All Chapters of In love with a lycan: Star light, star bright: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
71 Chapters
31 - Storm brewing
(Kaan's POV) Okay, I was not expecting that. And judging by the look on her face, she appears just as stunned as I am. I’d give up my whole inheritance just to know what’s going on inside her head all the time. Truly, I have imagined many outcomes of this contract reading, some even outlandish and others admittedly salacious ones, but nothing even comes close to what she has actually done. She’s probably going to regret it once she comes to her senses but in that particular moment, she is staring in wonder at the torn contract in her hands as if she’s rather impressed that she actually did it! In an attempt to break the ice, I give her a rueful look. “Couldn’t you have done that a little bit earlier? You could’ve spared us all that legalese crap.” She raises her eyes to look at me with her mouth hanging open and I can’t help but laugh. I sober up right away when she doesn’t join me though. “I was teasing you,” Pretending to cough to clear my throat, I offer her an encouraging
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32 - Line of kings
(Raya's POV) After that, everything has been a blur. Kaan’s father is being loaded into an ambulance as we run outside to see it happening. Kaan’s mother Freya is weeping as she climbs up after her husband. With no time to talk, Kaan barks for the car that promptly arrives and we hurry to the hospital soon after. We find his mother in the waiting area and she sobs as soon as she sees her son. “Oh, my son, what are we going to do!? I cannot live in a world without your father, I refuse to—!” Kaan wraps his arms around his mother. “Shh, don’t even think about it, Mom, he’s going to be alright, he’s a tough devil and he’ll not go down so easily.” “You didn’t see him, it was so sudden…I didn’t know what to do—” “Mom, listen to me, listen…I need you to stay strong right now, okay? He'll be alright, but if you wind up on a gurney with him, that won't help him at all, do you understand?” Freya shakes her head. “I can’t…I can’t lose him, I’ll lose my mind…my will to live! You understa
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33 - Vague truths
(Kaan’s POV)“...You are, after all, the last in the line of kings.”This cannot be happening! This is worse than being trapped between a rock and a hard place! This is throwing in a venomous snake in the middle!I glance at Raya and I see total bewilderment on her face and who could blame her? Damn it, I’m going to lose her before I can do something to solidify our bond. I was hoping to have more time…to slowly introduce her to my world. But this…This is a disaster. The Hybrid Festival is the most important event for our people. Every lycan of any consequence and even important wolf shifters will be there, as the children of the moon celebrate Mother Moon’s spectacular ‘triumph’ over Father Sun. It is when we are at our strongest.Yes, because the Hybrid Festival celebrates one of the rarest lunar events: The Hybrid Eclipse. Also known as an annular-total eclipse, it is a rare type of solar eclipse where its appearance changes along its path. In simple terms, it starts as an annular
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34 - An unexpected visitor
(Kaan’s POV) I frown as I glance at my watch to check the time again. Raya seems content to just look around with wonder but I’m starting to get too antsy to stay in one place. We have been waiting for someone who will be accompanying us to one of the small islands that our scouts have chosen to be the ideal place for the Hybrid Festival. And that someone is running very late. I glance at the window of the pub and grimace. It’s starting to rain. Judging from my previous experience with the place, the Faroe Islanders follow the weather a lot. So all one can do is to wait. “Damn it,” I mutter crossly. I should have set an earlier time for the meet-up. “What’s with the long face?” Raya asks, setting her cup of hot chocolate on the table. “This is such a lovely place.” “Sometimes, I’m not very fond of waiting,” I admit in a glum voice as I sip my now lukewarm coffee, making me grimace, so I raise a finger to signal the waitress to get me another cup. “Well, we don’t really have muc
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35 - Sylvana
(Raya’s POV) I did not miss the panicked look in Kaan’s eyes as I was walking back to the table with the tray of piping hot tea. “What are you doing here, Sylvana!?” I blink as I hear a little bit of his whispered words before reaching the table. Sylvana? I thought she said her name was Tilda. I put the tray down, watching them both curiously. “Um, I forgot to ask if you wanted something with your tea…is there anything in particular you’d like?” I ask politely, judging from Kaan’s expression that he needs some privacy with the lady sitting there with an odd look of unholy amusement on her face.Could this be another ‘need to know’ thing? I turn to him but he’s not looking at me but glaring down at his coffee.“Well, aren’t you a darling? Thank you, dear, I would love some cookies with my tea, please.”I nod, throwing a worried glance at Kaan as I walk back to the bar.What the hell is going on? “A couple of those giant chocolate chip cookies, please,” I tell the girl manning t
