All Chapters of Scarlett: The Rejected Omega: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
110 Chapters
My wish was granted
When I woke up that morning, the first thing on my mind was a refreshing bath. As I made my way to the bathroom, I was pleasantly surprised to find the maids had already prepared a warm bath for me. The steaming water welcomed me, and I took my time, allowing its soothing touch to awaken my senses.Once I was done bathing, I chose an elegant outfit from my wardrobe and carefully dressed myself. As I made my way towards Adolph's room, I couldn't help but wonder why he had summoned me so early in the morning. I entered Adolph's room and found him reclining on a comfortable chair, engrossed in a book I couldn't quite decipher from a distance. To my surprise, he was dressed casually, his usual authoritative aura seemingly replaced by a relaxed demeanor."Good morning, Scarlett," Adolph greeted me with a warm smile as he marked his page and closed the book. "I brought you here because I thought you might be bored at the palace. I have a plan to take you out today."His words caught me off
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Back to what I love
I eagerly resumed my work at the pack's clinic. As I stepped into the familiar surroundings, a sense of nostalgia and purpose washed over me. The pack's doctor, a respected figure within our community, greeted me with utmost honor and reverence. His eyes reflected the recognition of my position as the Luna, and he expressed his gratitude for my presence."I am truly honored to have you here in this clinic, Luna Scarlett," he said with genuine respect. "Your dedication and expertise are invaluable assets to our pack's healthcare. However, considering your status, I could assign you lighter tasks if you wish."I smiled warmly at the doctor, appreciating his kind intentions. "Thank you for your consideration, but I would like to be fully involved in the clinic's activities. I find great joy in helping others and being of service. Please treat me as you would any other member of the medical team."The doctor nodded, understanding the depth of my commitment. "Very well, Luna Scarlett. Your
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Tough times? Yeah?
I was about to leave for the pack's clinic, my mind filled with thoughts of the day ahead, when one of my maids hurriedly approached me. She looked flustered, as if she had something urgent to share. Curiosity piqued, I paused in my steps and looked at her expectantly."What is it?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of concern.The maid took a moment to catch her breath before speaking. "Scarlett, your friend is here," she announced, her words carrying a sense of excitement.My brows furrowed in confusion. Friend? I wondered who it could be. It had been a while since I had seen any of my close friends, considering the busy life I led as the Alpha's mate. With a mix of curiosity and anticipation, I followed the maid to the entrance of the palace.As I reached the entrance, my heart skipped a beat. Standing there, with a radiant smile on her face, was none other than Ella—my dearest friend. It had been far too long since we last met, and I could hardly contain my joy. With a rush of e
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Adolph's strange illness
I hurried down the familiar path towards the clinic, my heart pounding with a mixture of worry and urgency. The news of a devastating incident had reached my ears, a fire that had ravaged the home of a particular family in our pack while they were peacefully slumbering. The gravity of the situation was evident, with numerous casualties requiring immediate medical attention. As the Luna of the pack, it was my duty to ensure the welfare of my people, especially in times of crisis.As I approached the clinic, the chaotic scene unfolded before my eyes. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and despair, mingled with the urgency of medical staff tending to the wounded. My heart sank at the sight of the injured family members, their pain etched on their faces. I couldn't stand idly by, knowing that I had the power to make a difference.Turning to one of my maids, I instructed her to inform Alpha Adolph, about the situation. "Let him know that I won't be available for the next four days,"
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Stress Stress Stress
The next four days were a whirlwind of chaos and urgency. The clinic became a hub of activity as we worked tirelessly to provide care and support to the injured family. I found myself fully immersed in the role of a healer, stitching wounds, administering treatments, and comforting those in pain. The scent of antiseptic filled the air, intermingled with the faint lingering smell of smoke that seemed to cling to everything.As I moved from one patient to another, my heart ached for the pain they endured. They seemed so strong and were healing first due to the fact they were werewolves but they still gave a distressed look. With each passing day, I grew more connected to the plight of the injured family. At times, the weight of responsibility threatened to overwhelm me. The toll of sleepless nights and constant demands took its toll, both physically and emotionally. Finally, as the fourth day drew to a close, sense of accomplishment washed over me, mingled with exhaustion. I stood in
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Adolph is in danger?!
