All Chapters of When Dreams Are Made: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
102 Chapters
A personal whore
Chapter 31Nancy was awakened by a nightmare that had her panting and sweating profusely. It took her a while to understand her surroundings and a while longer for her eyes to adjust to the light that was seeping in through the balcony door. Derek was not in bed or anywhere around the room which explained why the balcony door was opened. She must have slept for long because even victory was not in her usual spot in the room, the cat had gotten used to Mitchelle, probably because the woman gave it sweet treats each time she visited the kitchen.Nancy made to snap up and go close the window and only then did she realize she was naked. The memory of last night came rushing back to her and her lips curved in an embarrassed smile, they had finally consummated this marriage, she thought. But that smile disappeared when Nancy recalled with who and how she had lost her virginity. The fact that he forced her to his bed and gave her pleasure did not change anything between them, she knew that, s
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A special delicacy
Chapter 32Derek was pacing the length of the room by the time Nancy came in. Nancy had taken time to make sure she walked slowly in hopes that Derek would take the bait and leave her be because her own anger was on edge and just waiting to explode. No sooner had she opened the bedroom door than Derek dragged her into the room, letting go of her hands immediately she was inside. Nancy had to grab something to stop herself from falling while Derek stood back and watched her staring back and forth until she got her balance. "What is this about?" Nancy asked angrily the moment she got her breath. "I should be asking you that stupid question! What was that show you pulled in front of the guests? And why the hell is it so difficult for you to listen to instructions? Huh, why?" Derek said heatedly."What the hell are you talking about? I was nearly raped by those bastards in your hall and you come in and pretend indifference yet you stand there and shout for me?" "Really? You should be t
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The Master's stable
Chapter 33Nancy spent the rest of the day inside the room after Mitchelle and Rosey changed the sheets and left. Apart from the pains that tugged at her heart from the fight she had had with Derek and the embarrassment she felt over her maids, now turned friends knowing that she had lost her virginity, she felt happy. It was indeed a good thing considering that she had been close to losing her mind earlier. Derek had not returned since he left the room after their altercation and Nancy was glad. She did not dare go outside the room, not like she was afraid of what he was going to do if he found that she had left like he had said, but she was afraid of falling into another death trap. It was enough that she had narrowly escaped being mauled by those mighty men, unlike Derek had said, she wanted nothing to draw attention to herself. She was comfortable with being invisible and she wanted it to remain that way for as long as possible, not wanting to give the servants anything to talk a
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Chapter 34Derek made his way back to the bedroom with abrooding anger eating at him every step of the way. He gently opened the door to the room and went inside, not wanting to arouse his sleeping burden of a wife. A soft reddish glow from the candle by the bedside aided him in finding his her and he moved to her. Nancy was fast asleep on bed, wrapped up in the and curled under an old woolen blanket. Her elastic hair was loose and matted on the pillow around her, its thick rich ebony curls glowing from the firelight.The illumination from her long black lashes formed by the candle light shaded her cheeks, and her parted lips were moist like dewy pink rose petals. The sight of her so sweet and innocent in sleep stirred Derek's blood. In that instant, he totally forgot that she was a she-devil whenever she was not sleeping. Feeling hot himself, and in a bid to distract himself from his disturbing thoughts, he went over and opened the balcony door. He took a minute to take in the fresh
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Is this death?
