All Chapters of The Rejected Luna's Return: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
148 Chapters
Chapter Forty
ELSA's POVI woke up to the sound of the door creaking open. The physician came in with a tray of medical supplies. I sat up on my bed, my eyes still swollen and my body still aching. I watched as the physician placed the tray on the table beside my bed and pulled up a chair to sit beside me.He began to examine my wounds, starting with the one on my forehead. He gently touched it, causing me to wince in pain. He apologized and then proceeded to clean it with some antiseptic. The smell of it was overwhelming, making me feel dizzy. He then wrapped a bandage around my head, making sure it was snug but not too tight.He then moved to my arm, which was bruised and swollen. He asked me to hold out my arm, which I did with some difficulty. He examined it, and I winced again when he touched a particularly tender spot. He muttered something under his breath and then began to apply some ointment to the bruise. The ointment was cool and soothing, and I felt some relief from the pain.He then mo
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Chapter Forty-one
ELSA's POV2 WEEKS LATER.I woke up the next morning feeling a bit sore from the previous day's events, but there was no time for rest. Gunther had ordered me to be punished, and I knew that I had to go through with it. I got up and dressed quickly, feeling a mix of shame and embarrassment as I put on my simple clothes. As I made my way down to the courtyard, I could feel eyes on me from every direction. The pack members who had gathered to watch my punishment made me feel like an outsider like I didn't belong. I tried my best to keep my head down and ignore their stares, but it was impossible not to feel the weight of their judgment.When I arrived at the center of the courtyard, I saw that they had set up a large wooden post with chains hanging from it. I knew that I would be chained to it and that the pack members would take turns delivering lashes to my back as punishment for my attempted escape.I took a deep breath and tried to steady myself as they chained me to the post. The
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Chapter Forty-two
I got up the next day to the same pains again, the welts were still so vividly red and raw. I shuddered at the sight and couldn't help but feel like I had been hit by a train. I was so sore and exhausted, but I knew I had to keep moving. I had to clean the community and do whatever else the pack needed of me.However, despite my to-do list, I couldn't shake off the need to speak to Nia. I needed to know how she was doing and if she was okay. I felt like I had let her down and I couldn't bear the thought of her being disappointed in me. But it seemed like every time I tried to find a moment to speak with her, something else came up.As I walked through the halls, I noticed that the pack members were giving me a wide berth. Some looked at me with pity while others looked at me with disgust. I felt like an outcast like I didn't belong. I was just a punishment to them, not a person.I finally found a moment to myself and I snuck away to the courtyard. When I reached the courtyard and saw
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Chapter Forty-three
I wake up feeling heavy and lethargic, my body refusing to budge from the soft sheets. The warmth of the sun seeps in through the window, casting a soft glow across the room. I blink my eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep that still lingers in them. But even as I sit up, I feel a dull ache in my head.I stretch, trying to ease the tension in my muscles, but it only seems to make it worse. I can feel the soreness in my arms and legs as if I've been working out too hard. But I haven't done anything to warrant this kind of exhaustion.As I sit up, I notice that I'm sweating profusely, my body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. I'm not even sure how long I've been asleep, but it doesn't feel like it's been enough. My mind is foggy, and I struggle to remember what I was thinking about before I drifted off.I glance at the clock on the wall, and it takes me a moment to focus on the numbers. It reads 10 am, but it feels like it should be much later in the day. I try to get up, but my body fe
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Chapter Forty-four
ELSA's POVI spent most of my time trying to find a new way to escape the Pack. I knew I had to be smarter this time, to have a foolproof plan. I spent hours on end pacing back and forth in my room, going over different scenarios in my head. I searched for weak spots in the Pack's security, trying to find a way out.I knew I couldn't just run blindly like I did before, I needed a solid plan. I looked out my window and studied the surrounding area, hoping to find a loophole in the security measures.As I sat in my room, I couldn't help but think about Nia. I missed her dearly and wished I could talk to her. But I knew it was risky, as any contact with her would only put her in danger. I had to be careful and not drag anyone else into my mess.But still, I couldn't help but feel so alone. The Pack was all I knew, but I couldn't stay here any longer. I needed to escape and start a new life, away from all of this.Days turned into weeks, and I still couldn't come up with a solid plan. I w