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36 - Tell me
(Kaan’s POV) I turn back to my cousin and snarl “Where is she!?” Sylvana raises both hands, wincing as she feels the direct force of my rage as my beast rises to the surface, anxious for our mate. “How should I know!? I was in there with you all this time!” She steps away instinctively, out of self-preservation, away from me—an irate lycan who can actually annihilate her abilities. I almost never use my power, but it doesn’t mean it is dormant or that I won’t. “I’m just a messenger!” “If you had anything to do with this—” “I swear, I don’t—” “Kaan?” The relief upon hearing her voice leaves me reeling and I almost fall to my knees as I turn around and see her at the door coming from inside the bar. “Hiraya!” I gasp as I hurry to embrace her as tightly as I can. “I thought you were—” “I went to the bathroom because I was—what’s going on? Hey, why are you—”“Don’t let go just yet,” I mutter, breathing her in, hugging her even tighter as if I could merge her body with mine this
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37 - Eldra Systir
(Kaan’s POV) I watch her closely for her reaction. She freezes for a moment, silently absorbing what I said and then she giggles. “Oh, I know that already.” Now it is my turn to gape at her. “Excuse me?” She blinks. “You’re either a beautiful dream or my guardian angel.” Her cheeks turn red after her cheesy line and she looks away, embarrassed. I sigh, not really sure how I feel about the fact that she is not taking me seriously. It clearly shows neither of us are ready for the truth. In any case, I thank whatever deities are out there for the extra time. “You shouldn’t bet your money on either of that.” I tease her weakly, pulling her back towards our table inside the café. “That’s fine, I have nothing to lose. Oh, wait…I want another one of those giant cookies from the bar—” Raya pulls him back towards the bar but the girl at the counter shrugs. “Sorry, hun, we’re sold out. Told you they disappear quickly.” “Oh my, that’s…impressive.” “We get them only twice a week so pe
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38 - Show me
(Kaan’s POV) “Do you really have to stand so close to the cliff?” I turn to look at Raya, who is standing a safe distance away from the edge. Wrapped in her thick yellow jacket and green woolen scarf, she reminds me of a Caltha Palustris or most commonly known as marsh marigold, which is a wildflower common in the Faroe Islands during May and June. She’s so beautiful, my chosen mate. “Why don’t you join me? The view here is much better.” “I believe that is just the adrenaline junkie in you speaking,” she says dryly. “That looks very dangerous. The wind is so strong, it could knock you off-balance. I’m good, right here, where it’s safe, thank you very much.” I grin as I turn to stare at the sea again. “I won’t let you fall.” “You can’t promise me that.” “Come here, Hiraya.” I hear her sigh but then she slowly makes her way to where I am standing and my heart soars at the thought that she trusts me that much. I really am standing too close to the edge. With all the thing
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39 ~ Epiphany and Mutiny
(Raya’s POV) “Show me,” I tell him, the firmness of my tone belying the sheer confusion and beginning of hysteria inside me. A lycan!? Isn’t that some sort of werewolf? Is he actually telling me that the stuff from nightmares—a half-man, half-beast monster—is not only just a thing from someone’s overly twisted imagination!? He’s got to be pulling my leg because there’s no way it can be true…unless of course it is and everything I know of this world is about to shift.“...otherwise it’s not real.”I shake my head, fighting off the need to succumb to the fear as this dream of falling in love with someone so perfect is starting to fray around the edges, turning dark and foreboding.Kaan nods, picking up a pebble and then throwing it to the waters below. “I will, but not today, Hiraya. Not while our hosts are still here.” He pauses for a few seconds and then he turns to me again. “There’s no need to rush anyway. You will see it during the festival. It is part of the tradition for us to s
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40 ~ Mine?
(Kaan’s POV)“Mutiny?”Sylvana makes a clicking sound with her tongue and teeth. “You heard correctly, cousin. There are those who are considering snubbing your very first Hybrid Festival, thereby showing their discontent and disapproval for your…company.” She glances at Raya who is watching us in confusion. “They do not recognize you as the king while your father lives and they intend to use that flimsy excuse to begin undermining your authority.”“That’s absurd. My father will hear about it and—” I frown. When my father does hear about it, he will be upset and given the state of his health, stress will definitely not improve it. “Who are they? Are they planning on putting another in my place? That would be rather tricky since I am the only heir to the line of kings and no one else can do the particular thing that we do. What do they hope to gain?”“Oh, they have a subtler but more devious agenda than that of replacing a legitimate son of the lycan king, whose line was chosen and bles
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