Chapter 35If Nancy had fainted from that first slap, it would have been preferable for her because the pain that stung her cheek this time extended to her head, causing her an instant headache. The pain shot through her entire body before the belt landed on her side, a scream escaped her mouth without her realizing it, her eyes were still blurry from the first two slaps he had dealt her. She contemplated on begging him the moment the leather belt went up in the air again but she discarded that thought immediately, he might as well kill her, for she would rather die than apologize to him. "This is how a master treats a disobedient slave, Coffee. The next time you try to disobey me, you will remember it." Derek said as he raised the belt the second time.The belt landed again. In a bid to protect her face from the blow, it landed straight on her hand. Another scream accompanied the thrashing sound, she did not try to stop it this time. The pain was hell, her hand felt on fire from tha
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Let the play begin
Chapter 36The rest of the night was a sleepless one for everyone that had heard the commotion. Derek's brother, Daniel was careful not to touch Nancy's back when he carried her to the bed. She was placed flat on her stomach, it was a good thing the belt had not gone around to her stomach or her breasts, only one stroke had wound round neck, leaving a now swollen welt that was streaked with the now purple coloured blood on the surface. Derek watched from a distance, she was passed out cold on the bed. If she was dead, he could not tell. But the satisfaction he expected to feel was not there, there was no joy or happiness at what he had just done either, he could almost feel the guilt drumming in his heart. His own heart beat was accelerating by the minute as he watched them fuss over her. Had he not said he wanted her dead? He had told her that, and now she was lying there… dead or unconscious. But he felt nothing close to satisfaction. He watched on as Lucille, Daniels wife began t
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Chapter 37Laurel walked furiously out of the castle, she stopped to wait for Kristen at the gate."How did it go?" Kristen asked curiously."You would not believe he is telling me to be his Luna! If he was going to get someone to marry him, I am not one. He should go look for someone else" Laurel said angrily."How about the cure?" Kristen asked, unsure of what her sister was talking about."The cure? That was his excuse for me marrying him. He wants me to marry him in exchange for the cure" Laurel could still not believe she had heard Earl tell her that. "That sounds funny, Laurel, I just hope you are joking," Kristen laughed, waving her hands in the air."Oh! You think I am trying to make a joke out of this, right?" Laurel raised her brows at her."You really mean it? He asked to marry you?" Kristen asked in surprise."He did!" Laurel gathered her long dress around her, it was becoming more difficult for her to wear it these days, especially when everything seems to be turning aga
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Chapter 37The next few days in the house saw the end of the feast for the guest and the beginning of chaos for the inhabitants. For some reason, Nancy's fever only increased by the day, leaving Derek in a confused state of anger and guilt. Since she passed out that night, it was two days already and she had not woken up, even the sores on her back were beginning to close but the fever only burned stronger as the scalds disappeared on the open wound, almost like it was closing on the outside and opening on the inside. Derek spent the two days pacing his parlor, racing his horses in the morning or drinking himself to stupor. What manner of anger had possessed him to the point of beating a woman almost to death was something he was struggling to understand. He was not known to be so temperamental, especially not with women. But there were not many women around him, his mother knew him well and so there was never a need for him to be offended by her. Lucille, Daniel's wife rarely spent a
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A Nurse for his rebellious bride
Chapter 39Derek raced outside with a speed he could not comprehend, he snatched Night Walker, his stallion from the stable boy without another glance and urged the horse towards the road with a single pull at its reins. As if understanding its master’s mood, the horse took off with a matching speed . His mood was now worse than it had been before, this time panic and anger filled him like a cursed meal. Who would dare poison her? Who wanted her dead and right under his nose? It was not far fetched that his family thought he would do such a thing, had he given them reason to think otherwise? No, but that was not totally his fault and they wouldn't blame him but they should have known that being the simple man that he was, he wouldn't go through all that trouble just to get rid of his rebellious wife. Thinking about it now, Derek realized he didn't even want her gone, not dead anyway. She has been half dead for two days already, thanks to him and it already felt like his life lacked a
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Victory's meal
Chapter 40That night, Derek was careful not to disturb Nancy on the bed, he had woken up sometime that night unable to sleep. But he couldn't leave her side until she regained consciousness, he had promised that. So he spent the remaining of the evening reading in the room or glaring at Victory who wouldn't leave the room too. It was almost like the cat was aware that its owner was in danger because it kept crying and scratching at anything and anyone who came into the room.For the first time, Derek did not look at the cat with resentment, he realized he could even use its company as a distraction for his own thoughts. At intervals, the cat would stop and sit beside Nancy's bed, just staring blankly at her unconscious form and waiting for any form of movement. And after each effort to shout the consciousness into Nancy, the cat would begin screaming and screeching. He did not try to stop it, maybe the sound of the cat's cries might wake Nancy up since it was the only thing she held d
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