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Chapter Forty- five
I stood in the corner of the training room, panting heavily as I tried to catch my breath. My chest heaved with each labored breath, and my muscles ached from the intense training session I had just endured. I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked up, meeting the cold, steely gaze of Alpha Arthur."What were you thinking?" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You know the rules. No magic outside of class."I flinched at the tone of his voice, feeling the weight of his disapproval bearing down on me. I knew I had messed up, but I had never expected him to be so angry. I lowered my eyes, ashamed of my foolishness."I'm sorry, Alpha," I murmured, barely audible above the pounding of my own heart."Sorry isn't good enough," he snapped. "You know the consequences of breaking the rules. You will spend the next week in the cell, and if I catch you using magic outside of class again, you'll be in there for a month."My heart sank as I realized the severity of my punishment. A week in th
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Chapter Forty-six
Elsa's POVReading in a small cage was fun. At least I thought was. After my recent vendetta and disappointing outcome I decided it was time I stopped wasting my time and learn something, wouldn't hurt right? The walls were cold and the very flat sleeping bag I was given wasn't very ideal but it was useable. Nia had come to drop off some books for me. She left almost immediately doing so, no words were spoken. I knew I still owed her an explanation but it wasn't one I wanted to blurt out. She was great to bring me books and I was grateful for that.The books were in a physical fitness training genre and being in detention wasn't going to stop me from training with it. Nia knew that and it was probably why she gave the books to me.It was the fourth afternoon in and after intense self-training I decided to take a nap. As I fell deeper and deeper into slumber, I found myself in a very green area, probably an island because of the excess green leaves and red fruits. I was walking further
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Chapter Forty-seven
Nia's POV"What am I going to wear? I need something that spells change. I want something that can convince the alpha that I'm not going to run anymore." Elsa repeated for at least the fifth time since I stepped into her room. "You can wear anything you like, this dinner is just like the others, It's not a big deal." I tried reassuring her, I could see where she was coming from, and why she was anxious."No, I need to give the impression that I'm a changed person now. I have put everyone, especially the alpha and you through difficult times believe me when I say this is the very least of the things I plan to do to make it up to you guys." She said, pulling out a cute-looking sundress from her dresser. From the look on her face, it was obvious she had found the perfect dress to wear. I wasn't done talking though."Can I ask you a question?""Yes.""Where is the most important part of your body? That part that determines who you are?" I asked and Elsa thought for a while before answeri
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Chapter Forty-eight
Nia's POVTelling love stories was a hubby of mine, hobby Elsa asked me about my parents, and I dived into it."My dad is a singer. He still sings, that was how he met my mom. It all happened in a bar, he was the singer and she had just returned from wolfing camp, she wolfed out late. According to them, as soon as their eyes caught they both knew it was going to be a forever thing." I said, not being able to wipe out the smile that always cling on my face when I told the story. Elsa was smiling too. Who wouldn't? "Can I ask you a question?" Elsa asked, her smile dimming."Of course.""How did you meet the alpha? Was it an arranged Union? or did you meet the natural way?" "I would say a little bit of both, we were supposed to meet in a particular town, but before the day came we bumped into each other and felt a connection." I summarized. Elsa nodded slowly, deep in thought. "I know you think he isn't capable of expressing soft feelings, The alpha can be a softie, but when you have a
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Chapter Forty-nine
NIA'S POVThe whole pack was seated at the dining table just as Arthur had ordered. He'd said he had an urgent announcement to make. I for one, was curious to know what could have been the reason why we were all summoned. The last time something like this happened, it was to banish a member who had sold us out to the 'Rogue'. From everyone else's, I could tell they were probably thinking the same thing. Just then Arthur entered the large hall, his face was without expression. He sat down, his gaze down and unfocused. Something was up."Due to the last attack on us by the rogue, the number of our soldiers has been slashed. And it's a great risk that a great and enormous team like this one has very few protection forces, so for that, I'm bringing in a protection agency that would train our younger ones on how to fight. I have placed my attention to some people who have the interest to fight." He briefly looked at Elsa, then away almost immediately. The Beta nodded, showing his support.
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