All Chapters of CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO ALPHA RIVALS: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
142 Chapters
11:: Is She Dead?
Hera’s POVMy first-morning stretch was as satisfying as a honey badger’s glee when it ran into a fresh bee hive rich in honey and larvae. A smile spread across my face as I dropped my hands to my sides after having stretched them, and I yawned softly as my sleep-filled eyes brightened and adjusted to the sunlight that had filtered into the room.I dragged in a long breath and let it out as relief flooded my entire body, I just knew that I was going to have a fucking amazing day. I moved around the bed in contentment and ruffled my sheets as I did, but in the good mood I’d awoken in, the sounds of ruffled sheets were suddenly a pleasant and welcome noise.Why was I in such a great mood? One might wonder. I’d just gotten rid of my arch nemesis, the only person that stood between me and the throne I’d coveted for years since I started serving in the palace at Crescent Valley. No woman had ever made me feel as threatened and unsettled as Layla, mostly due to how much Alpha Arnold was smit
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12: A Luna’s Treatment
Arnold’s POVLayla’s feet drummed the floor for the millionth time since we’d arrived in the dining hall for breakfast and I wondered what had gotten her so worked up. She’d been absentmindedly picking at the fruit on her plate too and I couldn't figure out what any of that was about, but it bothered me greatly.Could it be that I’d made the transition from letting her enjoy her meals in her room to making her seat in the dining hall with me too fast? Wasn't she comfortable enough with being around me yet? Did she have complaints about her stay in the palace she didn't trust me enough to share them with?Several questions flooded my mind as to why Layla was jittery and seemingly nervous, but I had no idea which of those questions applied to how she was feeling, and neither did I have a tangible answer to them. So, I decided that rather than dwelling aimlessly on the thoughts I’d been entertaining, it would be much better to hear directly from the horse’s mouth.“Layla, darling” I calle
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13: A Strange Pull
Layla’s POVNadia always knew what best suited me, and each time I entrusted her with dressing me up, she left me in a wonderful daze at what she’d put together. Even now, she had dressed me up in a simple flowery flowing dress, it had tiny intricate details that most people would miss but I looked like an absolute dream dressed in its lovely fabric.Despite how gorgeous I was certain I looked, as Nadia fixed my hair, my nerves began to spiral as I thought of the evening ahead. I highly doubted that I’d be any good with the people he seemed to adore so much, I’d grown up being used to serenity and solitude so it was tough to come to terms with being in the public eye all of a sudden.I wasn't sure how I’d fair while being around so many unfamiliar faces and I was almost certain that they wouldn't even like me as their future Luna especially since I was a stranger. I could barely focus on Nadia’s usual chattering as she twirled my hair into a messy bun because my mind had dwelt on how t
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14:A Strange Encounter
Layla's POVThe back door of the stall creaked slowly and my nerves took an uncomfortable dip as it did, I wasn't sure what I'd find behind the door, but I'd hoped that it wouldn't cause me any harm since I'd defied my better judgment to answer to the call of a strange presence that I knew absolutely nothing of.For dramatic effect, I'd even shut my eyes tightly while I opened the back door to keep some mystery alive, especially with the weird creaking sound the door had kept on making. When I'd finally gotten the for wide open, I dragged in a deep and long breath and I opened my eyes as I let it out.However, I was met with an open swampy field that showed a trail to a thick forest, unlike the type I was used to roaming in while I grew up. It was a thick dark forest that looked as though it housed the most dangerous creatures and the path that led into it looked muddy and I could see some paw prints that indicated that an animal had recently run through the path and into or out of the
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15: No Harm Must Come To Her.
