All Chapters of My Devil’s Side: Book 1 & 2: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
162 Chapters
Too Much
Ace POVGod this woman was perfect. If she could just suck my dick the rest of my life I would be satisfied. I knew how perfect that pussy and ass was too though. "Stand up!" I ordered, but with a softness to my tone I didn't mean to add. The thought of propping her body against the tile wall to fuck her was tempting. I wanted to bring her home tonight and I can't last three times again. This woman was seriously killing my immensely large sex ego I had. It usually took a fucking long time to cum once, let alone twice. Three times, I don't even remember the last I came three times in one night. The women, I had them coming more times than I could count. For me, it wasn't so easy as this little minx standing in front of me made it to be.My eyes examined every inch of her naked body. Her long slim legs were fucking sexy as hell, especially in those heels she always wore. Her waist had little love handles and wasn't toned at all, but she wasn't fat by any means. My hands went straight
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Fuck You and Goodbye
Ace POVMy eyes slowly peeled open and a small figure came into view underneath me. Alley was pinned to the bed, my hand held both of hers above her head while my other keep her waist still so my dick could rub desperately against her. "Christian? Wake up!" Her voice hit me and I saw that raven black hair."Fuck!" I yelled in disappointment then took her mouth roughly. She tried to keep up but I was a mess. As much as I dug my body into hers it wasn't enough.I flipped her body over then ripped my pants off. She removed her shirt then positioned herself on all fours."Don't fucking say my name." I ordered with a hard smack to her ass. "Yes sir." She moaned then I just started fucking her like her pussy was for nothing else but my pleasure. The bed smashed into the wall, her head was pushed deep into the mattress, and my body had complete control over hers. I gathered her hair like a ponytail in my hand and rode her so fucking fast everything she screamed out was incoherent."Fuck y
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Alley POV"I spent enough time playing with you. I need to get back to work. Be gone by the time I'm done showering." His voice was so rough it made me shudder. It was pointless, no matter what happened he would push the idea of us out of his head.The way he let himself lose control only pissed him off more. He was realizing he actually had no control when it came to me. I couldn't help but smile thinking about that. I heard the shower turn on and peeled myself out of his bed. I was half tempted to just rollover and go back to sleep, but I knew he would come out even more enraged. I gathered my clothes then used his second bathroom to make myself not look freshly fucked. I closed the front door just as I heard his bathroom door open. A part of me wanted to run to him and just say "It's me, Alley".In the back of his head, he had to of known by now, but refused to let himself realize it. He was so far lost in his own world of sin he didn't see anything else around him. No matter how
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The Family We Make
Alley POVThe nurse came in with two bottles and we fed the girls with light laughter between all of us. It was a bittersweet moment that was hard not to find happiness in. Layla laid unconscious somewhere in this hospital not too far from us, but these two little angels made everything seem right in the world. The black hair little girl took her bottle instantly from her daddy while the blond baby fussed a bit before really sucking the bottle I held. Their eyes fluttered, milk spilled out the side of their lips, and little farts came out their butts making us laugh. You know life is officially weird as hell when a baby farts in your hand. It is also the right kind of perfect too."I have to go see her. Greg, do you mind? I don't want them to be alone in the crib." Ethan held her daughter out to him. "Of course. We got your daughters, go get your wife." Greg cradled the little girl in his arms and I swear my ovaries exploded. I always wanted a large family, but I couldn't picture m
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Ace POVBy the time the plane landed I had a raging headache. The damn little Latino girl didn't shut the fuck up. I loved Spanish women, especially in bed. They were always so much more enthusiastic about riding my dick than other chicks. Marie was way too enthused though and her voice was slowly etching away at my soul. "...My best friend Selena said her wedding will be the wedding of the century, but like, she hasn't seen anything. Besides, who has peacocks running around spreading diseases to everyone? They are vicious little birds and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire party got the flu. My wedding will be amazing, a fairy tale dream all the little wanna bes will try to copy but can't because their husbands aren't as rich as mine..." My eyes went to Elise who just smiled at me. She was loving how I squirmed in pain. The second the doors to the plane opened I sat up. "Let's go!" I ordered cutting Marie off from whatever the fuck she was blabbing about."Oh, I have to check o
