The jealousy is consuming me, and I can't accept not being her last choice. It's been a long time since I've loved someone from afar, just waiting for the right moment to make my move and make her mine. I'll keep a close eye on her, and the moment I see someone else trying to take what should be mine, I won't hesitate to act. I've worked too hard, faced too many challenges, and invested too much of myself to let her slip away. I will make sure that I am her endgame. Zara has been ki
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CHAPTER 57 – Giselle’s POV Villain, sounds familiar, right? They were always the struggle and nuisance for every heroine in a story. I thought I was the heroine of my own love life. I was living my life to the fullest. I had my career, my love, my everything. I wasn't ready for the turning table of this world. I wasn't ready for the change, where I would be the villain in my ex-boyfriend's love story. I was born into a very wealthy family. Both of my parents were well-known politicians. With a mother who was the mayor of our municipality, and a father who was a Senator and a former governor. Everything went smoothly. I was getting what I wanted. Money and beauty that anyone could wish to have and possess. I considered myself lucky. I was living my life way too easily. However, I reached a point where I needed to reciprocate what Mom and Dad had given me. I was a high school student at that time when my Dad called me from his office at our house. Both my Mother and Father were two
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CHAPTER 58 – Lucas’ POV When Giselle and I had a conversation, it felt like a weight had been lifted off me. She decided to stop pushing herself onto me and focus on finding her true self. I believed that true deep love can only be experienced when you love yourself first. Both Giselle and I felt empty, like boxes without contents. We realized that we weren't meant for each other, and I was glad that she chose to end her madness. I knew that someone else deserved her love more than I did. Although I may not forgive her for her mistakes right away, I was relieved that she was repenting for them. I understood that it was difficult for her too, and I hoped she would learn her lesson. Just like me, I had learned one of the happiest lessons in my life - accepting the situation and appreciating what I had before it was taken away. I wished I had cherished Zara more so she wouldn't have left me. I still held onto the hope that we would meet again. I had a feeling and intuition that our pa
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CHAPTER 59 – Lucas’ POV I wanted to discipline my son, but at the same time, I was aware of my past mistakes. It pained me to be reminded of the wrongs I had committed in the past. “This is just once, Enrique, my son... This is what your grandma wants. You know how stubborn she can be. She won't accept no as an answer,” I tried to convince him as we sat at the dining table, having breakfast. He gave me a sharp look. “If you want to go, then go. I say no, and that's final! I don't want to go, so it's final!” he shouted, sounding annoyed. I was losing my patience, but I didn't want to argue with my son. In reality, I owed him so much. I had many shortcomings as a father. I had done a lot of wrong things that had caused my son to resent me even more, especially now that it felt like our light had gone out. I needed to stay strong because the pillar of the family shouldn't give up. I was all they had. If I gave up too, we wouldn't make any progress. To persuade my son, I thought of
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