Arnold’s POVLayla’s safety was my number one priority and I’d never be level headed with any one that jeopardized her safety in the slightest ways. I didn't give a shit that she was safe and sound when I’d found her because if I’d gotten to her even a second later, I wasn’t sure how differently things would’ve played out.Irrationality wasn’t a trait that could be ascribed to my leadership patterns or qualities, but when it came to Layla, I didn't care if I had to seem or sound irrational while I defended her, especially if it meant that she might’ve been in harm’s way and no one was there to protect her.It terrified me more that I was willing to let on that she might’ve actually come in contact with a rogue wolf and she’d been naively trying to approach them with no idea what rouge wolves were capable of unleashing on someone whose wolf hadn't matured like hers.Worst of all, I knew fully well that other men weren't blind to the immeasurable and other worldly beauty that Layla posse
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16: First Date and First Confession
Layla’s POVMy first date.I’d have my first date with a man that cherished the ground I walked on like I was an actual goddess like he’d said countless times. It made me giddy and so excited that Alpha Arnold wanted to take me on a date. I mean, he hadn’t spelled it out completely, but I’d known that the special place he had in mind, was most likely a place where we’d both enjoy our time together.And what did time together like that translate as? A date!The minute he’d shut the door behind him after he’d walked me back to my room, all I could think of was how amazing the evening of the next day would be with him. He was already so unbelievably sweet, kind, and patient with me, so I knew that he’d surpass my expectations with whatever he’d planned for us.Even while I freshened up for the night’s rest, my mind wandered to thoughts of how much I’d loved his rapport with the commoners and traders alike. It was nothing short of amazing to witness how kind and brilliant he was as a ruler
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17: First Kiss
Arnold’s POVNature was Layla’s second home, and I’d known that because of the times when I’d watched her from afar play with plants and animals before we met officially. With that knowledge, I was certain that she’d have an amazing time if I brought her to one of the most beautiful lakes in all of Crescent Valley, and I was content that she loved it even more than I’d predicted she would.How could she be so excited by a butterfly’s perch? She was unbelievably adorable and precious in every single way one could imagine. I didn't think that a woman could ever have me in a choke hold as strong as the one she had me in, but it wasn't one I ever wanted to escape from because of how blissful it felt.Layla radiated a certain kind of peace that a person could only experience once in a lifetime, but in planned to keep it for the rest of our lives that we’d spend together. I was unsure how she could be so enchantingly beautiful and still have the humility of a child with the heart of an angel
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18: About The Cursed Prince
Arnold POVWe'd gone on to talk about sweet nothing for the next hour and a half and her laughter kept filling the entire area, and because of how contagious and lovely it sounded, I ended up laughing as well and filling the air with my deep throat chuckles as well.My wolf felt so safe with her and I didn't care that our conversation barely had a main topic, all I wanted was to keep talking to her. I didn't know how often I'd have enough free time to simply enjoy being in her presence, so I decided to bask in every moment we shared.Slowly, our conversation began to stir toward my childhood experiences that I still cherished to this very day. I didn't have many because it was full of training and private lectures to teach me about tradition, but I was able to share a few funny training sessions that I could still remember.She was unable to relate to most of my experiences because she'd grown up in the woods and she barely had any spectacular moments. And in a way, I was grateful that
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19: The Cursed Prince
ETHANThey must all think I was dead by now. They must all be certain that I was dead by now.I couldn't blame them, no one would have witnessed a 10-year-old rip out the heart of a guard in just one stroke... No one would have witnessed a 10-year-old under the full impact of the curse by the moon Goddess, seen the savageness and darkness in my eyes, the blood lust and thirst in my eyes, the need to ravage and kill as much as possible pulsing through me with so much force that it incinerated every other thing. No one could have expected a 10-year-old to carry that kind of weight on his shoulders and survive till now. After my father allegedly attempted to kill his brother because of the throne, because he wanted to be crowned the King of Wandercoast, which he failed gallantly, and his brother, Aragon killed him in self-defense after suffering a fatal blow to the face, a blow that was so lethal that his whole skin peeled off and even his wolf couldn't heal the wound and the most powe
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20: Hera’s Spell
HERAA thousand meditations couldn't possibly calm the unbridled rage that’d built up within me because of the puny bitch that had dug her claws deep into Alpha Arnold’s feeble skin. Layla acted all innocent and put together, but I knew that she was nothing other than a conniving little bitch that just needed to work her way to the top of the ladder.I wished that her aunt and uncle had done a much better job at concealing her identity because right now, their failure to do so had fucked up everything I’d struggled to build for the past few years that I’d been running on a perfect strategy that would've made me a promising Luna if she hadn't wormed her way into Alpha Arnold’s heart.Before I could process the horse shit that she’d currently turned my life into any further, I grabbed a vase from my bed stand and crushed it in between my hands angrily because I badly needed an outlet for the unexplainable rage that I felt.As I watched the pieces of the vase fall to the ground, I realize
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