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Championship Game
Alley POVSince Greg was subbing as coach, he was able to talk to the other camp leaders to let me speak to the boys before the game started. I was watching Derek and Darien kick the ball back and forth feeling way too nervous.I wasn't telling them about Layla, just that the twins were born. I knew what to say, I just needed to not cry. I couldn't let them know anything was wrong. I took a deep breath then walked towards them. Greg caught up to me stopping me before I reached them. "Do you want me to come with you to tell them? I wasn't sure what was appropriate. I want to be there though." I could see the apprehension in his eyes. He did want to be there, but thought I wouldn't want him. I needed to start letting him in more. Plus, the boys loved him, looked up to him, and even called him uncle. We really were all that close."Yes, please. I could use the support. I can't cry." I said wiping a tear from my eye."You'll be fine. The second the game is over we will head to the hospit
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The Mind of a Devil
Ace POV"Ah, ah, Ah, ah...." Over and fucking over she squealed out until she finally shut the fuck up laying half passed out from her third orgasm. I pulled out still hard as a fucking rock and left to the bathroom. I would rather finish myself off.Fuck, I feel like I was a whore now. Using my body to get what I wanted. I slept with more women than I can even remember, but I never slept with one that I didn't want and I really fucking didn't want her. After finishing myself off I threw on sweat pants and headed to the kitchen. I felt like I couldn't breathe in this house. "Regretting your decisions?" Elise teased. She wore a sexy red satin robe. Her long legs were on display and her breast looked extra big. I licked my lips staring at them. "Stop!" She ordered me."I can't!" I whined. I didn't really want Elise. I was going though fucking withdrawal and the only fix I wanted was one raven hair chick back in Massachusetts."What is wrong with you? I've never seen you this way befo
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The Life They Deserved
Alley POV"I think you should go!" Ethan gave me his sad blue eyes pleading with me to help as we crouched in the bath tub."No way! I already got fucking slapped by that beast. She is your wife you should take the beating, fucking coward." I whispered back to him."What is wrong with you two?" Greg moved the shower curtain standing next to us and we both jumped. He gave me that glare again like who are you? I was done trying to be this perfect Amelia Black woman. If Greg and his family didn't like who I really was then I had to accept that. I couldn't live with myself acting as his perfect woman when I was a complete lie to myself."She is psycho Greg. Look! My cheek is still slightly bruised. I can't even hit her back because she is my best friend going through some major hormonal bullshit. You know what, I'm going to get ice cream!" I stood up announcing proud of my decision. Ice cream made everyone feel better, especially us women. Plus it gave me an excuse to leave that house.L
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Calm Before the Storm
Ace POVMy leg shook nonstop the whole plane ride as anxiety ate away my insides every inch I came closer to that fucking shit hole little town. I told myself I was going back to just oversee the deal but no matter how much my mind twisted shit in my head I knew I was going to her. There was something so familiar about her voice, her lips, and body. It wasn't possible though. Amelia has light coco skin, black hair, and big brown eyes. Her body was filled out and even her lips were more plump than hers. Alley was this skinny petite girl with ivory white skin, smooth blonde hair, and fuck those blue eyes. I moaned with my eyes closed seeing them piercing into my soul."I love you" my voice radiated around me as we stood in that hotel room a little over seven years ago. My forehead leaned to hers and the only thing I felt existed was her."I love you too." Her sweat voice was so calming to my soul. I knew she loved me yet hearing her say those words always put every cell of my being t
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How to Fix It
Alley POV"He can't know about Darien. Just let him leave. You need to calm yourself Alley, for him you need to." Ethan softly whispered in my ear. His words registered, but the raging array of emotions were hard to battle. I was on the verge of losing all control of breathing. I met my Devil's eyes, but there was not an ounce of love in them for me. How could he turn on me so quickly? It broke my heart, but Ethan was right. I needed to protect my son. My mind went to him as a baby, learning to walk, all his birthdays of dragons, action heroes, or some other fantasy worlds. He mattered more than whatever fucked up relationship my body wanted from Christian.My breaths slowed and my eyes met his again. "I.... hate... you." Was all I could get out. I hope he truly saw how much I didn't want to be with him ever again. I was stupid to hid my identity and carry on like I did this past week.His eyes grew darker and his body more rigid. My words didn't even affect him. He was done with me
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