All Chapters of Thawing The Alpha’s Cold Heart (Unedited Version): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
47 Chapters
21: Expensive Jam
FEYREAlpha Zade and I are doing a good job of ignoring each other. He keeps himself busy doing whatever he is doing by the sink on the opposite side of the counter, probably poisoning things or whatever. I don’t care. I stand here trying to figure out where everything is so I can make something to eat. Like a curse, no one I could ask how to help myself walks into the kitchen which just leaves the two of us and I would rather stab myself in the eye than walk out and make it seem like he intimidated me.After what happened at the bonfire, I know he has it out for me. He is that type of petty loser so I know he is planning his revenge, if he hasn’t already gotten started on it. That thought has me looking around the kitchen in suspicion, everything doesn’t look innocent anymore.When I bump my head against the counter for the fifth time, I decide to call it a day and just leave. If Alpha Zade doesn’t kill me first, I’ll probably get a brain bleed from how much I’m hitting my head.I tu
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22: Falling For Me
FEYREI slept great last night, with a smile on my face. It felt like I was floating on clouds or something equally dreamy and out of a fairytale, way.After feeding more than seven guys and making sure both jars were empty—I didn’t eat from it in case you were wondering, that way, if he did poison it, I’ll know—I went to bed. All the guys were grateful and they now like me a lot, this I heard from Delilah. So really, it would be a shame if anything happened to them. Although no matter how much he hates me, I doubt he’ll go for the kill which still works in my favor.I wonder how his day would go if a number of his guys all fall sick.And now, I woke up with a smile and after staying in bed for a few minutes just lazing around, I decided to start my day.At the bonfire, before Alpha Zade had joined us and I found escape, Dylan offered to show me around the pack so I could familiarize myself with it. I wanted to say no, because I’m not saying for long and I feel like it would be treaso
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23: Super Hero Job
FEYREI quickly push off Damien’s shoulders. He chuckles, raising his hands up in surrender.I stand straight and put on a pleasing smile on my face, trying to steady my beating heart. I have no idea why I respond to him this way when I shouldn’t feel anything towards him.“Just kidding,” he adds, still chuckling.I nod and clear my throat, trying to find my voice. “I figured,”“What are you doing?” he asks, then tips his head toward the closed door. “Aside from eavesdropping.” his lips stretch into a breathtaking smile, showing his perfect teeth. Some people’s perfect looks should be illegal.“I wasn’t eavesdropping,” my cheeks heat as I weakly defend. I was eavesdropping and I didn’t want to leave until I got annoyed. “I was just passing by and I happened to bump into the conversation.”“Bump.” He repeats, laughter in his voice.“Yes, almost literally. Just like I bumped into you.” I explain, giving him a blinding smile. I’ve almost forgotten why I came here in the first place.“I’l
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24: Training Center VIP
FEYREI smile awkwardly and move out of Damien’s hold, not for anything but because I liked the way he was holding me, a little too much if I’m being honest.“Shall we?” he motions, that boyish smile lighting his face. I feel my cheeks heat and it takes everything in me to not bring my hand up and try to rub at the skin to clear it.“Sure,” I found my voice.“After you,” he winks and I get in step beside him. We walk for a minute in silence before Damien speaks again. “How does it feel being away from your pack? I don’t presume it has been easy.”I shrug my shoulders, thinking of what to say. I haven’t given it much thought yet since it is not as though I’m doing anything, then there is that voice in my head that keeps reminding me that all of this is for a month. Knowing it is not permanent makes it easier for me to cope. Since I can’t exactly tell him that, I go for the next best option. The half-truth.“Right now, I can’t really tell.” He nods for me to go on. “I haven’t started an
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25: Ominous
ALPHA ZADEI’ve been in a shitty mood since I woke up, only to go to the kitchen and find out she gave out my peanut butter and jam. Like that is not enough to ruin my morning, my father had to come and start spewing shit like he usually does. The conversation ended with me slamming the door in his face and walking out. I know it sound like a teenage girl throwing a tantrum but they are all just so fucking frustrating and they make me want to pull my hair out.“You don’t look happy,” Dylan comments unnecessarily when he sees me walking to my car.The weather is a bit warm and it would be nice to go for a run, let my wolf out in the wild, he has been on edge and that would be great help but I have things to do this morning. I didn’t have time to talk to Damien last night since he insisted he was tired from traveling and couldn’t talk about work.Like the private jet he had me fund so it could be easier for him didn’t offer much comfort. He also had the energy to flirt with every woman