When I woke up, the first rays of sunlight were already streaming through the window, signaling that a new day had begun. I stretched my limbs and let out a yawn, feeling the warmth of the morning embrace me. As I made my way to the bathroom, the refreshing anticipation of a soothing bath energized my tired body. The water cascaded down my skin, washing away the remnants of sleep and rejuvenating my senses. Once I was dressed, I made my way to the pack's clinic. The pack's doctor greeted me with a warm smile as I entered the clinic. His eyes sparkled with gratitude, and his words resonated with sincerity as he thanked me for the assistance I had provided over the past few days. It was heartening to know that my efforts had made a difference, even in the face of adversity.Returning his smile, I expressed my gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of our pack.Walking through the clinic, I observed the patients I had been attending to over the past few days. To
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A calm night
I sat in my room, my nimble fingers meticulously knitting a bag that I planned to give the pack's doctor. The night was quiet, and the palace felt still and peaceful. I had finished knitting several scarves earlier but found myself unable to sleep, my mind restless with a sense of unfinished business.As I concentrated on my task, the rhythmic clicking of the knitting needles filled the room. The soft yarn slipped through my fingers, forming neat rows, as I focused on my craft. The moon cast a gentle glow through the window, illuminating the room with a serene light.Just as I was about to complete another row, a sudden knock on my door shattered the tranquil silence. Startled, I dropped my knitting needles, the yarn unraveled and rolled onto the floor. My heart skipped a beat, and my mind raced, wondering who could be visiting at such a late hour.My initial fear wrestled with my courageous spirit, urging me to face the unknown. Steeling myself, I rose from my chair and approached th
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The truth hides itself.
The golden rays of the morning sun peeked through the curtains, gently nudging Adolph awake from his slumber. He blinked sleepily, his mind slowly emerging from the depths of dreams. As he stirred, he glanced beside him, noticing that Scarlett still lay peacefully asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly slipped out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room.Adolph made his way to his own chamber, the events of the previous night still fresh in his mind. He needed to freshen up and dress before facing the challenges that awaited him in the palace. The warm water cascaded over his hands as he splashed his face, washing away the remnants of sleep and revitalizing his senses. He dressed quickly, preparing himself for the day ahead. Adolph strode confidently towards the quarters of his guards. As he approached, he noticed that they were just waking up, their eyes heavy with the remnants of sleep. Concern etched his face as he realized that they had failed to respond to his call for he
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False rumors
I blinked my eyes open, greeted by the gentle morning light streaming through the windows. As I realized it was already morning, a sense of urgency washed over me. Adolph had already risen from the bed, and I knew I needed to prepare for the day that lay ahead.With a quick pace, I made my way to the luxurious bathing chamber, where my maidservants had thoughtfully prepared everything for me. The warm water cascaded over my skin, refreshing and invigorating me. Once bathed and refreshed, I dressed in a simple yet elegant gown, the fabric cascading around me as I moved. Determined to join Adolph and support him in whatever way I could, I made my way through the palace halls, my steps filled with purpose.As I arrived at the gathering, I saw Adolph standing with Liam, his loyal advisor and friend. A sense of relief washed over me as I approached them, my gaze immediately falling on Adolph's injured hand. Concern etched across my face, I reached out, gently examining the bandaged wound.
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Darkness seems to be at the end of the tunnel
Adolph recognized the importance of finding the maid responsible for the treacherous act that had befallen the palace. Determined to uncover her identity, he called upon the most skilled artist in the Moonlight pack to aid in the search.As the artist stood before him, Adolph explained the gravity of the situation. "We need to find the maid who added the sleeping pill to the guards' food. She poses a threat to the pack and must be brought to justice."With a nod of understanding, the artist readied his tools, preparing to capture the likeness of the maid. Adolph turned to the head of the maidservants, his voice firm yet tinged with urgency. "Describe her to the artist. We need an accurate representation."The head of the maidservants stepped forward, her eyes filled with determination. She carefully described the girl's features—the shape of her face, the color of her hair, and the distinctive marks that adorned her skin. The artist listened attentively, their skilled hands ready to t
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