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26: Ass Spanks
FEYREDylan and I don’t make it to three steps before his alpha’s imposing presence fills the small place, crowding it with all of his negative energy and large body. The place quieted down almost immediately and seeing that, the effect he has on people, how he commands them with just his presence, without having to use his words. It is both hot and unsettling.“Heading out?” he asks his beta but his eyes remain on mine. There is a violent energy surging there and I swear thunderstorms have looked calmer.I resist the urge to grab Dylan’s hand and beg him to stay here with me, there is no doubt I’ll be dead if I’m left with this man only.“Yes, I don’t think anything would interest the luna here.” Dylan’s voice is so professional it makes me rethink their friendship. I definitely do not talk to my best friend like that, alpha or not.But it is good, the longer they stand here talking like they belong in a black and white British sitcom, the easier it would be for me to sneak out and r
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27: Bad Memories
ALPHA ZADEI thought I did a good job of keeping my temper at bay after I saw Feyre in the club. I’d told Damien to mess with her, not this. For whatever reason he thought this was a good idea is beyond me and as soon as I leave her, I’m going to find him to fucking deal with hm. What the hell was he thinking?Maybe you should check why you had him do it in the first place? I wave the voice off in my head. Her entire presence in this pack is messing with me and I want her out, I just can’t be very obvious with it but I doubt I have been subtle about my dislike for her.Seeing how clueless she had been about all that is going on around her, it made me see her innocence. At least in that department and damn if it didn’t make me hard because I wanted to be the one to ruin her. That though, is beside the point. I needed to get her out of there, she wouldn’t listen and I’d gone for the easiest thing possible, throwing her off my shoulders.She had held up quite good because honestly I’d ex
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28: Correctional Facility
FEYRE“You’re doing great, luna.” I perk up when I hear Dylan’s voice. He waves at me, a broad smile on his face.“Here you go,” I hand the last cookie to the five year old girl missing her two front teeth. I didn’t ask how she was going to eat it, just her smile made my day.“Thank you, luna.” She gave me a toothless grin then ran off to stand beside the woman I assumed was her mother..I dust my hands on the kitchen towel before adjusting my blouse then I head toward Dylan who was standing by the bench in the playground. I feel a little giddy as I go up to meet him, it is not because of his presence but because today went so much better than expected.Delilah, who is an angel, told me the best way to get with the women of the pack is by getting through to their children first, making them like me. It is simple human math, you make someone’s kid like you and talk about you, their parents also warm up to you. I took her advice and decided to bake them cookies with Gertrude’s help of c
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29: Chokehold
FEYREI ball my hands into tights fists and bite my lips, forcing my feet to stay in place and not swivel to face Alpha Zade like I know they want to. My eyes meet with Dylan’s and there is humor dancing in his, his mouth twitches as he tries to keep his smile at bay.Thank God my heart is cooperating though. I haven’t seen him in days and this surprise appearance would have thrown me off.“Do you have anywhere else to go?” the question is not directed at me so I don’t bother replying or even acknowledging his presence. He wins if he gets a reaction from me.I keep repeating it to stop myself from just giving in and facing him. In truth, a part of me wants to, there is this really crazy part of my brain that wants to just see him. I tell myself it is because I want to see how miserable he looks but I know that is a lie, I’m not even going to try and think of why I actually want to see him.“No,” Dylan finally replies, looking over my shoulder.My breath catches in my throat when I fee
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30: Brute
ALPHA ZADEI always thought I had a good grasp of my control, but after being pushed to the wall one too many times by this woman, I am starting to see I’m pretty much a mere mortal like anyone else and that pisses the hell out of me.She tries to squirm but it is of no use, I let her have her fun and she should have known it wouldn’t last.“Let go of me you fucking brute,” she spits through gritted teeth and I roll my eyes. She is not even trying.“Fight harder,” I reply, sounding as bored as ever.She growled lowly, the sound gravelly and sexy but I know she is not aiming for the latter. Something sharp nips at the skin of my neck and the metallic smell of blood surrounds us. She broke skin.I still don’t move back. I mirror her hold on me, wrapping my hand around her neck. Her mouth opens and she lets out a choked sound. Images that should never associate with her flips through my mind, I push them away as soon as they come and with one last push against the hard surface, I release
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